Dr. Jeffery A. Martin Skip to main content

Jeffery is a founder of the Transformative Technology space, a serial entrepreneur, and a social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being.

Wellbeing Research – For over 15 years Jeffery has conducted the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE), which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of other terms. This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types experience. It also led to the fundamental discovery that these were psychological states that had been identified and adopted for thousands of years by many cultures and belief systems. They were not inherently spiritual or religious, or limited to any given culture or population, and could be molded in many ways to shape the experience. More recently, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way.

TransTech – In 2007, Jeffery conceived of and created the Transformative Technology space. Since that time he has worked to catalyze the space by bringing together makers, scientists and other researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, companies, educational institutions, non-profits and NGO’s, public policy experts, and investors. He is a co-founder of the first academic lab dedicated to TransTech, its first conference, taught the first university-level course and established the first graduate program in TransTech, and many other firsts. He serves as a formal and informal advisor to a wide range of companies and other organizations in the space, is an active early-stage investor, and is a frequent public speaker on TransTech related topics.

Business – Jeffery is a successful serial and parallel entrepreneur with a 25+ year background at various intersections of wellbeing, media, advertising, and technology. Fun facts about him include that he has worked on broadcast crews for most major sports championships, run a division at the heart of the world’s largest advertising conglomerate that led the industry’s earliest conversion to digital, was one of the first successful online marketers, pioneered digital asset management for most of the Fortune 100, spent time as a notorious hacker, and much more.

Author, Speaker, Educator – Jeffery is a bestselling author and award-winning educator who has authored, co-authored, or co-edited over 20 books and numerous other publications. His work has regularly been featured at leading academic conferences worldwide, as well as major public forums such as Deepak Chopra’s Sages and Scientists Symposium, Wisdom 2.0, H+, the Science and Nonduality Conference, the Asia Consciousness Festival, and TEDx. He has been covered in media as diverse as the South China Morning Post and PBS’s Closer to Truth, and been an invited speaker at many top universities including: Harvard, Yale, University of London, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the National University of Singapore. He is currently affiliated with California Institute for Human Science and Stanford University.

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Featured Programs

45 Days to Awakening Challenge

Get the remarkable wellbeing and other profound psychological benefits that have been historically associated with states such as enlightenment, persistent mysticism, and nonduality – without it taking years and having to follow a bunch of religious or spiritual dogma.

45 Days to Awakening is a 6-week, lower cost successor to the landmark Finders Course that also helps people transition to Fundamental Wellbeing (i.e.: persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, the peace that passeth understanding, and similar ways of experiencing the world) rapidly, safely, and reliably. The course is 100% secular and built on data from the world’s largest scientific research project in this area, which has included thousands of participants spread across 6 continents. Research showed that using it, 65% of people transitioned to Fundamental Wellbeing, and another 25% experienced temporary forms of Fundamental Wellbeing. 98% of participants rated themselves grateful they took the program.

What happens if someone isn’t one of the 65%? There are two follow-up programs that help nearly everyone else to transition. The second 6-week program is called Another 45 Days. 75-80% of people who take 45 Days and Another 45 Days transition. The remainder often have a belief system or trauma issue that blocks their progress and can be taken care of with a few sessions of group coaching. Well over 90% of people who use all three programs transition.

The Finders Course

The Finders Course is the international “Gold-Standard” program for those wanting to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing (i.e.: persistent awakening, nonduality, enlightenment, the peace that passeth understanding, and similar ways of experiencing the world).

A first-of-its-kind secular, research derived course, it helps people to make the transition rapidly, safely, and reliably. The course is 100% secular and built on data from the world’s largest scientific research project in this area, which has included thousands of participants spread across 6 continents. Research showed that using it, 70% of people transitioned to Fundamental Wellbeing there in 4 months or less, with most others experiencing temporary forms of Fundamental Wellbeing.

Because of the success of the 45 Days to Awakening program and it’s two follow-up classes, at the present time the Finders Course is only offered in some foreign language markets (that do not yet have 45 Days), and occasionally in English for special occasion classes.

The Explorers Course and Exemplar Program

The Explorers Course and Exemplar Program are the only research-backed program that helps people optimally integrate their experience of Fundamental Wellbeing both internally, and with the world in general. While the transition to Fundamental Wellbeing leads to incredible wellbeing and other profound psychological benefits, it also fundamentally impacts important aspects of how life is experienced. These programs help Finders make the adjustment to Fundamental Wellbeing as seamlessly as possible, by drawing on the experiences of thousands of people who have already made it and placing them in a supportive community of others who are going through similar changes.

 A free Explorers (Mini) Course is available for all Finders that provides the most important information for them to know about optimally integrating Fundamental Wellbeing into their life. Click below to access it.

Featured Research

Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness

The Center for the Study of Non-Symbolic Consciousness (CSNSC) is an independent academic research center dedicated to the study of ongoing forms of non-symbolic experience, known as Ongoing or Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience. These types of experience have been co-opted and integrated into religious and spiritual contexts for millennium, and are often referred to as: enlightenment, persistent mystical states, nonduality, oneness, transcendental consciousness, and so forth. Our research is secular and focuses on the psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience underpinning these states of extraordinary wellbeing and high beneficial and useful positive experience.

In addition to conducting our own research, the CSNSC serves as a centerpoint in the global community of academic scholars who research this area. It provides access to a large pool of potential research participants, assistance with locating funding for research, peer review, education about protocols that have been used previously by others, and much more. The center’s overall mission is to help to facilitate and spread research in this area to the greatest extent possible worldwide.

Transformative Technology Lab

Transformative Technologies are science-based hardware and software that can produce reliable and positive changes in the human psychological experience. There has been exponential growth in technology’s role in increasing wellbeing, decreasing stress/anxiety, and ultimately addressing the fundamental causes of human psychological suffering. These benefits are supported by an increased understanding of psychology, neuroscience, meditation research and the mechanisms underlying the fundamental sense of who and what we are.

The Transformative Technology Lab is the nexus point for Transformative Technology for the academic, commercial, and public sectors. It is both a crossroads and a support mechanism for innovators working in the Transformative Technology area, and the central gathering point for the community to stimulate development of scalable transformative technologies.

TTL is a vibrant community of engineers, meditators, scientists, researchers, inventors, makers, entrepreneurs, investors, and industry veterans. Believing that technology should serve more than our productivity, we seek to discover, develop, repurpose and commercialize technologies designed to improve the psychological wellbeing of humanity on a massive scale. The lab conducts research, hosts open maker-type events and hackathons, incubates promising companies, supports graduate students, provides support for startups in the space that includes funding, advisors and key introductions, and much more.

Featured Books

The Finders (non-fiction)

#1 Amazon Bestseller in Transpersonal Psychology, and many other categories.

Unless you’re a Finder, there is no way for you to even begin to imagine how much better your life can be.

The average person lives with an experience of the world that is rooted in fear, worry, and anxiety. The most common way this manifests is in a persistent sense of discontentment. Something just doesn’t feel quite right.

That something is usually hard to put a finger on. It’s often just a feeling that haunts us in the background, one that leads to endless soul searching and goal striving. Although it can disappear when a desire is achieved, or a piece of our life that was believed to be missing falls into place, ultimately the relief is only temporary. Before long, the background feeling that something is not okay returns and the search begins anew.

You may be surprised to learn that life doesn’t have to be this way. Since 2006, our global scientific research project has been on the trail of the tiny fraction of the population that seems to have escaped this fate. We found thousands of them, and what we learned has been nothing short of astonishing. It will revolutionize your life for the better, if you’ll let it.

What Ever Happened To Mr. Majic (fiction)

#1 Amazon Bestseller in Mysticism, and many other categories.

What Ever Happened to Mr. MAJIC is a parable and a roadmap for everyday people on a quest to find meaning in their lives.

On the day of her mother’s funeral, twenty-three-year-old Grace Maxwell discovers the man who raised her is not her biological father. Instead, he was the best-selling author and Guru to the Stars known as Mr. MAJIC. Grace soon discovers a media firestorm had erupted when Mr. MAJIC mysteriously vanished around the time her mother became pregnant with her. Even more than twenty years after his disappearance, the speculation on the whereabouts of Mr. MAJIC was the stuff of urban legend.

Among her mother’s things, Grace discovers MAJIC’s long missing and thought lost forever unpublished manuscript, “The True Path to Enlightenment”. The manuscript is considered to be the Holy Grail of self-help books and is worth a king’s ransom. The problems for Grace, she must first prove paternity and second that the manuscript is not a fake. This is no small task, considering the only person who could provide the definitive proof hasn’t been seen or heard from in over two decades. With the help of her zany sister and a detective that has made finding MAJIC his life’s work, Grace goes on a quest to find the elusive Mr. MAJIC and along the way discovers her true self.

The Fourth Awakening (fiction)

#1 Amazon Bestseller in Mysticism for 4+ years straight, as well as many other categories.

Awakenings occur when something so profoundly changes the world that all of the old rules no longer apply. A powerful new order arrives, completely unexpected and without warning, and things are never the same again. Today, humanity stands on the cusp of the Fourth Awakening.

The First Awakening occurred approximately 200,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens emerged in East Africa, but it took another 150,000 years for things to begin to get interesting. The Second Awakening saw the emergence of spoken language, early shamans, and great myths. During it, humanity began to perceive the future and past in new ways that enabled planning. This allowed us to begin to plant crops and keep livestock, which in turn allowed for larger fixed population centers.

The Third Awakening began around 3,000 years ago. It saw the rise of all modern religions, as well as science. Between 800 BC and 400 BC, there was a religious explosion. The key events in the Old Testament occurred, from which emerged Judeo/Christian beliefs. At the same time Taoism was being followed by Confucianism in China. The same was happening with Shintoism in Japan, and Hinduism and Buddhism in India, and later Islam.

The Fourth Awakening is just beginning. This is the one you get to participate in (whether you like it or not). The Fourth Awakening brings a new mode of being with it. Glimpses of it have been written about for thousands of years. Are you ready?

Featured Event

Transformative Technology Conference

Palo Alto, CA, USA

Jeffery is a co-founder and co-curator of the Transformative Technology Conference. It is the first and largest event that is focused on learning, sharing, and connecting to drive serious research and development, commercialization, and awareness of Transformative Technology. The first conference was held in 2015 and was a huge success, selling-out to maximum capacity. Speakers have ranged from a founder of PayPal and other leading venture capitalists in Silicon Valley, to the founders of important startups like Thync and InteraXon, to established leaders like Google and HeartMath, to key academics like Adam Gazzaley and Jud Brewer, to public figures like Jamie Wheal. This is the only annual space that unites all of TranTech to move things forward.