family - English-Spanish Dictionary -


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈfæmli/, /ˈfæmɪli/

US:USA pronunciation: IPAUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈfæməli, ˈfæmli/

US:USA pronunciation: respellingUSA pronunciation: respelling(famə lē, famlē)

Inflections of 'family' (n): npl: families

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
family n (parents and children)familia nf
 She grew up in a happy family. Brian's family are not wealthy, but they live comfortably.
 Ella creció en una familia feliz.
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Additional Translations
family adj (of a family)familiar adj
 Sunday is a family day.
 El domingo es un día familiar por excelencia.
family adj (belonging to a family)familiar adj
 This clock is a family heirloom.
 Este reloj es una reliquia familiar.
family n (clan, extended)familia nf
Note: Es más común usar el término "apellido" al referirse a "family name".
 He's always defending his family's name.
 Siempre está defendiendo el buen nombre de su familia.
family n (class, group)género nm
 Techno and hip-hop belong to the same family of music.
 Tecno y hip hop pertenecen al mismo género musical.
family n ([sb]'s children)familia nf
  (ES, coloquial)prole nf
 That couple is planning a large family.
 Esa pareja está planeando formar una familia grande.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Tienen una prole muy numerosa.
family n (lineage)estirpe nf
 She comes from a noble, ancient family.
 Ella proviene de una estirpe noble y antigua.
family n (biology: subdivision) (biología)familia nf
 Tigers are part of the cat, or felidae, family.
 Los tigres forman parte de la familia de los gatos o félidos.
family n (linguistics: category)familia nf
 Basque is not part of the Indo-European family of languages.
 El vasco no forma parte de la familia lingüística indoeuropea.
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Compound Forms:
baby of the family n (youngest child)benjamín nm
  el pequeño grupo nom
banana family (botany)bananoides nmpl
  grupo de familias musoides nm + loc adj
blended family (family composition)familia ensamblada nf + adj
cat family n (felines)familia de los felinos grupo nom
 The lion is a member of the cat family.
 El león y la pantera pertenecen a la familia de los felinos.
elm family n (plant group) (grupo de plantas)ulmáceas nfpl
extended family n (relatives)familia extensa, familia ampliada loc nom f
 I only see my extended family at Christmas time.
 Solo veo a mi familia extensa en época navideña.
fact family n (set of number bonds)familia de operaciones loc nom f
family album n (photos of a family)álbum familiar nm + adj mf
 There are few pictures of my dad in my family album.
 En el álbum familiar hay muy pocas fotos de mi papá.
family allowance n UK, dated, often plural (social security benefit)prestación familiar nf + adj mf
  asignación familiar nf + adj mf
  complemento familiar nm + adj mf
  subsidio familiar nm + adj mf
Note: "Child benefit" is now used instead of this term.
family business n (company owned and run by a family)negocio familiar nm + adj mf
 Eventually, his son will take over the family business.
 Eventualmente su hijo se hará cargo del negocio familiar.
family circle n (members of family)núcleo familiar nm + adj mf
  entorno familiar nm + adj mf
  círculo familiar nm + adj mf
family company n (business: family-owned)empresa familiar nf + adj inv
family counseling (US),
family counselling (UK)
(therapy and guidance for families)terapia familiar nf + adj mf
 El juez ordenó tres meses de terapia familiar, reevaluará el caso cuando se haya cumplido.
family court,
also US: court of domestic relations,
domestic-relations court
(law)tribunal familiar nm + adj mf
  tribunal de familia nm + loc adj
family crest n (coat of arms)escudo de armas familiar grupo nom
  blasón familiar nm + adj mf
family destination n (vacation spot for families)destino vacacional para la familia grupo nom
Family Division n UK (law: of the High Court)translation unavailable
family doctor,
family physician
mainly US (GP: physician who treats all ages)médico de cabecera, médica de cabecera loc nm, loc nf
  médico clínico, médica clínica loc nm, loc nf
family estate n (property passed down in a family) (tierra)finca familiar nf + adj mf
  (propiedades)patrimonio familiar nm + adj mf
 La finca familiar es del siglo pasado.
family feud n (argument within a family)discordia familiar nf + adj mf
  disputa familiar nf + adj mf
family friend n (friend of your family)amigo de la familia grupo nom
 Es un amigo de la familia desde hace años.
family guy n US, informal (loving husband and father)hombre de familia grupo nom
family jewels,
also UK: crown jewels
slang (male genitals) (coloquial)bolas, pelotas nfpl
  (vulgar)huevos nmpl
family law n (law: for domestic relations)Derecho de Familia n propio m
  Derecho Familiar n propio m
family leave n (to care for baby or [sb] ill)licencia familiar nf + adj
family life n (how a family lives, interacts)vida en familia grupo nom
  vida familiar nf + adj mf
family man n (married man with children)padre de familia loc nom m
family man n (man devoted to family)hombre de familia nm + adj mf
  hombre de su casa nm + loc adj
family meal n (dinner eaten at home with family)comida familiar nf + adj mf
 En casa era la norma: durante la comida familiar el televisor se apagaba.
family meal n (large meal from restaurant)comida para compartir nf + loc adj
  porción familiar nf + adj mf
  comida abundante nf + adj mf
family member n (close relative)familiar nm
 Your friends and family members are welcome to join us. The nurse said only family members were allowed to see the patient.
 Tus amigos y familiares son bienvenidos.
  miembro de la familia grupo nom
 Tus amigos y los miembros de tu familia son bienvenidos.
family name n (surname, last name)apellido nm
 He's the last surviving male so it's his task to carry on the family name.
 Es el último hombre en la familia, así que su tarea es continuar el apellido.
family party n (gathering of family members)reunión familiar nf + adj mf
family party n (group made up of family members)partido familiar nm + adj mf
family plan (family air fare) (pasajes aéreos)plan familiar nm + adj mf
family planning n (use of contraception)planificación familiar nf + adj mf
 You're not pregnant again, are you? Have you never heard of family planning!
 No estás embarazada de nuevo, ¿no? ¿Nunca escuchaste de la planificación familiar?
Family Planning Association n UK (charity promoting reproductive health)Asociación de Planificación Familiar n propio f
family practice n (medical specialization) (especialización)medicina familiar loc nom f
  medicina clínica loc nom f
family restaurant n (eatery suitable for children)restaurante familiar nm + adj mf
family restaurant n UK (eatery owned and run by a family)restaurante familiar nm + adj mf
family reunion n (relatives: get-together)reunión familiar nf + adj
  (ES)quedada en familia nf + loc adj
 My brother-in-law is visiting from Australia next week, so we're all getting together for a family reunion.
 Mi cuñado viene de Australia a visitarnos, así que vamos a organizar una reunión familiar.
family room n US (living room, lounge) (AR, voz inglesa)living nm
 We have a big-screen TV in our family room. I love to sit in the family room and read a good book all day.
 Tenemos un plasma en el living.
  (MX)sala nf
  sala de estar loc nom f
 Tenemos una TV de plasma en la sala
family size n (number of people in a family)tamaño de la familia nm + loc adj
  número de familiares nm + loc adj
family-size n as adj (food: enough for several people)tamaño familiar loc adj
  familiar adj mf
family-size n as adj (large enough for several people)de tamaño familiar loc adj
family style (serving platters on table)estilo familiar nm + adj mf
family tension n (hostility within a family)tensión familiar nf + adj mf
 My mother disinherited my older brother and that has caused family tension.
  discordia familiar nf + adj mf
family ties npl (closeness to relatives)lazos familiares nmpl + adj mf
 We all live far apart but our family ties are still strong.
 Todos vivimos lejos, pero nuestros lazos familiares siguen siendo fuertes.
family time n US (time spent with family)hora familiar nf + adj mf
family tree n (genealogical chart)árbol genealógico nm + adj
 My sixteen great-great-grandparents sit at the top of my family tree.
 Mis dieciséis tatarabuelos están en la cima de mi árbol genealógico.
family values npl (belief in traditional family unit)valores familiares nmpl + adj mf
 Family values is often a code phrase to justify bigotry.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Algunos los llaman "valores familiares", para mí no es más que puritanismo.
family owned
(belonging to a family)propiedad familiar nf + adj mf
  de la familia loc adj
Note: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.
(food: enough for several people)de tamaño familiar loc adj
  familiar adj mf
(large enough for several people)de tamaño familiar loc adj
  familiar adj mf
figwort family n (plant group)angiosperma herbácea loc nom f
foster family n (family who adopt a child temporarily)familia de acogida nf + loc adj
  familia adoptiva nf + adj
 Lorraine was brought up by her foster family.
 A Lorraine la crió su familia de acogida.
four-o'clock family n (plant group)nictaginácea nf
FPA n UK (Family Planning Association)asociación de planificación familiar loc nom f
GP n UK, colloquial, initialism (doctor: general practitioner)médico de cabecera, médica de cabecera loc nm, loc nf
  médico de familia, médica de familia loc nm, loc nf
 When is the last time you saw your GP for a physical exam?
 ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que viste a tu médico de cabecera para hacerte un examen físico?
grass family n (botany: narrow-leaved plants)gramíneas, poáceas nfpl
happy family,
grey-crowned babbler
AU (bird native to Australia)gárrulo coronigrís loc nom m
happy family,
apostle bird
UK (crowlike bird)corvino apóstol loc nom m
Holy Family (religion: artistic representation)Sagrada Familia n propio f
host family n (family one lodges with)familia anfitriona nf + adj
  familia de acogida nf + loc adj
 My host family made me feel very welcome. We played host family to an exchange student from Germany.
 Mi familia anfitriona me hizo sentir muy bienvenida.
immediate family n (parents, siblings, children)familia directa loc nom f
  familia inmediata loc nom f
 Although I had confided in an uncle and a distant cousin, my immediate family knew nothing about my plans.
 Aunque se lo había contado a mi tío y a un primo lejano, mi familia directa no tenía ni idea de mis planes.
in the family way,
in a family way
euphemism (pregnant)embarazada adj
 Rob put his girlfriend in the family way.
large family n (family with many children)familia numerosa nf + adj
 As the oldest child in a very large family she never wanted kids of her own.
 Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Se considera familia numerosa la integrada por uno o dos ascendientes con tres o más hijos, sean o no comunes, o dos hijos si uno es discapacitado.
leadwort family n (plant group)Plumbago n propio m
legume family n (plant group)leguminosas nfpl
  fabáceas nfpl
linden family n (plant group)tilos nmpl
madder family n (plant group)rubia nf
magnolia family n (plant group)magnolia nf
mahogany family n (plant family)caoba nf
mallow family n (plant group)malva nf
maple family n (plant group)arce nm
milkweed family n (plant family)algondoncillo nm
mint family n (plant group)menta nf
mulberry family (botany) (botánica)morácea nf
mustard family n (plant group)crucífera nf
myrtle family n (plant group)mirto nm
  arrayán nm
nettle family n (plant group)ortiga mayor loc nom f
  ortiga verde loc nom f
noble family n (aristocratic background)familia aristocrática nf + adj
 Cuesta creer que sea de familia aristocrática, me pareció de lo más vulgar.
nuclear family n (parents and children)familia nuclear nf + adj mf
  familia tradicional nf + adj mf
 A nuclear family means two parents and their children.
 Una familia nuclear son dos padres y sus hijos.
olive family n (plant group)oleácea nf
orchid family n (plant group)orquídea nf
palm family n (plant group)palmera, palma nf
pepper family n (plant group)chile nm
  ají nm
  pimiento nm
phlox family n (plant group)phlox nm
pine family n (plant group)pinácea nf
pink family n (plant group)caryophyllaceae nf
poppy family n (plant group)papaverácea nf
primrose family n (plant group)primulácea nf
purslane family n (plant group)portulacaceae nf
quassia family n (plant group)quassia nf
raise a family v expr (bring up children)formar una familia loc verb
  educar a los hijos loc verb
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'family' aparece también en las siguientes entradas:
In the English description:

Collocations: a [large, small, close, distant] family, a [devoted, real] family [man, guy], a [member, part] of the family, more...

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