Valorant: The Importance of Good Communication in Ranked Games

Valorant: The Importance of Good Communication in Ranked Games

Reddit users discuss the impact of good communication before an Immortal-ranked game in Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant players on Reddit are sharing their experiences with good communication before an Immortal-ranked game. Let’s dive into their insights and reactions.


  • Syncing brain cells for victory
  • Value of communication in lobbies
  • Emotional rollercoaster – vibes in the game
  • Importance of finding your lost brothers

Syncing Brain Cells for Victory

One user humorously suggested that players are sharing the same two brain cells to synchronize before the game. This comment highlights the importance of teamwork and coordination in achieving success in Valorant.

Value of Communication in Lobbies

Compared to no communication lobbies, another player expressed appreciation for the coordinated efforts before the game, emphasizing the positive impact of good comms on gameplay experiences.

Emotional Rollercoaster – Vibes in the Game

Players described the game’s atmosphere as either masterful or chalked, indicating intense emotions and varying levels of success or failure based on the communication and vibes within the team.

Importance of Finding Your Lost Brothers

One player highlighted the significance of losing a game if it meant finding camaraderie and forming a strong bond with teammates, showing that the connections made through good communication can outweigh temporary setbacks.