31 Facts about the movie The Thomas Crown Affair - Facts.net
Kevina Otten

Written by Kevina Otten

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Tvinsider.com

The Thomas Crown Affair is a captivating and stylish crime thriller that has enthralled audiences since its release in 1968. Starring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway, this iconic film tells the story of a wealthy businessman who masterminds a daring bank heist, only to find himself pursued by a brilliant and determined insurance investigator.

With its sleek cinematography, clever plot twists, and dynamic performances, The Thomas Crown Affair has cemented its place in cinematic history. In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of this movie and explore 31 intriguing facts that you may not know. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the film’s impact on pop culture, get ready to uncover some hidden gems about this thrilling classic.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Thomas Crown Affair is a stylish heist film from 1968, featuring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway, known for its thrilling plot, iconic theme song, and innovative cinematography.
  • This classic movie showcases the high society of the 1960s, explores the world of art theft, and keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its cat-and-mouse game plot.
Table of Contents

The Thomas Crown Affair is a remake.

The 1968 film is actually a remake of the 1953 film of the same name.

It stars Steve McQueen.

Steve McQueen, known for his cool and charismatic on-screen persona, played the title role of Thomas Crown in the movie.

The film was directed by Norman Jewison.

Norman Jewison, a renowned filmmaker, helmed the project and brought his directorial expertise to create a visually stunning crime thriller.

Faye Dunaway co-stars.

Faye Dunaway, a talented actress, portrayed the role of Vicki Anderson, the investigator who becomes entangled with Thomas Crown.

The movie was a critical and commercial success.

The Thomas Crown Affair received positive reviews and was a box office hit, grossing over $14 million worldwide.

The film features a memorable theme song.

The Thomas Crown Affair is known for its catchy theme song, “The Windmills of Your Mind,” which won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.

Jacqueline Bisset also had a notable role in the film.

Actress Jacqueline Bisset played the character of Thomas Crown’s love interest, providing an additional layer of intrigue to the story.

The iconic chess scene was improvised.

One of the most memorable scenes in the movie, where Thomas Crown and Vicki Anderson engage in a chess match, was improvised by Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway.

The Thomas Crown Affair was known for its stylish cinematography.

The film’s visuals, including its use of split-screen techniques and innovative camera work, added to its overall aesthetic appeal.

The movie showcases lavish locations.

The Thomas Crown Affair features opulent settings, including luxurious mansions and picturesque landscapes, giving the film a sense of grandeur.

The heist sequence involved an intricate plan.

The elaborate heist scene in the movie required careful coordination and precise timing to pull off successfully.

Steve McQueen performed some of his own stunts.

Known for his love of adrenaline-fueled activities, Steve McQueen took on some of the stunts in the film, adding a sense of authenticity to his character.

The Thomas Crown Affair brought attention to the world of art theft.

With its focus on a high-profile art heist, the movie shed light on the world of art theft and the lengths people would go for valuable artwork.

The film explores the theme of cat-and-mouse games.

The Thomas Crown Affair delves into the psychological battle between Thomas Crown and Vicki Anderson, as they both try to outsmart each other.

The Thomas Crown Affair inspired a 1999 remake.

Three decades after its release, The Thomas Crown Affair was remade with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in the lead roles.

The 1968 film was ahead of its time.

The Thomas Crown Affair was praised for its innovative storytelling techniques and its portrayal of a complex protagonist.

The film’s screenplay was written by Alan R. Trustman.

Alan R. Trustman penned the script for the movie, weaving a suspenseful and gripping narrative.

The Thomas Crown Affair was influenced by French New Wave cinema.

The film drew inspiration from the French New Wave movement, incorporating elements of unconventional storytelling and stylish visuals.

The movie explores themes of power and control.

The relationship between Thomas Crown and Vicki Anderson highlights the dynamics of power and control in their intricate game of wits.

The Thomas Crown Affair is known for its iconic fashion.

The characters’ stylish attire, including Faye Dunaway’s tailored outfits and Steve McQueen’s sharp suits, became a fashion statement of the era.

The movie was praised for its chemistry between the leads.

Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway had great on-screen chemistry, which helped elevate the tension and romance in the film.

The Thomas Crown Affair showcases the high society of the 1960s.

The movie immerses the audience in the glamorous world of the wealthy elite, providing a glimpse into their lavish lifestyles.

The film’s editing was innovative for its time.

The editing techniques used in The Thomas Crown Affair, such as split screens and quick cuts, added to its fast-paced and dynamic storytelling.

The Thomas Crown Affair was recognized for its soundtrack.

The film’s musical score, composed by Michel Legrand, created a suspenseful and atmospheric backdrop for the unfolding events.

The Thomas Crown Affair marked a turning point in Steve McQueen’s career.

The movie showcased Steve McQueen’s versatility as an actor, allowing him to step away from his usual tough-guy roles.

The film’s plot twists kept audiences guessing.

The Thomas Crown Affair surprises viewers with unexpected turns in the story, adding to the overall entertainment value.

The movie received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score.

The film’s memorable score by Michel Legrand earned it an Academy Award nomination in the Best Original Score category.

The Thomas Crown Affair became a cult classic.

Over the years, the film has garnered a dedicated fan base who appreciate its stylish approach to the heist genre.

The Thomas Crown Affair is often referenced in popular culture.

The movie’s iconic moments and themes have been referenced and parodied in various forms of media.

The Thomas Crown Affair captivated audiences with its suspenseful plot.

The intricate cat-and-mouse game between Thomas Crown and Vicki Anderson kept viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film.

The legacy of The Thomas Crown Affair lives on.

The influence of the film can still be felt in the heist genre and its impact on stylish crime thrillers.

There you have it, the 31 fascinating facts about the movie The Thomas Crown Affair. Whether you’re a fan of heist films, a lover of classic movies, or simply looking for an entertaining and stylish watch, this iconic film is sure to captivate and intrigue. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the exciting world of The Thomas Crown Affair!


In conclusion, The Thomas Crown Affair is a captivating movie that combines elements of romance, suspense, and heist. With its stellar cast, intriguing plot, and stylish direction, it has become a beloved classic in the world of cinema. The movie’s clever twists and turns keep viewers on the edge of their seats, while its exploration of themes like love, trust, and the pursuit of excitement adds depth to the story. Whether you’re a fan of thrillers or just looking for a captivating movie to watch, The Thomas Crown Affair is definitely worth your time.Overall, this article has provided 31 interesting facts about The Thomas Crown Affair, shedding light on various aspects of the film’s production, cast, and reception. From the iconic chess scene to the incredible chemistry between Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo, this movie has left a lasting impression on audiences around the world. So, grab some popcorn, settle into your favorite chair, and prepare to be enthralled by The Thomas Crown Affair.


1. Who directed The Thomas Crown Affair?

John McTiernan directed The Thomas Crown Affair, bringing his signature style to the film.

2. When was The Thomas Crown Affair released?

The movie was released on August 6, 1999.

3. Who starred in The Thomas Crown Affair?

Pierce Brosnan played the lead role of Thomas Crown, while Rene Russo portrayed Catherine Banning.

4. Is The Thomas Crown Affair a remake?

Yes, the 1999 version is a remake of the original 1968 film of the same name, starring Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway.

5. Where was The Thomas Crown Affair filmed?

The movie was primarily filmed in various locations in New York City and Connecticut.

6. Did The Thomas Crown Affair receive any awards?

Yes, the film was nominated for several awards, including a Golden Globe nomination for Best Original Score.

7. What is the running time of The Thomas Crown Affair?

The movie has a running time of approximately 113 minutes.

8. Is The Thomas Crown Affair suitable for all audiences?

The film is rated R for some sexuality and language, so parental guidance is advised.

9. Does The Thomas Crown Affair have a sequel?

No, there is no official sequel to The Thomas Crown Affair as of now.

10. Can I watch The Thomas Crown Affair on streaming platforms?

Yes, the movie is available to stream on various platforms such as Amazon Prime and Netflix.

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