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Eduardo H. "Eddy" Cue (born October 23, 1964) is the Senior Vice President of Services at Apple. He was instrumental in creating the Apple online store in 1998, the iTunes Store in 2003 and the App Store in 2008.


Cue earned bachelor's degrees in computer science and economics at Duke University.[1][2][3]

Career at Apple[]

Cue joined Apple in 1989, where he was initially a manager of software engineering and customer support teams. In 1999, he convinced Apple to work with Akamai Technologies on new streaming functions for its QuickTime video software. He also played a key role in developing Apple's iLife suite of applications, iBooks, the iAd advertising service, and Apple's App Store of more than 700,000 applications.[4]

Cue is widely known at Apple for turning around troubled products, such as the MobileMe data syncing service, which became iCloud in 2011 and now has more than a quarter billion users. Likewise, Cue is famous for advising Jobs to consider creating a smaller version of the iPad based on his own experience with the product. While Jobs was originally against the idea, Tim Cook eventually agreed with the concept upon becoming CEO after Jobs' death.[5]


  1. Chan, Casey. Who Is Eddy Cue? The Guy Who Fixes All of Apple's Problems. Retrieved on December 18, 2017.
  2. Apple's Cue Seeks Overhaul of Maps Amid Duel With Google (November 28, 2012). Retrieved on December 18, 2017.
  3. Apple's Eddy Cue Joins Ferrari's Board of Directors. Retrieved on December 18, 2017.
  4. Lessin, Jessica E. (November 29, 2012). Eddy Cue: Apple's Rising Mr. Fix-It. Retrieved on December 18, 2017.
  5. 8 Things You Need To Know About Apple's Eddy Cue. Retrieved on December 18, 2017.

External links[]

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