Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 5 - TV Fanatic
Walter Flynn Contemplates - Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 5
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Tommy confronts D-Mac about killing Seamus and tells him to listen to him and lay low. Tommy also gets word that Diamond took care of Seamus’s body.

Jenard meets with what’s left of Treason, and they’re out of product. Jenard tells them to go to Yo-Yo, but Jenard is told everyone knows he’s using and won’t deal with him. Jenard asks them to stay loyal to him.

At the diner, Diamonds discovers his father, Big Sid, is in hospice care. Soon after, shooters come in and shoot at Diamond and several patrons before fleeing.

Mireya looks on happily at texts from Tommy while at the hospital before the victims of the shooting come in.

Tommy worries about the increased number of cops on the street when he visits Diamond at the shop. Diamond tells him about the shooting and says it was the RD’s who used to run with Jenard. He tells Tommy about once talking to their leader, King Kilo, about forming a coalition while they were in jail together and says he’ll reach out to Briggs to get in contact with him.

When Tommy sees D-Mac outside of the shop, he yanks him up and brings him back home. JP sees Tommy yelling at D-Mac and steps in, but Tommy tells him to trust him and keep D-Mac inside. Kate witnesses their conversation.

Vic and Claudia chat on the phone, and he tells her he set up a dinner with Walter for that evening. On his way to her apartment, he’s picked up by the FEDs.

Bobby and company tell Vic they have two eyewitnesses to his killing Collin, but he refuses to cooperate. Stacy then tells them to let Vic go as she explains to Bobby they’ll give Vic enough rope to hang himself.

D-Mac frets over Genesis, not answering his texts, and Kate, wondering what’s wrong with him, gives him some cash to get her some cigarettes so he can see Genesis, promising he’ll handle Tommy.

Jenard goes to Manny Fresh’s neighborhood and stakes two bricks and her chain off her after holding her at gunpoint in her car. When he later delivers the drugs to his guys, he tells them he got it from Miguel.

Vic meets with Claudia and Doyle to review the plan. At 9 o’clock, a team led by the assassin Big Red will come to the house to kill Walter. Vic is to keep him occupied until then and scatter before 9.

Briggs gives Kilo a burner phone in the jail, and he contacts Diamond. Diamond tells him he wants to start the coalition so there’s no more bloodshed, and they can all work together. Kilo says he’s in but wants half the distro in the jail, which prompts Tommy to hang up on him.

Diamond then tells Tommy he must handle D-Mac, or he will.

Mireya’s upset she lost a patient, and Kendall does little to help her. She then asks him if he loves her, and after he hesitates, she says she doesn’t love him either. Miguel witnesses Kendall grab Mireya’s arm outside the hospital as she breaks up with him.

Doyle and Claud hook up. And after, he tells her that she’ll never run the organization even once Walter is gone, as Dublin will work with Vic first.

Diamond calls Shanti to tell her to inform Jenard about Big Sid, which she does when he stops by the gym.

While visiting Big Sid, Diamond and his father argue, as Diamond laments looking out for himself because his father wasn’t around, and Sid blames him for Jenard being in the game.

Doyle tells Claudia that the team will hit Walter’s at 8:30 instead of 9 because of the fog, and he should tell Vic. However, when Vic checks in with Claudia after getting to the house and seeing Paulie there, she doesn’t tell him about the time change.

Jenard goes to the hospital, but he leaves when he sees Diamond with Big Sid.

JP confronts Tommy about him yelling at D-Mac, and Tommy tells him about D-Mac killing Seamus. JP blames Tommy initially, and Tommy tells him he has to end this for everyone and contacts Smurf.

At the Flynn house, Walter, Vic, and Paulie hear gunfire and see men approaching via the cameras. They grab weapons and head outside to face the men, resulting in a gunfight that sees Paulie killed before Vic and Walter are the last men standing.

Walter blames Claudia for betraying him, but Vic blames Walter for everything, and after Walter insults him, Vic shoots him in the abdomen before shooting him in the head.

Jenard tries to buy a bag of dope but misses out. He then approaches the man who’d gotten the last bag and offers up Manny Fresh’s chain in exchange for a bag. Jenard snorts the bag before the man injects him with dope for the first time.

Miguel and one of his men go to Kendall’s, where Miguel breaks both hands.

Vic waits outside the bar for Claudia, as the two were supposed to meet there to establish an alibi, but she never shows.

D-Mac gets picked up by Smurf and stuffed into a van with a bag over his head.

Tommy tells JP they can’t tell Kate the truth about D-Mac, or she’ll ruin things.

Vic goes to Claudia’s and tells them about the ambush, and Doyle wonders why he didn’t know about the time being moved up. Claudia then blames Doyle for not telling Vic and shoots him dead.

Still at the hospital with Sid, he and Diamond continue to talk, and he asks him to watch out for Jenard.

Tommy visits Diamond at the hospital and tells him D-Mac is gone. The two then decide to move forward with the coalition, with Tommy’s request that CBI supply the drugs in jail.

At the house, Kate tells Tommy she can’t find D-Mac, and he tells her that D-Mac is gone and not coming back, a fact that JP backs up, which causes her to freak out.

Jenard gets to the hospital after Sid has passed, and Diamond tells him that Sid apologized to him and said Jenard was his favorite. Diamond then tells Jenard he wants him back in CBI.

Upset about D-Mac, Kate relapses.

D-Mac is pulled from the back of the van by Smurf and takes a phone call from Tommy. Tommy tells him he’s going to stay away at a youth academy until Tommy thinks he can come home.

Vic meets with Stacy and tells her that he wants a new life out of the game and he’ll give her Claudia for complete immunity. She tells him for full immunity, he needs to infiltrate CBI and get him Tommy, which he agrees to.

Power Book IV: Force
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Power Book IV: Force Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

JP, you gotta trust me right now. The less you know about this situation, the better. Just stay here, all right? Look out for D-Mac. Make sure he stay in this house. As soon as I can tell you anything, I will. Aight?


Diamond: So, Tommy.
Tommy: Yeah?
Diamond: What'd you end up doing with D-Mac?
Tommy: I laid down the law on that motherfucker. Told him to lay low. Stay in the crib. That's it.
Diamond: That's what you call laying low?