Daisy Shah on Jaundice recovery: I cannot exert myself physically right now - Hindustan Times

Daisy Shah on Jaundice recovery: I cannot exert myself physically right now

ByNavya Kharbanda
Feb 08, 2024 03:04 PM IST

Actor Daisy Shah talks about recovering from Jaundice recently and completing 10 years in the industry as an actor.

Actor Daisy Shah reveals to us that she was diagnosed with jaundice recently and has been on the recovery journey ever since. “It is still going to take a little while to recover completely. I have no idea how this happened. I was suddenly feeling ill and had a little cold. Then, the temperature started going higher and got chills in the night. I thought that it was probably because of the cold, but health kept deteriorating too much in the next few days. So, I saw a doctor because it was not getting okay, and that’s when all the tests were done, and I was diagnosed with Hepatitis A,” she shares.

Daisy shah on jaundice recovery
Daisy shah on jaundice recovery

Despite the diagnosis, Shah opted for home care over hospital admission, stating, “It was not something that needed a hospital admission because it makes no sense, all they do is put you on a drip. I am at home but on a drip only. You just have to keep yourself hydrated and eat properly. You lose your appetite in this condition, but thankfully I have my family members with me who are sitting on my head and feeding me. You have to stay away from any kind of dairy products.”

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Besides her health, Shah also talks about completing a decade-long journey as an actor in the film industry this year. The 39-year-old expresses, “Honestly, if I have to be very honest, I have been a part of the industry for 24 years, so 10 years as an actor is no different for me. I am feeling as normal as I was earlier. I am lucky enough to have such an experience. It has given me a lot of things.”

“When I became an actor, I got a better standard of living and good recognition. But yes, it has been a great roller coaster ride,” she says, further adding, “COVID has taught me to be positive in every phase of your life because every negative has a positive aspect to it. There were many goals out of which few have been accomplished but some are still left.”

“Providing a good lifestyle for my family, a better place to live, and a better car to commute, these are some things that I have ticked. I do not have any expectations from outside but only me. I am the biggest project that I will ever work on,” ends the actor, who has three projects in the pipeline.

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