Book covers Houghton family's history in Corning

Book covers Houghton family’s history in Corning

Jeff Smith
From left, Tom Dimitroff, a local historian and author, Amo Houghton Jr., former Corning Glass Works chief executive officer and member of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Al Lewis, former City of Corning Mayor, stand together during a campaign walk. "The Houghtons of Corning, New York," written by Dimitroff, can be purchased at the Corning Museum of Glass Book & Media Store or directly from Dimitroff by calling 962-6745. The cost is $48.55 if picked up at the site or $56.95 for delivery.

CORNING - “The Houghtons of Corning, New York” recently published by local historian Tom Dimitroff, looks at how one family built a Fortune 500 company over ’five generations of brilliance,’ according to the writer.

Dimitroff told The Leader that the Houghtons, who built a small glass-making business into a Fortune 500 company, showed great loyalty to their community, their employees and their customers.

Amory Houghton Sr., a New England businessman, moved his glass-making business to Corning in 1868. Since that time, five successive generations of the family continued to build on that work, transitioning into a global tech giant.

“I think starting very early with the original Amory [Houghton], he taught the kids two thing that I think made the company and the community a success,” Dimitroff said. “He taught the kids that technology would save the day, and he also taught them that they needed to be active in the community.”

Dimitroff writes in the book how using those two key lessons, technology and a love for the community, Amory Houghton Jr., and Charles Houghton, sons of Amory Houghton Sr., the business, then called Corning Glass Works, continued to grow.

Dimitroff said the key lessons were used the most by Amory Houghton Sr., his wife Laura Richardson Houghton, and their two children, Amory “Amo” Houghton Jr. and James R. “Jamie” Houghton.

“They were more involved than anybody else,” Dimitroff said. “They just improved the quality of life here in Corning. I think Jamie, more than anything, believed that the better the community, the better chance of success for the company.”

Amo Houghton Jr., who passed away March 4, 2020, read the book prior to his death.

“Amo got to see the book and he really loved it,” Dimitroff said. “He was very gracious.”

Amo Jr. wrote a foreword to the book before his passing.

“Tom has asked me if I would say a few words about the book,” he wrote. “I’m honored for three reasons: one, I’m a big fan of Tom [Dimitroff]; two, I believe in our family; and three, I’m 90 and few people ask me to write anything about anything.”

Rob Houghton, son of Amo Houghton Jr., said he also enjoyed the book.

“I think it’s great,” said Rob Houghton. “I'm a little biased, obviously, being a family member. Even though I chose to go into education and not into the business, I am very proud of my family. I am very proud of what they have done in Corning. The book is an interesting story because it’s five generations, which usually isn’t the case.”

John Fox, second director of the Corning Glass Center, said he can never thank the Houghton family for all they did to make Corning a great place to live.

“The Houghtons may not have founded Corning, but this small city probably wouldn't still be here without them,” said G. Thomas Tranter Jr., former president of Corning Enterprises, the company’s economic development arm, which has been another key element of the company’s work in the city.. “Amory Houghton Sr., moved their fledgling glassmaking company to Corning in the mid-19th century, energizing the business and the local economy.”

Rob Houghton said the biggest factor for him is knowing his father's love and devotion to the City of Corning.

“In these uncertain and scary times, an important message for people to know -- the reason for the success of Corning Inc. -- is not just ... my family, but because of the ... hard-working, incredible people of Corning,” Rob Houghton said. “The book sort of gets it. That it's not just (the Houghtons), it's the connection between our family and this amazing City of Corning.”

Dimitroff said there have been several rumors over the years that Corning Glass Works, later Corning Inc., was going to leave the city.

“The big one was after the Agnes Flood [of 1972],” he said. “The rumor was Corning Glass Works was going to go. Amo got on the radio, saying ... ’Corning Glass Works is not leaving, we won’t leave.’”

Dimitroff said he thinks if people want to just how much the Houghton family did for Corning, they should take a look at the rest of the areas hardest-hit by the 1972 flood.

“I’ve always been very much in awe of what the Houghtons have done both for the company and the community,” Dimitroff said.

Dimitroff said he hopes his book helps readers take away a new appreciation of the Houghtons and their contributions to the world by showing “the success generated by high standards and values.“

Local historian and author Tom Dimitroff signs a copy of his book, "The Houghtons of Corning, New York," which will be sold at the Corning Museum of Glass Book & Media Store. Dimitroff called that a very appropriate site, because the museum site was given to the community by Amory Houghton and Arthur Houghton Jr.