How To Find The Day That You Joined Twitter (And See Your Very First Tweet)

How To Find The Day That You Joined Twitter (And See Your Very First Tweet)

How To Find The Day That You Joined Twitter (And See Your Very First Tweet)

So you want to know the day that you joined Twitter? And maybe you’d like to see your first tweet?

Here’s how to do both in one go, courtesy of those fine folks at Topsy.

1. Go to Topsy

2. Click on the Tweets option above the search bar

3. In the search bar, enter from:username, where username is your Twitter username (without the @ symbol)

How To Find The Day That You Joined Twitter (And See Your Very First Tweet)

4. Click the search icon

5. On the Latest Results menu on the left sidebar, choose All Time

6. In the Sort by drop down menu on the top of the screen (next to the search box), select Oldest

How To Find The Day That You Joined Twitter (And See Your Very First Tweet)

Voila. There’s your first ever tweet. Pretty disappointing, right? Don’t worry – everybody’s is. To find the day that you joined Twitter – and, you’ll forgive me, but this makes the (somewhat reliable) assumption that you sent your first tweet on the day that you joined (and didn’t delete it) – simply click the date below your first tweet on the Topsy results (which will say something like “X years ago”). Your tweet will load up on Twitter and you can see the date (and time) right there.

Here’s mine (and my first tweet) on March 8, 2008.

You see? Terrible.

You can use Topsy to find more of your first tweets, or the first tweets of any Twitter user you like. For example, here are the first tweets of TechCrunch, the New York Times, President Obama and Twitter themselves.