remaining amount中文, remaining amount中文意思

remaining amount中文

用"remaining amount"造句"remaining amount" in a sentence"remaining amount"怎麼讀


  • [財]余額


  • The remaining amount was carried forward in the aggregate balance table 3
  • The remaining amount was carried forward in the aggregate balance ( table 3 )
  • We request a 10 % payment at the time of ordering . the remaining amount must be paid within 60 days
  • The accomplices were allowed to retain five to 10 per cent of the stolen money as a reward while the remaining amount of money was forwarded to some other overseas bank accounts by remittance
  • The minimum amount of initial capital contributions to be made by all initiators shall be not less than 20 % of the total registered capital, and the remaining amount shall be paid off by the initiators within 2 years as of the day when the company is established, while for an investment company, the remaining amount may be paid off within 5 years
  • The minimum amount of initial capital contributions to be made by all initiators shall be not less than 20 % of the total registered capital, and the remaining amount shall be paid off by the initiators within 2 years as of the day when the company is established, while for an investment company, the remaining amount may be paid off within 5 years
  • Article 4 for enterprises with foreign investment or organizations or sites dealing in production or business operation set up within the territory of china by foreign enterprises, their taxable income amount shall be the remaining amount by deducting the costs, expenses and losses from their gross income in one tax year
用"remaining amount"造句  
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