Alex Freeman™ | Entrepreneur | Actress | Entertainer | Singer


A Sonic Landscape for Netflix's Teenage Universe

Unveiling a Teenage Melodic Triumph: "Easy" 

In an industry constantly rejuvenated by fresh talent, every so often an artist emerges whose age defies the profound maturity and creativity within their work. Alex Freeman a remarkable 16-year-old prodigy, falls seamlessly into this category. Having written, recorded and co-produced her latest single, "Easy," at the tender age of 14, Alex is now ready to share this poignant ode to teenage love and heartache with the world. 

A Musical Odyssey from the Heart of a Teenager: "Easy" 

"Easy," a bewitching composition blending heart-on-sleeve lyrics with an irresistibly catchy melody, is a testament to Alex Freeman's extraordinary musical acumen. Dealing with the whirlwind of emotions that often define teenage love, the song weaves a narrative that resonates universally while simultaneously catering to the nuances of youth. 

Navigating Adolescent Love and Loss: Lyrics That Strike a Chord 

The lyrics of "Easy" delve deep into the intricate web of emotions that accompany teenage relationships. With a rawness and authenticity reminiscent of songwriting veterans, Alex portrays the vulnerability and fleeting nature of young love. Lines like “I thought you’d be my everything, I wish it was that easy” capture the bittersweet essence of parting ways, while the chorus' refrain of “all the good love stories belong to the movies" underscores the song's central theme – the acknowledgment that love isn't always a smooth ride, especially in adolescence. 

Musical Alchemy: A Sonic Landscape for Netflix's Teenage Universe 

The sound of "Easy" seamlessly aligns with the sonic aesthetics of popular Netflix series that have struck a chord with teenagers worldwide. With its vibrant instrumentation, a fusion of contemporary pop and R&B, and a chorus that's destined to be belted out by legions of fans, "Easy" possesses the sonic magnetism to seamlessly slot into the soundtracks of hits like "The Summer I Turned Pretty," "Outer Banks," "Riverdale," and "To All the Boys”, Jenny Han are you there?…:) 

A Glimpse into Alex Freeman’s Creative Journey 

Alex’s journey from crafting "Easy" at 14 to its present-day release at 16 exemplifies an artist's evolution and determination. Their growth as a musician and songwriter, despite their young age, foreshadows a promising career filled with captivating compositions that bridge the gap between the personal and the universal. 

As"Easy,"debuts it's impossible to ignore the inherent talent that permeates every note of the song. It’s relatability to both teenage audiences and those who have passed through the corridors of adolescence makes it an anthem for the young and young at heart alike. 

In Conclusion 

"Easy," an embodiment of emotional depth and musical brilliance, showcases Alex Freeman's prowess as a songwriter and co-producer. This release marks a significant milestone not only in her career but also in the landscape of contemporary music. With its resonant lyrics, infectious melody, and ability to echo the sentiments of young listeners, "Easy" is set to become a cornerstone in the playlists of teenagers navigating the tumultuous sea of love and emotions. 

Do not miss the release of "Easy" on streaming platforms to see the emergence of a musical sensation whose youth reflects the complexity of their compositions.

Alex Freeman, Isabella Barrett

New Song

Best Friend

Alex Freeman's "Best Friend" is a catchy, upbeat pop song for teenagers to relate to. 

"The song is really about indecision, my age group is attracted to the next shiny, new object.  I took this concept and flipped it to relate to how teens today view relationships" states Alex Freeman.

With its infectious melody, playful lyrics, and sing-along chorus, this track is sure to put a smile on your face and have you tapping your toes in no time.

Opening with an infectious chorus and a buoyant drumbeat, "Best Friend" sets a joyous tone from the very beginning.

Freeman's vocals are bright and cheerful, conveying a sense of warmth and sincerity as she sings about the many adventures of being a teenager in today's world.

Bella's feature on the song brings a lighthearted and smart verse, capturing the fun and frivolity of youth. 

As the song builds to its anthemic chorus, Freeman's voice soars, inviting listeners to join in and sing along. With its upbeat tempo and infectious melody, "Best Friend" is a true earworm that will have you humming its catchy hook long after the song has ended.


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with Michelle Barone from iheart Media

"Alex is a musical prodigy with a huge future in the music industry." Lawrence Dopson (1500 or Nothin', Jayz, Adele, Bruno Mars, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Snoop Dog, Ariana Grande, and many more)

"I am blown away by this girl's talent, Alex is a musical genius"  Happie Deshawn White Music Producer, A&R Warner Chappell Music, A&R Empire (Chris Brown, Macy Kate,  Bebe Rexha, Timbaland , Drake, Ed Sheeran)

"I have been able to predict who will make it in my last 15 yrs working with Dr. Dre and AftermathEntertainment, Alex is my pick to really succeed in this business, she is so musical."   Robert Reyes, (Recording Engineer, Hip Hop Producer, JAY-Z, GWEN STEFANI, SNOOP DOGG, T.I., KENDRICK LAMAR, MARY J BLIGE, SZA, 50 CENT, THE GAME, DR. DRE, EMINEM)


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