Kinsey Scale Assessment Tool

Welcome to the Kinsey Scale Assessment Tool

Explore your sexual orientation with our Kinsey Scale assessment tool. The Kinsey Scale is a tool that helps individuals understand their position on the spectrum of human sexuality.

Understanding the Kinsey Scale

The Kinsey Scale, developed by Alfred Kinsey, represents sexual orientation as a continuum. It acknowledges that human sexuality is complex and diverse, falling on a spectrum rather than fixed categories.

Calculate Your Kinsey Scale Rating

Our assessment tool allows you to answer a series of questions about your attractions, experiences, and feelings. Based on your responses, we'll calculate your Kinsey Scale rating and provide a description of where you might fall on the spectrum.

Kinsey Scale Assessment

Why Use the Kinsey Scale Assessment?

Understanding your sexual orientation is an important step towards self-discovery and acceptance. The Kinsey Scale assessment can provide insights into your attractions, allowing you to reflect on your feelings and experiences.

Taking the Kinsey Test

An official Kinsey “test” does not exist, which is contrary to popular belief and many tests across the web. The original Kinsey research team assigned a number based on a person’s sexual history.

Get Started Today

Ready to explore your sexual orientation? Use our Kinsey Scale assessment tool to gain a better understanding of yourself. Start the journey towards self-discovery now!