The Best '60s Comedy Movies, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated June 2, 2024 66.0K views 79 items
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Vote up your favorite film comedies that were released in the 1960s.

Immerse yourself in a trip down memory lane, stepping back into the groovy era of 1960s comedy movies. A period of bold experimentation and boundless creativity, the '60s set the stage for laughter, levity, and comedic brilliance that have left indelible imprints on the cinematic landscape. These classic comedies, products of a vibrant era, gave audiences respite from the weight of the real world, serving up generous doses of humor, witty dialogues, and captivating performances.

Prepare to delve deep into the celluloid world of 60s comedy, where every frame, scene, and dialogue is infused with rib-tickling humor and timeless entertainment. The spotlight shines brightly on the era's standout films, each marked by their unique blend of humor, engaging narratives, and remarkable performances. Each film encapsulates the comedic essence of the 60s, boasting scores of legendary actors who masterfully breathed life into unforgettable characters and plots.

Take, for instance, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, a treasure trove of comedy belting out hilarious gags and unmatched spontaneity, reflecting the quintessential spirit of 60s comedy. Or The Odd Couple, which won hearts universally with its witty repertoire, proving that sometimes, laughter indeed is the best medicine. Meanwhile, classics like The Pink Panther and Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, are odes to the art of old comedy movies, garnering acclaim for their perfect blend of satire, slapstick, and subtlety. Unforgettably, Mary Poppins, with its whimsical charm and heartwarming humor, also emerges as a shining gem of 1960s comedies. For those eager for immediate viewing, Netflix, Disney+, Max, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Paramount+ are just a click away under every entry.

The compelling world of 1960s comedy movies compiles an extraordinary array of laughter-inducing films guaranteed to stir nostalgia and delight. From silent chuckles to boisterous laughs, these classic comedies have left a lasting legacy, influencing generations of filmmakers and actors. As this cinematic journey unfolds, prepare to embrace the charm, wit, and humor of some of the best 60s movies ever made - timeless classics that truly encapsulate the golden age of comedy.

Most divisive: Bedazzled
Over 1.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best '60s Comedy Movies, Ranked
  • It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
    Spencer Tracy, Edie Adams, Milton Berle
    360 votes

    Featuring an all-star ensemble cast, this comedic masterpiece tells the story of a group of strangers who embark on a wild cross-country race to recover buried treasure after receiving a cryptic clue from a dying man. With its breakneck pace, slapstick humor, and big-budget action sequences, this epic caper served as a massive influence on future comedy films and remains a fondly remembered classic to this day. Director Stanley Kramer's expert blending of physical comedy and witty banter makes this chaotic adventure a timeless romp that continues to resonate with audiences.

  • The Odd Couple
    Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, John Fiedler
    285 votes

    This hilarious film adaptation of Neil Simon's Broadway play revolves around two friends with clashing personalities — a fastidious neat-freak and a laid-back slob — who decide to live together after their respective marriages fail. The chemistry between Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau onscreen generated endless laughs, establishing the duo as one of the most beloved comedy pairings in cinema history. With its relatable characters and timeless themes, this classic remains a go-to favorite for fans seeking brilliant humor rooted in human dynamics.

  • Support Your Local Sheriff!
    James Garner, Joan Hackett, Walter Brennan
    230 votes

    This uproarious western comedy stars James Garner as a quick-witted drifter who takes on the job of sheriff in a chaotic frontier town, using his wits and cunning to maintain order while trying to stay one step ahead of a powerful family of outlaws. Filled with laugh-out-loud dialogue and clever sight gags, this hilarious spoof of the traditional western film established Garner as a leading comedic actor and remains a rollicking ride for fans of high-spirited humor. With its stellar cast, snappy pace, and pitch-perfect comic timing, this gem of a film is a must-see for anyone looking to explore the lighter side of the Wild West.

  • The Pink Panther
    Peter Sellers, David Niven, Robert Wagner
    314 votes

    Centered around the clumsy-yet-lovable Inspector Jacques Clouseau, this delightful comedy sends the bumbling detective on a mission to recover the eponymous stolen gemstone while evading rival investigators and various attempts on his life. Peter Sellers' iconic portrayal of Clouseau became the defining role of his career, and his comic timing and effortless slapstick skills are showcased brilliantly throughout the film. This spy spoof and its numerous sequels remain beloved for their perfect blend of wit, visual gags, and memorable characters.

  • The Parent Trap
    Hayley Mills, Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith
    217 votes

    A heartwarming and humorous tale of twin sisters separated at birth, this family comedy follows the siblings as they plan to reunite their divorced parents by trading places and pretending to be each other. With young Hayley Mills starring in both roles, her magnetic screen presence and charming portrayal of the determined sisters made the film an instant classic. The whimsical humor and relatable themes of love, family, and second chances still strike a chord with audiences of all ages.

  • Mary Poppins
    Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke, Glynis Johns
    282 votes

    This enchanting family film follows the magical nanny Mary Poppins as she arrives to bring order, adventure, and laughter to the lives of the Banks family. A delightful blend of live-action and animation, this cherished classic is filled with memorable songs, whimsical dance numbers, and impeccable comedic performances from Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. Its ability to capture the hearts of both children and adults with its timeless charm and warmth has solidified it as a beloved staple of the genre.

  • The Jungle Book
    Phil Harris, Sebastian Cabot, Louis Prima
    207 votes

    Featuring catchy songs and endearing characters, this animated adventure follows a young boy named Mowgli who is raised by animals deep in the jungle and must ultimately face the menacing tiger Shere Khan. With its lively animation and humorous interplay between the characters, the film swiftly became a beloved Disney classic that resonates with all generations. Its blend of heart, adventure, and comedy, underscored by the unforgettable tunes, makes it a timeless masterpiece for viewers of all ages.

  • The Great Race
    Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Natalie Wood
    232 votes

    Inspired by the true events of an early 20th-century automobile race from New York to Paris, this slapstick comedy features a colorful cast of characters who each hope to claim victory in the high-stakes competition. With an engaging blend of humor, adventure, and romance, the film captures the spirit of the bold automobile races of the era while providing a rollicking good time for audiences. The film's dazzling stunts, elaborate props, and screwball comedy make it a fun-filled romp that stands the test of time.

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
    Bill Melendez, Peter Robbins, Geoffrey Ornstein
    240 votes

    In this heartwarming animated special, Charlie Brown tries to find the true meaning of Christmas amid the overwhelming commercialism of the holiday season. With a touching storyline, tender character moments, and a now-iconic jazz score by Vince Guaraldi, this beloved classic has become an integral part of seasonal TV programming. Its enduring charm and sincerity make it a cherished favorite for generations of viewers seeking a dose of holiday spirit with a humorous touch.

  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
    Dick Van Dyke, Sally Ann Howes, Lionel Jeffries
    213 votes

    This fantastical family musical follows the adventures of a quirky inventor and his children as they soar through the skies in their magical flying car in search of a kidnapped grandfather. Filled with whimsy, memorable songs, and unforgettable characters, the film captures the imagination with its blend of comedy, adventure, and romance. The combination of vivid storytelling, dazzling special effects, and the irresistible charm of its lead characters make it a beloved experience for viewers of all ages.

  • Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
    Boris Karloff, June Foray, Hal Smith
    219 votes

    Based on the beloved children's book, this animated special centers around the green and grouchy Grinch who, frustrated by the jubilant holiday celebrations in nearby Whoville, devises a scheme to steal Christmas from the unsuspecting townsfolk. With its smooth animation, catchy tunes, and Boris Karloff's memorable narration, this timeless classic has become a holiday staple that continues to delight viewers young and old. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the power of Dr. Seuss' charming story and the captivating characters that inhabit it.

  • It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
    Lisa DeFaria, Christopher Shea, Bill Melendez
    206 votes

    In this Halloween-themed animated special, the Peanuts gang embarks on various spooky adventures, with Linus steadfastly holding out hope for a visit from the mysterious Great Pumpkin. Witty dialogue, heartwarming moments, and a healthy dose of sincerity have cemented this delightful tale as a holiday classic among fans. Its enduring charm and appeal remind viewers of the simpler joys of childhood and the magic of believing in something bigger than oneself.

  • A Shot in the Dark
    Peter Sellers, Elke Sommer, George Sanders
    199 votes

    A sequel to The Pink Panther, this riotous comedy once again follows Inspector Clouseau as he investigates a high-profile murder case while struggling to keep his own misadventures under wraps. Peter Sellers' comedic genius is on full display in his iconic portrayal of the bumbling detective, making the film an essential entry in the series. Masterfully blending slapstick, wit, and clever sight gags, this film remains a testament to the timeless appeal of its central character and the comedic talent that brought him to life.

  • Father Goose
    Cary Grant, Leslie Caron, Trevor Howard
    180 votes

    Set during World War II, this spirited comedy stars Cary Grant as a reclusive beachcomber who is reluctantly recruited by the British Royal Navy to help rescue a stranded French schoolmistress and her female students from a remote island. The film's compelling blend of romance, adventure, and humor showcases Grant's comedic prowess and his engaging chemistry with costar Leslie Caron. With its lively pacing, witty banter, and enjoyable story, this feel-good comedy remains a favorite among fans of classic cinema.

  • Charade
    Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Matthau
    169 votes

    In this stylish caper, Audrey Hepburn plays a young woman who unknowingly becomes entangled in a dangerous web of deceit after her husband is murdered, while suave Cary Grant tries to keep her safe and track down the stolen loot. With its clever twists, engaging dialogue, and glamorous Parisian backdrop, this sophisticated comedy-thriller keeps audiences guessing until the very end. Its crackling chemistry between the leads and deft blend of humor, suspense, and romance make it an enduring hit to this day.

  • My Fair Lady
    Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison, Stanley Holloway
    189 votes

    Based on the popular stage musical, this vibrant film adaptation tells the story of a phonetics professor who undertakes a bet to transform a Cockney flower girl into a refined lady within six months. Starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison, this delightful tale of love, class, and transformation is filled with witty banter, beautiful set pieces, and unforgettable songs that continue to charm audiences today. Its grand scope, sumptuous visuals, and endearing characters make it a timeless piece of cinematic brilliance.

  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
    256 votes

    Stanley Kubrick's pitch-black satire focuses on a group of military and political leaders trying to prevent a catastrophic nuclear war after a rogue US Air Force general orders an unauthorized nuclear strike on the Soviet Union. The biting wit and sharp commentary on the absurdity of Cold War-era paranoia showcased in the film have made it a cult classic among cinema enthusiasts. With its stellar cast led by Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, and Sterling Hayden, this masterpiece brilliantly balances hilarity with chilling insight into humanity's potential for self-destruction.

  • The Producers
    Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Dick Shawn
    204 votes

    This satirical comedy follows the misadventures of a washed-up Broadway producer and his meek accountant as they concoct a scheme to get rich by purposely producing a guaranteed flop of a musical about Adolf Hitler. Written and directed by comedy legend Mel Brooks, this uproarious film showcases his trademark wit, absurdity, and irreverence. With its unforgettable performances from Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder, along with a delightfully outrageous storyline, this classic continues to delight viewers and serve as a masterclass in cinematic humor.

  • The Apartment
    Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Fred MacMurray
    198 votes

    This darkly comedic tale revolves around an ambitious worker who climbs up the corporate ladder by allowing higher-ups to use his apartment for their extramarital affairs. Directed by Billy Wilder, the film masterfully highlights the complexities of love, infidelity, and morality, with powerful performances by Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. As a delightful and insightful commentary on the human condition, it remains an essential watch for any cinema lover.

  • How to Steal a Million
    Audrey Hepburn, Peter O'Toole, Eli Wallach
    146 votes

    A charming romp starring Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole, this heist caper follows the daughter of an art forger as she enlists the help of a thief to steal a statue created by her father before its authenticity is exposed. Directed by William Wyler, the film is a sophisticated blend of humor, romance, and suspense, showcasing the onscreen chemistry between its two leads. With a tight script, stunning cinematography, and impeccable comedic timing, it's a delightful cinematic gem.

  • McLintock!
    John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Yvonne De Carlo
    157 votes

    This western comedy stars John Wayne as a wealthy cattle baron who tries to maintain control over his family and empire while fending off competing suitors and navigating various misunderstandings. Co-starring Maureen O'Hara, the film is a rollicking good time filled with slapstick humor, colorful characters, and memorable one-liners. As a lighthearted romp with undeniable onscreen chemistry between its leads, it serves as a uniquely entertaining entry in the western genre.

  • The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming
    Carl Reiner, Alan Arkin, Eva Marie Saint
    181 votes

    Directed by the talented Norman Jewison, this satirical farce portrays a Soviet submarine accidentally running aground near a small New England town, sparking mass hysteria among the residents. The all-star ensemble cast, including Alan Arkin, Carl Reiner, and Eva Marie Saint, delivers compelling performances marked by quick-witted dialogue and hilarious misunderstandings. It beautifully captures the Cold War paranoia of the time while delivering endless laughs throughout its runtime.

  • Send Me No Flowers
    Rock Hudson, Doris Day, Tony Randall
    126 votes

    This screwball comedy stars Rock Hudson, Doris Day, and Tony Randall in a tale about a hypochondriac who mistakenly believes he's dying and attempts to find a new husband for his wife before he passes away. Directed by Norman Jewison, the film is a delightful showcase of comedic talent, filled with witty dialogue and hilarious misunderstandings. With its strong cast and clever script, it remains a favorite among fans of classic Hollywood comedies.

  • Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines
    Stuart Whitman, Sarah Miles, James Fox
    160 votes

    Set in the early days of aviation, this British comedy is centered around an international air race from London to Paris, featuring a diverse group of eccentric pilots and their equally peculiar aircraft. Directed by Ken Annakin, the film offers a delightful blend of humor, adventure, and historical satire, with standout performances from an ensemble cast that includes Sarah Miles, Terry-Thomas, and Robert Morley. For its visually stunning aerial sequences and timeless comedic charm, it remains a crowd-pleasing favorite.

  • The Love Bug
    Dean Jones, Michele Lee, David Tomlinson
    71 votes

    Featuring an anthropomorphic Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie, this family-friendly Disney comedy is all about the unlikely relationship between a struggling race car driver and his sentient car. The duo embarks on a series of comedic adventures and misadventures, ultimately culminating in a thrilling car race. With its mixture of slapstick humor and endearing sentimentality, it's a delightful film that has been cherished by generations.

  • That Darn Cat!

    That Darn Cat!

    Hayley Mills, Dean Jones, Dorothy Provine
    78 votes

    This Disney comedy tells the story of a mischievous feline who helps a pair of FBI agents solve a kidnapping case, much to the chagrin of his aloof owner. Starring Hayley Mills and Dean Jones, the film is a frothy blend of slapstick humor, family-friendly adventure, and heartwarming sentimentality. With its clever premise, charismatic performances, and endearing charm, it has earned a fond place in the hearts of Disney fans everywhere.

  • The Music Man
    Robert Preston, Shirley Jones, Buddy Hackett
    155 votes

    This iconic musical comedy, based on the Broadway hit, tells the story of a traveling salesman and con man who inspires a sleepy Iowa town to invest in a boys' band, all while trying to avoid exposure for his misdeeds. Starring the charismatic Robert Preston and Shirley Jones, the film is filled with unforgettable songs, dynamic performances, and delightful humor. As an enduring classic and a testament to the magic of musical theater, it continues to entertain and inspire through the years.

  • Bye Bye Birdie
    Dick Van Dyke, Janet Leigh, Ann-Margret
    136 votes

    Adapted from the hit Broadway musical, this lively comedy tells the story of a swoon-worthy pop star who is drafted into the army, causing a media frenzy and a small-town frenzy when he's chosen to bestow his final pre-army kiss on a lucky fan. Featuring a star-studded cast, including Ann-Margret, Janet Leigh, and Dick Van Dyke, and toe-tapping musical numbers, the film is a delightful showcase of 1960s youth culture and all-American charm. As an infectious and entertaining celebration of love, fame, and music, it remains a beloved classic.

  • 101 Dalmatians
    Rod Taylor, Betty Lou Gerson, Cate Bauer
    66 votes

    This beloved animated Disney classic tells the story of a couple of dalmatians and their fight to save their kidnapped puppies from the villainous Cruella de Vil. Combining adventure, heartfelt emotion, and slapstick comedy, the film is a timeless treasure that continues to delight audiences of all ages. With its vivid animation, memorable characters, and infectious charm, it stands as a shining example of Disney's storytelling prowess.

  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
    Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier
    67 votes

    This groundbreaking comedy-drama follows the events surrounding an interracial couple's engagement and the subsequent meetings between their respective families, skillfully tackling the subjects of race, prejudice, and cultural expectations with wit and sincerity. Starring Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poitier, and Katharine Hepburn, the film boasts an outstanding ensemble cast and a thoughtful script by William Rose. As a thought-provoking and transformative exploration of love, family, and acceptance, it remains a landmark in American cinema.