Almasty, la Dernière Expédition (Movie, 2009) -
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Almasty, la Dernière Expédition (2009)

Comedy | 79 minutes
1,75 2 votes

Genre: Comedy / Adventure

Duration: 79 minuten

Country: France

Stars: Isabelle Gélinas, Robin Renucci and Alain Dumas

IMDb score: 5,8 (23)


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Almasty, la Dernière Expédition plot

1989, in the Caucasus. Jacques Grangier and Célia Pitoef, two young cryptozoologists, are looking for the 'Almasty', the local yeti, which some people consider to be the very last living Neanderthal. They go to a funfair, where the frozen corpse of an 'Almasty' is on display. But Celia only has the general idea that the corpse of a red-haired woman was the reason that many people are lured to the fairground. Twenty years later, Cécilia returns to track down the 'Almasty' again, along with her daughter Pauline. Through her past investigation, she rediscovers a similar red-haired woman. Much to her surprise, this woman wants to talk, but only to Jacques Grangier.

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