The Meaning Behind The Song: A Love That Can Never Be by The Miracles - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: A Love That Can Never Be by The Miracles


The Meaning Behind The Song: A Love That Can Never Be by The Miracles

Title A Love That Can Never Be
Artist The Miracles
Writer/Composer Robert Bateman, Richard “Popcorn” Wylie, Janie Bradford
Album I’ll Try Something New (1962)
Release Date July 1962
Genre R&B, Pop, Soul, Motown
Producer Berry Gordy

I have always been a fan of The Miracles, especially their soulful ballads that touch the deepest corners of the heart. One such song that has always held a special place in my heart is “A Love That Can Never Be”. The lyrics of this song are beautifully crafted, with each word conveying the pain and conflict of a forbidden love.

“Oh baby, I love you and I know you love me
But our love is a love that can never be”

These opening lines set the tone for the entire song. It’s a bittersweet declaration of love, acknowledging the depth of their feelings while also recognizing that their love can never be realized. The singer is torn between two loves, caught in a painful dilemma.

“Too late you’ve come my way
I’ve promised another to love and to wait
No I can’t, no no, I can’t hurt her soul
My love for you she must not know”

These lines depict a sense of regret and the weight of responsibility. The protagonist has already committed to another person and cannot betray their trust. They are willing to sacrifice their own happiness to protect the person they’ve already promised their love to.

The song continues to explore the protagonist’s inner conflict and their determination to do what is right, despite the pain it causes.

“My heart will always belong to you
Even though this makes me through
She’s treated me kind, our love for so long
Now I can’t do her wrong”

These lines reveal the sincerity and loyalty of the protagonist towards their current partner. Although they have fallen in love with someone else, they recognize the value of their existing relationship and the history they share. Breaking someone’s heart would be an act of betrayal that they simply cannot bring themselves to commit.

For me, “A Love That Can Never Be” is a song that resonates deeply because it speaks to the universal theme of forbidden love. We have all experienced a love that we knew could never be, whether it was due to external circumstances or the realization that pursuing it would cause harm to ourselves or others.

Personally, I have experienced a similar situation where I found myself attracted to someone who was already committed to another person. It was a difficult and painful realization, as I had to confront my own feelings and make the difficult decision to respect their relationship. The song served as a reminder that sometimes love requires sacrifice and putting the needs of others above our own desires.

The emotional impact of “A Love That Can Never Be” is heightened by The Miracles’ soulful delivery. Lead vocalist Ronald White pours his heart into the lyrics, infusing each line with raw emotions. The combination of the heartfelt lyrics and the captivating vocal performance creates a powerful and poignant listening experience.

In conclusion, “A Love That Can Never Be” by The Miracles is a touching and relatable song that explores the pain and sacrifice of forbidden love. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, love requires making difficult choices that may not align with our personal desires. The emotional depth of the song and the personal experiences it evokes make it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with listeners to this day.

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