Reds launch Weibo account - Liverpool FC

Liverpool Football Club has always been famous for having supporters all over the world and now our fans in China can interact with the club every day in their local language.

In July, ahead of visiting mainland China for the first time, the club launched an official LFC account on Weibo to allow fans looking forward to our opening Asia tour against Guangdong Sunray Cave to discuss the visit with both the club and fellow fans.

For those not familiar with Weibo, it's a Chinese micro blogging site akin to Facebook or Twitter and is one of the most popular internet sites in China, used by over 140 million people in the world's most populous country.

For fans in China, it's a new way to speak to the club they support and for Liverpool, it's another chance to reach out to our supporters on social media.

To follow the official LFC Weibo account, click here>>