I call BS on madam being 43% Nigerian, with research. : r/SaintMeghanMarkle Skip to main content

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I call BS on madam being 43% Nigerian, with research.


You can get a DNA tests and results from Family Tree, Genealogy & Family History Records which show heritage, or where a family originated from.

Markles mother Doria, was born in the USA Markles grandparents Jeanette and Alvin were born in Sandusky Ohio and South Carolina in 1929.

Markles great grandparents Nettie Mae and James were born in South Carolina in 1897 & 1909.

Markles great great grandparents Gertrude Elizabeth and Hunter Allen were born in Georgia in or around 1882.

So, considering her father is of Dutch/Irish/American descent, how can she claim to be 43% Nigerian?

These percentages provide a location(s) where your family came from, not who you are.

It demonstrates what madams ancestry is made up of mainly Irish/Nigerian/English/American background, but it DOES NOT mean that she is that percentage ( 43%) Nigerian.

I would be interested to know how she can claim 43% when for over 200 years (I stopped looking back any further )her family has been American born?

The fact that this woman even had her profile from early 2000, where she never stated she was biracial and, that even some friends she had back then did not even know she was biracial, and that she lived in a very privileged “white life” to now claim her heritage is disingenuous

It must be a way for her to make headway into Nigerian business deals. There are a great many shady deals going on in Nigeria and the crime rate is high.

Like in the Congo , where AFRICAN PARKS has been under fire for not taking action against the atrocities going on, I believe that this kind of abuse of indigenous peoples is happening on a grand scale throughout Africa.

Africa is ripe for stripping natural resources including land by other nations, or wealthy businessmen from wealthy nations, eager to enslave, mistreat and pillage the continent of Africa.

Hank & Skank are pretending to be on a royal tour, but Hank being a royal is in a position to wheel and deal with the Nigerian Government. It was the government that had a message on X saying they were pleased that both Meghan’s agreed to travel to Nigeria.

They’re using the guise of Invictus as their “official excuse “.

No way. I don’t believe this for a moment. There’s something bigger going on.


It appears that some sort of white colonialism is being perpetrated on the indigenous peoples.


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u/Frenchcashmere avatar

Well as Captain Xbox essentially stated in his book, the truth is whatever the nuts want it to be. It seems she no longer has Maltese ancestry

I read that at first as "whatever his nuts" and it still works.

Me too, and it would have explained a lot!

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u/kris-tee-is-me avatar

If MeMe saw any sort of monetary or social benefit in it, she would claim to be 43% German Shepherd.

u/Sensitive_Ad7698 avatar

Ha ha, that cracked me up. German Shepherd's are beautiful, noble dogs. No way Harry's wife could pull it off.

u/JaquieF avatar

And very intelligent. Also not her.

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Pay attention to meeeeeeee

u/No_Intention4624 avatar


Funniest thing I've seen all day!

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Actually, I can kind of see that … 🤭

u/TheoryParticular7511 avatar

Her smile already looks like a dog baring it's teeth. 

u/NovelGullible7099 avatar

And that's an insult to doggies.

u/AlternativeMix21 avatar

Like this?

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u/Cold-Computer6318 avatar

I’ve seen hyper loyal German Shepards in police dog gear that look better dressed than Roachel.

u/alwayssearching117 avatar

Their vests are wrinkle-free!

u/INK9 avatar

And German Shepherds, unlike madam really are whip smart.

u/alwayssearching117 avatar

And drop-dead beautiful! 😍

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No way! She doesn’t have an ounce of their honour and loyalty.

OMG This comment is (a) hilarious and (b) priceless.

Or wiener dog! No body shaming🤣🤣

u/Such_Crazy_6986 avatar

my weiner dog has a red todger

Ba ha ha!

u/Such_Crazy_6986 avatar

It looks like one of those vintage avon lipstick samples

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u/Perfect_Rain_3683 avatar

Herman Shepherds are more intelligent, cuter and hard working than skank will ever be or has been

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Everyone but the Carparkles themselves calls bullshit on this. Table 12 goes through cycles trying to identify with something -anything in hopes it might make her interesting. Give it a week and she'll claim she's a direct descendant of Nelson Mandela.

u/FilterCoffee4050 avatar

I agree, nobody believes this other than possibly Harry.

Harry ain’t good at maths.

I’m mixed race, yet the half that comes from the mixed side, is HALVED by the British/english/isle Of Mann side from my dad.

The math ain’t mathing that 43% from 50% from her mother is Nigerian.

Also, Nigeria represents many different ethnic groups, so … which one is it specifically?


Before she was Nigerian she said she was Maltese and she visited Malta.

She got a free trip pretending that, didn't she?

Such a liar. Too bad for her, the internet is forever.

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This is as close to being Maltese she will ever get …

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I come from a huge family - more than 50 1st cousins so by the time you count the 1st cousins once removed, second cousins, their children and how some of the uncles and aunts are younger than their nieces and nephews, it’s hard to keep track of who’s who. However there has always been the idea, and no one really knew from where the notion came, that we had Pakistani blood. I did a recent DNA test along with my sister and a few cousins, and indeed it showed that we do. But it doesn’t say ‘Pakistan’ because, like Nigeria, it is a relatively new country made up of many different indigenous peoples. The DNA test will show the ‘tribe’ (for want of a better word) and we had to look up the two ‘peoples’ (both distinct nomadic tribes) the test mentioned before realising that yes, they were from what is now known as Pakistan.

Because of this (and because she is a known liar) I call total bullshit on the 43% Nigerian because, if that was even remotely true, she would have been given a statistic for tribe/people and then would have found out they were mostly from the region of (but not necessarily exclusively) modern day Nigeria. When her Archetypes guest asked what ‘people’ she was from, she said she didn’t know and would have to look into it, but it’s actually the other way round.

Meghan suddenly calling herself Nigerian is as daft as me suddenly declaring myself Pakistani and whizzing off to visit my ‘homeland.’ I would of course, one day, love to go there and see the region mentioned, but it’s highly unlikely, and I don’t pretend it has any current significance to who I am.

Edited: so many typos!

You are so very correct, Shoshana! It’s like me being of Indonesian heritage, and mixed British blood …

Your family sounds fascinating and extensive! Do you ever manage to wrangle a reunion? It’s impressive!

I haven’t gone down the whole DNA testing route - yet. Although, at my brother’s funeral last year I reconnected with some cousins who were in denial that firstly, our great Oma was an Indonesian woman, and also, that the reason our shared Opa was interned in a concentration camp (& his first wife and a son were killed) - being German citizens, born there, is due to them having been Jewish!

Oi Vey!

So, that piqued my interest in having my DNA tested.

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u/cuimhnigh avatar

And apparently Doria is biracial (one of her parents was white American) ... so somehow it's 43% "Nigerian" from one Grandparent 🙄

u/Such-Space6913 avatar

She's so "whip smart" that basic elementary school level math alludes her!

u/scotian1009 avatar

That is amazing feat of genetics. /s

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Yes, it’s all horse 💩

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u/1montrealaise3 avatar

For Meghan to be 43% Nigerian, her mother would have to be 86% Nigerian. I looked at drawing of Meghan's family tree, with her ancestors going back to the 19th century. While most are described as black, several are described as "mulatto" meaning they have one or more white ancestors - so there is no way Doria is 86% black.

That’s exactly it - her mother has white heritage as well. It is just such a load of cobblers.

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u/ca-morgan avatar

What she meant is that of the 5% African heritage MegaHertz has, 43% of that is Nigerian /s

Oooh! Well she needs to be clearer about that (snark noted!)

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Well, This One still believes he's royal, so...

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Don't give her ideas! No doubt the people of South Africa would be dancing in the street again on hearing that news.

Well people of Nigeria already crowned her amira ngozi lolo... well a group of 10 did on behalf of all people of Nigeria. But hey! According to them, she is a princess!

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Remember when she pretended to be from Malta? How trendy of her at the time. 🤣

Perhaps that made her look more exotically Caucasian.

And also because by then she was already stalking Harry and knew the queen and prince Philip lived there when they first got married 😉😉

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She'l l offer to deliver the trillion dollar aid money herself to the Ukraine because she just did another DNA test and guess what 🤣🤣🤣

Right??? Her ethnicity changes as much as her bronzer selection

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It's actually quite simple. Madam had a guest on her podcast who is Nigerian. That is when she came up with her opportunistic lie of being 43% Nigerian. She's a narcissist. She lies. It's what they do to gain control in the moment. I don't think she's even up to 43% black, but here we are.

u/Honest_Boysenberry25 avatar

This was discussed previously on the sub when she came up with the lie. Some Sinners explained that Nigeria has many distinct groups within it and no one there considered themselves to be % Nigerian but rather Yoruba or other ethnic groups. I'm probably not explaining it correctly.

Ancestry dot come does list Nigeria and other West African countries in their results. But yes, in Nigeria, we tend to identify ourselves by our ethnic groups (but as Nigerian outside the country).

u/Honest_Boysenberry25 avatar

Got it. Thanks 😊

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u/1montrealaise3 avatar

And those ethnic groups are found in several countries in West Africa, not just Nigeria.

u/Comfortable_Rice6184 avatar

This is something I had not paid attention at first, but the Archetypes transcript is as follows: (per the Daliy Post Nigeria https://dailypost.ng/2022/10/25/i-am-43-per-cent-nigerian-meghan-markle-reveals/)

She said, ”I was incredibly excited to sit down with Ziwe, a Nigerian American comedian, actor and writer.

”I had my genealogy test done a couple of years ago and I am 43 percent Nigerian.

The revelation came as a shock to Ziwe who excitedly shouted “No way” and further asked about the tribe in Nigeria she was from.

But Meghan answered, “I am going to start to dig deeper because anyone that I told especially Nigerians women are always like what?”

She probably had no clue, didn't care to learn, but this may change since she's visiting Nigeria and she'll likely want to make sure that she, not Harry, is the main guest.

u/Honest_Boysenberry25 avatar

Great info, straight from the horses arse, er, mouth!

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Gross. You just reminded me of the picture that goes around reddit like once a year where it is a father staring at his daughters hand the Belgians cut off because he wasn't producing enough.

This is a good expert analysis of her mother's ancestry


There's also the autobiography by Georgina Lawton a British/Nigerian who did her own genealogy and found she was 43% Nigerian. I think Markle stole her own story fron this. Georgina's book is called 'Raceless' and she has a Wiki page that outlines the story.

Finally, Ibble Dibble has a great video about how Markle can't possibly be 43% Nigerian


The media need to expose Markle for this lie. She's using it to gain privileges and power in a Commonwealth country. This is serious.

u/Red_Rose_8951 avatar

I can easily see her “borrowing” the 43% Nigerian as she always “borrows” ideas, quotes, etc. In fact, plagiarize might have been a better middle name for her.

u/Cocktailsontheporch avatar



There's also the autobiography by Georgina Lawton a British/Nigerian who did her own genealogy and found she was 43% Nigerian. I think Markle stole her own story fron this. Georgina's book is called 'Raceless' and she has a Wiki page that outlines the story.

Does that really sound like the kind of book Meghan would read, though? Do we think she even reads books/?

At best a book review snippet at worst read to her by a servant.


At best a book review snippet at worst read to her by a servant.

The former seems more likely.

Aren't they all. Should just add "former" to titles of all new hires.

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u/RBXChas avatar

I knew about the Ibble Dibble video (I posted about it a while back), but I only saw the thing about the book yesterday in someone's comment (might've been yours). But anyway, M has a habit of "borrowing" other people's narratives, like the miscarriage story she "borrowed" from someone else.

u/lowerbigging avatar

VERY serious.

Now is the time!

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She can’t. I also did her tree. She was claiming Maltese before that the relatives that lived in Malta ended up being an English military member & wife. No Maltese at all.

In fact, most African American’s Doria’s age carry 25% European ancestry. Doria is clearly a lighter skinned African American.

We get our DNA from both parents but not evenly distributed. If Doria is 75% African American and Thomas is 100% European, then Nutmeg is 50% various European nationalities ( I saw German, English, Dutch and bits & bobs) from her father, 12.5% European from her mother which leaves us at approx 63%. To have 43% Nigerian DNA you would require one parent who is almost full Nigerian. Not only is Doria not, but when you follow her line in ancestry, you run into an all European line reasonably early in American history. This means that Doria may be carrying greater than 25% European DNA making Nutmeg even more European not less.

The Nigerians however, see an opportunity here. Little do they know, these two asshats have no money. If they end up kidnapped somehow (god forbid! I am not wishing it on them whatsoever - in fact, may it be a safe trip) then the call will be too BP for $$$. For those thinking tin foil hat, here is the current situation in Nigeria.

According to the Pan African Review, “In Nigeria, the government’s failure to tackle the issue of high-level corruption in the corridors of power and improve governance of public resources for the greater good has given rise to mass discontent, agitations, armed conflicts and, most notably, threats of secession.”

“It is no accident that at least 23 local government areas in three North-West states of Nigeria remain under the control of bandits, a situation similar to what Nigeria experienced in 2021, where some states in the country were under the control of terrorists and bandits who collect tax from citizens, thereby creating “pseudo” states within the Nigerian state.”

“This situation has a ripple effect, namely a growing resurgence of separatist movements across Nigeria, such as a) the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), which aims to establish an independent state of Biafra in southeastern Nigeria, b) the agitators for a separatist Yoruba Nation in the Southwest region of Nigeria and c) the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta who according to a BBC are fighting for the total control of Niger Delta’s crude oil wealth, contending that local people have not gained from the riches of their region. Despite the fact that scholars have long argued that these separatist agitations are expressions of resentment over economic exclusion and material deprivation of these various groups, the situations have continued to worsen rather than improve.”

Nutmeg is no diplomat and the potential for her dumb ass to do or say something really stupid is high.

I think the Harkles are going to be joining Nigerian government officials in looting the country's coffers. They have nothing else going on that is promising , so this would be a great opportunity to get some fast easy cash. Just my opinion as someone who grew up there.

u/Honest_Boysenberry25 avatar

YES. The useful idiots can't get there fast enough. I'm sure there are some unscrupulous individuals who are eager to have a King's son as the face of a "business venture" in Nigeria.

The next Boris Becker. That didn't go so well.

Last year Boris Becker warned Harry: ‘Don’t forget where you come from, because you may have to go back there. And marriages don’t always last forever, last time I checked.’ 

Boris Becker's "business relationship" with Misan Harriman is a whole other story...

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So in your opinion, is Nigeria a safe place to travel & tour in general? And why is the Defense Minister so hell bent on claiming Nutmeg? I’m really interested to hear from the Nigerians here about what they think this is all about?

Safe, no. And it's not really for tourists, although I heard one or two states were trying to get into tourism.

Nigerians are very good at sucking up to (white) foreigners. I haven't lived there in ages and don't keep up with the news, but it's an incredibly corrupt country with lots of money available to be, ahem, appropriated. So I guess this is an opportunity for the Minister to host world famous VIPs (blech) and a nice opportunity to, ahem, appropriate some money from government coffers. I imagine the Harkles are running out of cash and will also be gaining financially (big time) from this, which may explain the apparent hasty travel arrangements.

They'll also probably live their dream of being Ferries around in convoys of government vehicles with people being forcefully shoved out of the way to make room for them.

I have no actual knowledge, and this is just my opinion, of course.

I don't know how Madam will manage being surrounded by so many black Africans, though. I'm looking forward to mask slips galore.

Me too!!! It’s too bad because Nigeria looks really beautiful. We’re in the middle of a global historical change for sure. It’s Africa’s turn to get stable and come around as a powerhouse continent.

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u/1montrealaise3 avatar

Look at the websites of the UK, US and Canadian governments - they all advise very strongly against travel to Nigeria.

I was asking because the person responding is Nigerian and I wanted to know something from a person who has been on the ground there. Travel advisories are fine but they don’t tell the backstory.

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You know what? I think you are 100% spot on with this. The greed is over the top.

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We get our DNA from both parents but not evenly distributed. If Doria is 75% African American and Thomas is 100% European, then Nutmeg is 50% various European nationalities ( I saw German, English, Dutch and bits & bobs) from her father, 12.5% European from her mother which leaves us at approx 63%. To have 43% Nigerian DNA you would require one parent who is almost full Nigerian. Not only is Doria not, but when you follow her line in ancestry, you run into an all European line reasonably early in American history. This means that Doria may be carrying greater than 25% European DNA making Nutmeg even more European not less.

You get 50% from each parent but it's not an exact 50% so Meghan could've inherited anywhere from 0% to 25% of Doria's European ancestry. I actually have more Nigerian ancestry than both of my parents--based on our ancestry results, my dad is 22% and my mom is 21% and I'm 27%. The way most people think DNA works, I should've gotten 11% from dad and 10.5% from mom for a total of 21.5% but the way inheritance actually works, I inherited some random percentage from each, not an exact half.

So while I'm not saying Meghan absolutely has 43% Nigerian DNA, it's very possible for someone to have 43% Nigerian DNA without having a fully Nigerian parent. All you need is a parent who has 43% Nigerian DNA (or a parent with 65%, or 71% or 45%, you get the idea) and to have then inherited that 43% as part of the 50% of your DNA you inherit from them. Most Black Americans tend to have genetic ties to ethnic groups fro mseveral West African countries (mine for example is Nigeria, Benin/Togo, Cameroon/Congo, Cote d'Ivoire/Ghana, Mali, and Senegal) so the odds of having a large chunk from one single group is smaller, but again, not impossible.

Yes you have more because both parents loaded you. That 50% from each is not even close to being exactly even. All true but as I said, just doing the trees it can’t be - there are too many Europeans in her tree.

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She can't even get jam right.