德州小學槍擊21死 槍手暢通無阻進校園1小時後才被擊斃 家長曾苦求警方攻堅 | 最新調查細節披露,凶嫌竟在毫無阻礙狀況下,直接進入學校,與警方所稱一開始有員警試圖阻止的說法,大相逕庭 #德州 #槍擊 #YVOD | By Yahoo!奇摩新聞 | Facebook | It was reported that a school district police officer confronted the suspect that was making entry. Not angry. Once we interview all those officers, what they were thinking, what they did, why they did it, the video, the residual interviews, what a better idea. Could anybody have gone there sooner?