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Dinosaurs – The Complete Guide, With Facts And Pictures

Dinosaurs The Complete Guide Active Wild

Your complete guide to dinosaurs! Read on to become an expert on all aspects of dinosaurs and life in the Mesozoic Era!

On this page, you'll find lists of dinosaurs by period, plus a huge amount of interesting dino facts, including: What is a dinosaur? When and where did dinosaurs live? How long did dinosaurs live on Earth? When and why did dinosaurs go extinct?

Get ready to explore the amazing world of dinosaurs...

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Oviraptor Facts & Pictures: Complete Guide To A Cretaceous Period Dinosaur

Oviraptor on nest

Oviraptor was a small theropod dinosaur that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous period. Discovered in the Gobi Desert around a century ago, Oviraptor was given the name “egg thief”, as it was found alongside some fossilized eggs. The dinosaur is now believed to have been brooding the eggs, rather than stealing them.

As well as its probable nesting behavior, Oviraptor had other bird-like features such as a toothless beak and a covering of feathers.

Read on to find out more about this distinctive Cretaceous dinosaur…

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Deinonychus Facts & Pictures – Complete Guide To The Cretaceous Predator


Deinonychus was a predatory dinosaur that lived during the Early Cretaceous Period. Its name, which means “terrible claw”, refers to the large, sickle-shaped claws on each hind foot.

The “Velociraptors” depicted in Jurassic Park were actually modelled on Deinonychus, rather than the true Velociraptor, which was significantly smaller.

Read on to find out more about the “true” hero of Jurassic Park…

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Compsognathus Facts & Pictures, A Small Jurassic Predatory Dinosaur


Compsognathus, a small but fascinating dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period, has captivated dinosaur enthusiasts since its discovery in the mid-19th century.

Compsognathus is primarily known for its small size; for many years it was the smallest-known dinosaur, and is often compared to a modern chicken in size (smaller dinosaurs, such as Microraptor and Parvicursor have subsequently been discovered).

All that is known about Compsognathus comes from two well-preserved fossils, one of which was found in the Solnhofen limestone of Germany; the other in the Portland limestone of France.

Read on to find out more facts about this diminutive dinosaur…

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Riojasaurus Dinosaur Facts – Large, Early Sauropod From South America


Riojasaurus was a sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Late Triassic Period. Discovered in the La Rioja Province of Argentina by paleontologist José Fernando Bonaparte in 1969, Riojasaurus stands out for its substantial size and robust build.

As one of the earlier members of the lineage that would give rise to the colossal sauropods of later periods, Riojasaurus provides invaluable insights into the adaptations and lifestyles of early herbivorous dinosaurs.

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Daemonosaurus Facts & Pictures: Late Jurassic Dinosaur With Big Teeth


Daemonosaurus was a small dinosaur from the Late Triassic period that lived in what is now North America.

Discovered in the Ghost Ranch dinosaur fossil hotspot in New Mexico, this small carnivorous dinosaur, measuring approximately 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) in length and weighing around 15 kilograms (33 pounds), is distinguished by its short skull and large teeth.

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Barosaurus Facts – A Giant Herbivorous Dinosaur Of The Late Jurassic


Barosaurus was a giant, plant-eating sauropod dinosaur that lived in North America in the Late Jurassic Period, approximately 155 to 150 million years ago.

This enormous dinosaur, whose name means "heavy lizard," was distinguished by its exceptional size, featuring a remarkably long neck and tail that made it one of the longest dinosaurs ever discovered.

Discovered in the rich fossil beds of North America's Morrison Formation, Barosaurus belonged to the same family – Diplodocidae – as the closely-related Diplodocus.

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Hylaeosaurus Facts – One Of The First Dinosaurs To Be Discovered


Hylaeosaurus was a plant-eating Ankylosaur that lived in what is now southern England in the Early Cretaceous Period.

Discovered in the early 19th century, Hylaeosaurus stands as a pivotal figure in the history of paleontology. As one of the first three reptiles to be scientifically described—alongside Iguanodon and MegalosaurusHylaeosaurus played a crucial role in defining the very concept of dinosaurs.

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