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Villain Overview

No. I need revenge. I need to make him pay! I won't rest until I've KILLED INVINCIBLE!
~ Angstrom Levy swearing vengeance on Invincible for disfiguring him and killing his alternate versions.
"That guy?" That's all you remember of me? That I was that guy? I am Angstrom Levy, and you made me into a monster!
~ Levy's outburst towards Invincible.
ATTACK! Go! Spread out! Move across the globe--destroy everything in your path! Make them see Invincible. Make them fear Invincible. MAKE THEM HATE INVINCIBLE!!
~ Levy commanding his army of alternate Invincibles.

Angstrom Levy is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Robot) of the Image Comics series Invincible and a major antagonist in its animated adaptation of the same name.

A scientist who can travel between different dimensions, Levy attempted to absorb the memories of his alternate counterparts. However, he became severely disfigured after stopping the Mauler Twins from killing Invincible, who arrived at the scene. Driven insane and mutated after the accident, Levy blamed Invincible and subsequently swore to get revenge on him at all costs, becoming one of the hero's greatest arch-enemies.

He is voiced by Sterling K. Brown, who also played N'Jobu in Black Panther and Gordon Walker in Supernatural.


Little is known about Levy's background, including how and when he developed the power to open up portals to alternate realities (The amazon series actually mentions that Levy was born with this ability). At some point, Levy sets out to amass information about the various alternate Earths so as to be able to travel through them more safely. To this end, he contacts alternate versions of himself from hundreds of parallel Earths and convinces them to help him. Next Levy frees the supervillains the Mauler Twins from prison on the condition that they help him create a machine that would allow him to copy the memories of his alternate reality counterparts into his own brain.

With the aid of versions of themselves from other realities, the Mauler Twins are able to construct the machine. Levy is in the process of uploading the memories of his alternate selves when the process is interrupted by Invincible who is trying to apprehend the Maulers. The Maulers are on the verge of killing Invincible when Levy halts the machine to try to stop them, causing it to overload and explode. Unbeknownst to Invincible, Levy survives the explosion but is horribly mutated and disfigured and suffers internal organ damage as a result. Levy has been driven insane by his mutation and now believes it was Invincible who stopped the machine and vows revenge.

Surgeons are able to rebuild and even enhance Levy’s body but are unable to correct his monstrous appearance. Levy is left with a burning hatred of Invincible whom he blames for the accident. He discovers that Invincible is really Mark Grayson by traveling to realities where his identity is public knowledge.

Levy takes Mark's mother Debbie and his baby brother Oliver hostage in their home and lures Mark in with a phone message. When Mark arrives to rescue his family, Levy sends him into various other realities (including the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe). While Mark is away, Levy mistreats his family, tossing Oliver around and breaking Debbie's arms in retaliation for a failed attack with a lamp. Levy's plan is to wear Mark down, and then kill him, then kill his family and all the alternate Marks.

Mark tricks Levy into entering a portal while he is stranded on an abandoned wasteland of an Earth. Overestimating the success of Levy's enhancements, Mark seemingly beats him to death by accident after he taunts him. Mark is rescued from this wasteland by future versions of his friends, who had traveled through time and space to find him.

At the end of issue 51, Angstrom is revealed to be alive and is spying on Mark as he sits atop his roof, via a small robotic camera. He is showing sitting in a room with many monitors, all with videos of Mark playing, and also with small electrical globes attached in his head. He has adopted a supervillain style costume, complete with a cape and new scars on his face from his previous encounter with Invincible.

After spying on Mark for a number of months, Levy reveals his plan: gather evil versions of Invincible from other dimensions and unleash them upon the first Mark's world. While this creates worldwide panic and death, the main goal is to ruin Invincible's reputation and cause him suffering. The world's superheroes unite, some giving their lives to battle and kill the murderous doubles of Invincible. In the end, Levy's plan fails as the Earth, though devastated, is not conquered. He escapes but loses a limb, and upon arrival to the dimension of his doctors, loses their support and is informed that he now 'works for them'.

Levy returns in issue 104, taking Eve hostage and again sends Mark to the alternate dimension where the evil Invincibles were exiled. Only two of the evil Invincible's remain - having resorted to cannibalism as they killed and ate each other. A battle ensues between Mark and the primary cannibal Invincible, with Mark being aided by the other evil Invincible. In the meantime, Eve has a passionate discussion with Angstrom reminding him of his initial desire to help humanity which became perverted due to the influx of memories from his alternate selves. Angstrom repents and opens a portal to bring Mark home. Mark returns through the portal, accompanied by the one surviving evil Invincible.

Angstrom apologizes for everything he has done and explains to both of them that he wishes to pay for his crimes and help humanity, and opens a portal for the evil Invincible to return home. Seeking revenge, the evil Invincible instead grabs Angstrom and drags him thru the portal with him, with Mark unable to speed to him in time to save him. When Mark and Robot arrive to the dimension, they find Angstrom still alive and has been tortured severely by evil Invincible. Robot then betrays Mark, kills evil Invincible, and decapitates Angstrom to assure that Mark doesn’t return to his dimension. However, Mark is able to go back to his dimension with the help of evil Invincible's Rudolph Connors.

In the final issue, it is revealed that Angstrom has a son who shares the same powers as him and seeks revenge on Mark for his death.


You don't know anything! I... am not... THE VILLAIN! I'm trying to save the world! Your son is the monster!
~ Angstrom Levy after breaking Debbie Grayson's arm and displaying his hypocrisy.

Angstrom Levy is a brilliant, though amoral, scientist who only wanted to be able to use his powers to their full potential. His desire to exploit his abilities drove and consumed him to break laws and cut corners in order to satiate it. While Levy wasn’t willing to actually kill anyone to achieve this goal, hurting someone or working with criminals were acceptable costs to him at that time.

The accident affected Levy greatly, distorting his memories of the events leading up to the accident, and transforming him from an easy going yet morally challenged person into a violent psycho. Levy’s sole reason for being now is to gain vengeance on Invincible for causing the explosion that disfigured him.


  • He is based on Lex Luthor from DC Comics.
  • His name Angstrom means a unit of length, equal to one ten-billionth of a meter (10−10 or 0.0000000001 m).


           Invincible comics logo Villains

Viltrum Empire
Argall | Thragg | Nolan (Earth-646) | Conquest | Oliver Grayson | Kregg | Anissa | Thula | Lucan | Vidor | Onaan | Ursaal

Alternate Mark Graysons
Invincible (Earth-646) | Mohawk Mark | Sinister Mark

The Order
Embrace | Face | Furnace | Insomniac | Isotope | Machine Head | Mr. Liu | Multi-Paul | Octoboss | Red Eye | Set | Slaying Mantis | Squidmen | Walking Dread | War Woman II

Lizard League
Queen Lizard | King Lizard | Supreme Lizard | Iguana | Komodo Dragon | Salamander

Global Defense Agency
D.A. Sinclair | Reanimen | Steven Erickson | Rodgers | Phase Two | Director Radcliffe

Flaxan Empire
Slash | Monax

Angstrom Levy | Battle Beast | Bi-Plane | Bulletproof | Cho | Damian Darkblood | Darkwing II | Data Twin 2 | David Hiles | Dinosaurus | Doc Seismic | Elephant | The Giant | Gridlock | Killcannon | Kursk | Magmaniac | Magmanites | Magnattack | Mauler Twins | Omnipotus | Powerplex | Rampage | Roarface | Robot | Sequids | Tether Tyrant | Titan | Vault | Volcanikka
