The Meaning Behind The Song: Woman - Woman by Gary Puckett & the Union Gap - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Woman – Woman by Gary Puckett & the Union Gap

The Meaning Behind The Song: Woman – Woman by Gary Puckett & the Union Gap

Gary Puckett & the Union Gap’s hit song “Woman – Woman” was released in 1967 and reached number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song’s powerful lyrics and emotional melody have made it a classic, but what is the meaning behind this iconic song?

The Lyrics

The song’s chorus is perhaps the most memorable part of the lyrics:

” Woman, oh woman
Have you got cheating on your mind, on your mind?
Somethin’s wrong between us that your laugher cannot hide
And you’re afraid to let your eyes meet mine
And lately when I love you, I know you’re not satisfied”

These lyrics suggest that the narrator suspects his partner is cheating on him, and he is trying to confront her about it. The verses expand on this theme, with the narrator describing the ways in which he has noticed that his partner’s behavior has changed.

The Meaning

At its core, “Woman – Woman” is a song about suspicion, jealousy, and betrayal. The narrator is struggling with the realization that his partner may be cheating on him and is desperately searching for answers. The song taps into a universal feeling of vulnerability that most people have experienced in a relationship at some point.

It’s worth noting that the song’s title is somewhat misleading. While the lyrics address a woman in particular, the themes of suspicion and betrayal are universal and could apply to any gender.

The Impact

“Woman – Woman” was a massive hit for Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, and it helped establish their place in the pop music scene. The song’s emotional power and relatable themes have made it a fan favorite for decades.

In addition to its impact on the charts, “Woman – Woman” has also been covered by numerous artists in the years since its release. The song’s themes of jealousy and betrayal are timeless, and they continue to resonate with audiences today.

The Legacy

“Woman – Woman” is a classic example of a hit song that transcends its time. Despite being released more than 50 years ago, the song remains as relevant and emotionally resonant as ever.

The song’s impact extends beyond its status as a hit single. It has become a cultural touchstone for anyone who has ever felt the pain of betrayal or struggled with suspicion in a relationship.

Overall, “Woman – Woman” continues to be a powerful exploration of the human experience and a testament to the enduring power of great music.


1. Was “Woman – Woman” inspired by a real-life experience?

There’s no definitive answer to this question, as Gary Puckett & the Union Gap have never confirmed or denied whether the song was based on personal experiences. However, given the emotional power of the lyrics, it’s certainly possible that the song was inspired by real events.

2. Who wrote “Woman – Woman”?

The song was written by Jim Glaser and Jimmy Payne, two Nashville-based songwriters who have written numerous hits over the years. Puckett & the Union Gap discovered the song and decided to record it for their album “Woman, Woman.”

3. What other songs are Gary Puckett & the Union Gap known for?

The band had several other popular hits in the late 1960s, including “Young Girl,” “Lady Willpower,” and “Over You.”

4. Did the band have any other notable accomplishments during their career?

In addition to their success on the charts, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap were also known for their tight musicianship and dynamic live shows. They toured extensively throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s and were known for their energetic performances.

5. What kind of impact did “Woman – Woman” have on the pop music of the time?

The song’s impact was significant, as it helped establish Gary Puckett & the Union Gap as a major force in the pop music scene of the late 1960s. The song’s emotional power and relatable themes helped it connect with audiences from all walks of life.

6. Why do you think “Woman – Woman” has remained so popular over the years?

The song’s themes of suspicion, jealousy, and betrayal are timeless, and they continue to resonate with audiences today. Additionally, the song’s emotional power and relatable message have helped it become a classic hit that transcends its time.

7. Has “Woman – Woman” been covered by other artists?

Yes, the song has been covered by numerous artists over the years, including Engelbert Humperdinck, Etta James, and Johnny Mathis.

8. How did Gary Puckett & the Union Gap come up with their name?

The band’s name was reportedly inspired by a datebook that listed the Union Gap as a town in Washington state. The “Gary Puckett” part of the name was simply the lead singer’s name.

9. Are Gary Puckett & the Union Gap still performing today?

Yes, the band continues to perform live shows and has maintained a dedicated fanbase over the years.

10. What other songs should fans of “Woman – Woman” check out?

Fans of “Woman – Woman” might enjoy other classics from the era, such as “Norwegian Wood” by The Beatles, “Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding, or “Good Vibrations” by The Beach Boys.

11. What kind of impact did “Woman – Woman” have on the band’s career?

The song helped establish Gary Puckett & the Union Gap as major players in the pop music scene of the late 1960s. It also introduced the band’s sound to a wider audience and helped them build a loyal following.

12. What message do you think “Woman – Woman” has for listeners today?

The song’s themes of suspicion, betrayal, and emotional vulnerability continue to resonate with listeners today. The song reminds us that relationships can be complicated and that it’s important to confront our fears and insecurities head-on.

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