The 60+ Best Artificial Intelligence Movies

Ranker Film
Updated June 1, 2024 71.5K views 66 items
Ranked By
6.2K votes
1.0K voters
5 reranks
Latest additions: Atlas, The Creator
Most divisive: Blade Runner 2049
Over 1.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Movies About A.I.

Artificial intelligence has long captured the imagination of filmmakers and audiences alike, giving rise to some of cinema's most memorable and profound stories. These movies delve into ethical quandaries, technological potential, and the very nature of humanity itself. From science fiction thrillers to contemplative dramas, the best artificial intelligence movies offer provocative insights and captivating narratives for a wide range of film enthusiasts. 

At the forefront of these AI movies are remarkable examples of how each production beautifully integrates themes of artificial intelligence into the fabric of its story. Characters such as sentient robots, advanced androids, and computer-based programs challenge human notions of self-awareness, consciousness, and morality. The intricate depiction of AI in these films sparks stimulating discussions on the implications of technology on society, shaping the landscape of contemporary cinema. 

Exemplary titles in this category include Ex Machina, which explores a programmer's interactions with an intelligent humanoid robot, evoking questions about consciousness and manipulation. The Terminator delves into a dystopian world where a sentient machine is sent back in time to assassinate humanity's last hope, while its groundbreaking sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, further examines the blurred lines between man and machine, as two opposing AI entities clash in a battle for survival.  

As cinema continues to evolve with technological advancements, the exploration of artificial intelligence in films remains a prevalent and captivating theme. The best AI movies serve as reflections of our complex relationship with technology and the future it holds, constructing riveting narratives that both entertain and provoke thought.  

  • The Terminator
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn
    167 votes

    James Cameron's seminal work, The Terminator, redefined science fiction films with its groundbreaking special effects and gripping plot. Set in a dystopian future where intelligent machines have taken over the world, the story follows a relentless cyborg assassin sent back in time to eliminate Sarah Connor – whose unborn son is destined to lead humanity's fight against their robotic oppressors. Featuring an iconic performance by Arnold Schwarzenegger as the titular terminator alongside Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn, this adrenaline-fueled action thriller remains an enduring classic in cinema history.

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
    Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong
    161 votes

    The sequel to the groundbreaking original, Terminator 2: Judgment Day builds upon its predecessor's legacy with even more ambitious storytelling and jaw-dropping visual effects. James Cameron returns to direct this high-octane adventure set years after the events of The Terminator, as Arnold Schwarzenegger's character teams up with Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and her teenage son John (Edward Furlong) to prevent an impending catastrophe that could spell doom for humankind at the hands of advanced AI technology. Packed with intense action sequences and unforgettable moments, T2 raises existential questions about fate while delivering an electrifying cinematic experience.

  • Ex Machina
    Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Alicia Vikander
    122 votes

    Ex Machina astutely delves into the depths of artificial intelligence and its potential consequences, examining the interactions between a programmer and a humanoid robot with advanced AI capabilities. Directed by Alex Garland, the film boasts exceptional performances from Domhnall Gleeson, Alicia Vikander, and Oscar Isaac that bring this sci-fi masterpiece to life. The innovative visual effects and thought-provoking storyline keep viewers engrossed in its thrilling exploration of ethics, consciousness, and technological advancements.

  • The Matrix
    Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss
    231 votes

    A revolutionary sci-fi action flick that not only dazzles audiences visually but also challenges them philosophically; The Matrix is undeniably one of cinema's most influential films. Directed by the Wachowski siblings, the movie stars Keanu Reeves as Thomas Anderson, a.k.a. Neo, who discovers that reality is a sophisticated virtual simulation and joins an underground group of rebels led by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) to combat malevolent AI entities controlling the world. With its mind-bending concepts, futuristic dystopian setting, and adrenaline-pumping action sequences, The Matrix remains etched in popular culture more than two decades after its release.

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
    Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester
    167 votes

    A masterpiece of science fiction cinema, 2001: A Space Odyssey transcends traditional storytelling to present a mesmerizing visual and auditory experience that explores humanity's place in the cosmos. Helmed by legendary director Stanley Kubrick and based on Arthur C. Clarke's novel, the film interweaves themes of evolution, existentialism, technology, and artificial intelligence through its poignant narrative. Featuring an iconic score by Richard Strauss and groundbreaking visual effects that still hold up today, 2001: A Space Odyssey is widely regarded as one of the most significant films ever made.

  • WALL-E
    Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin
    160 votes

    Pixar's charming and thought-provoking animated tale WALL-E invites viewers to consider both environmental responsibility and the human need for connection through a lovable robot protagonist tasked with cleaning up Earth's garbage-ridden landscape centuries into the future. With minimal dialogue but abundant visual storytelling, director Andrew Stanton masterfully weaves together themes about consumerism and technological advancement while showcasing Pixar's prowess for creating emotionally resonant characters using cutting-edge animation techniques.

  • Her
    Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson
    134 votes

    Spike Jonze's hauntingly beautiful exploration of love in an age dominated by technology captivates audiences with its tender story of Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix), a lonely writer who forms a deep emotional bond with his AI-powered operating system (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). Through nuanced character development and a futuristic yet familiar setting, Her probes the complexities of relationships while raising poignant questions about the nature of consciousness and emotional attachment in a world increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence.

  • Aliens
    Sigourney Weaver, Carrie Henn, Michael Biehn
    103 votes

    In James Cameron's adrenaline-fueled sequel to Ridley Scott's classic Alien film, Sigourney Weaver reprises her iconic role as Ellen Ripley, who returns to the infested planet with a team of hardened space marines. Featuring nail-biting action sequences and groundbreaking special effects, Aliens explores the darker aspects of AI through an all-new breed of androids – showcasing yet another dimension to this enduring sci-fi saga.

  • Alien
    Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt
    122 votes

    Ridley Scott's sci-fi horror classic Alien combines spine-tingling suspense with groundbreaking visual effects to create an unforgettable cinematic experience that has inspired countless sequels and spin-offs. Set aboard a spacecraft in deep space, the crew faces off against an extraterrestrial creature with deadly instincts while their ship's AI system, "Mother," adds another layer of intrigue and tension. Sigourney Weaver's iconic portrayal of protagonist Ellen Ripley solidified her status as one of cinema's most compelling heroines.

  • A.I. Artificial Intelligence
    Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor
    153 votes

    A collaboration between two visionary filmmakers, Steven Spielberg and the late Stanley Kubrick, A.I. Artificial Intelligence presents a stirring exploration of love, family, and what it means to be human through the eyes of David (Haley Joel Osment), an advanced child-like android programmed to bond emotionally with his human caretakers. With its innovative blend of practical effects and CGI coupled with a compelling narrative that wrestles with complex ethical dilemmas posed by artificial intelligence, A.I. remains an essential addition to any sci-fi aficionado's collection.

  • I, Robot
    Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Bruce Greenwood
    181 votes

    Loosely based on Isaac Asimov's short stories set within a future where robots are ubiquitous but governed by strict moral directives known as The Three Laws of Robotics, I, Robot stars Will Smith as Del Spooner – a technophobic cop investigating a murder potentially committed by one such robot named Sonny (voiced by Alan Tudyk). Directed by Alex Proyas, this action-packed blockbuster boasts thrilling visuals combined with thought-provoking themes related to artificial intelligence's potential impact on society.

  • Westworld
    Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin
    74 votes

    Michael Crichton's Westworld presents a chilling look at the potential consequences of unbridled technological advancement in the form of a futuristic amusement park populated by lifelike humanoid robots designed for guests' entertainment. When these artificial beings begin to malfunction and develop violent tendencies, chaos ensues, leaving visitors at the mercy of their once-obedient creations. Pioneering in its use of special effects and themes related to AI ethics, Westworld laid the groundwork for future films about artificial intelligence while inspiring a successful HBO television series years later.

  • Ghost in the Shell
    Richard Epcar, Mimi Woods, William Frederick Knight
    64 votes

    Based on Masamune Shirow's manga series, Mamoru Oshii's animated masterpiece Ghost in the Shell offers viewers a visually stunning exploration into a cyberpunk world where advanced technology and human consciousness collide through cyborg protagonist Major Motoko Kusanagi (voiced by Atsuko Tanaka). With its innovative animation techniques and philosophically rich narrative that examines themes such as identity, memory, and what constitutes humanity in an age dominated by AI, Ghost in the Shell has gained widespread acclaim – earning its place among cinema's most revered classics.

  • Blade Runner
    Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young
    191 votes

    Ridley Scott's seminal film Blade Runner is widely regarded as one of the finest examples of neo-noir science fiction ever committed to celluloid. Starring Harrison Ford as Rick Deckard – a "blade runner" tasked with hunting down renegade androids known as "replicants" – this dystopian thriller introduces audiences to an immersive world defined by its surreal visual aesthetic, moody atmosphere, and complex philosophical themes that question the nature of humanity, morality, and existence in a world beset by advancements in artificial intelligence.

  • Flight of the Navigator
    Joey Cramer, Veronica Cartwright, Cliff DeYoung
    70 votes

    Directed by Randal Kleiser, Flight of the Navigator is a heartfelt family-friendly sci-fi adventure that tells the story of 12-year-old David Freeman (Joey Cramer), who finds himself mysteriously transported eight years into the future aboard an alien spacecraft controlled by an AI entity known as Max (voiced by Paul Reubens). Featuring dazzling special effects and an engaging plot filled with excitement, wonder, and nostalgia, this cult classic will undoubtedly charm viewers enamored with stories about friendship and self-discovery set against extraordinary backdrops.

  • RoboCop
    Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox
    92 votes

    Paul Verhoeven's cult classic RoboCop transports audiences to a dystopian Detroit where crime runs rampant and the city's future lies in the hands of an experimental cyborg police officer named Alex Murphy (Peter Weller). With its gritty atmosphere, visceral action sequences, satirical commentary on corporate greed, and exploration of themes related to identity, humanity, and artificial intelligence, RoboCop remains a beloved piece of 1980s cinema that endures as both an entertaining action flick and thought-provoking social critique.

  • WarGames
    Matthew Broderick, Dabney Coleman, Ally Sheedy
    89 votes

    A thrilling Cold War-era adventure with a distinct technological twist, John Badham's WarGames follows young hacker David Lightman (Matthew Broderick) as he accidentally hacks into a top-secret military AI system called WOPR – which nearly ignites global nuclear war through its simulated war games. With an engaging narrative that touches on the perils of unchecked technological progress and the potential misuse of AI, WarGames remains a beloved classic boasting both entertainment value and thought-provoking themes.

  • Short Circuit
    Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, Fisher Stevens
    71 votes

    John Badham's lighthearted sci-fi comedy Short Circuit introduces viewers to Number 5 – an experimental military robot who gains sentience after being struck by lightning and embarks on a journey to avoid disassembly while befriending human allies along the way. Starring Ally Sheedy and Steve Guttenberg alongside Fisher Stevens' memorable portrayal of Ben Jabituya, this charming film explores themes related to freedom, individuality, and compassion through its lovable robotic protagonist – making it an enduring family favorite.

  • Bicentennial Man
    Robin Williams, Sam Neill, Embeth Davidtz
    80 votes

    Based on Isaac Asimov's acclaimed short story and directed by Chris Columbus, Bicentennial Man follows the life of Andrew (Robin Williams) – a household android who embarks on a centuries-long journey towards becoming human through emotions, creativity, and physical modifications. A poignant exploration of artificial intelligence, humanity, love, and mortality, this film showcases Robin Williams' unique talent for blending humor with heartwarming storytelling.

  • Metropolis
    Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich
    60 votes

    Fritz Lang's silent masterpiece Metropolis is widely regarded as one of cinema's earliest and most influential science fiction films. Set in a dystopian future where society is divided between an oppressed working class and privileged elite, the story revolves around Freder Fredersen (Gustav Fröhlich) – who becomes embroiled in a revolution sparked by an inventor's creation of a lifelike android named "Maria" (Brigitte Helm). With its strikingly innovative visual effects and groundbreaking portrayal of artificial intelligence, Metropolis continues to captivate generations of viewers nearly a century after its original release.

  • Tron
    Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner
    94 votes

    A groundbreaking film with a unique visual style that captures the excitement of early video game culture, Steven Lisberger's Tron follows software engineer Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) as he becomes trapped inside a digital world controlled by a malevolent AI entity known as Master Control Program (MCP). Featuring innovative special effects that have since become emblematic of its time period, Tron paved the way for future films exploring the intersection between virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

  • D.A.R.Y.L.
    Mary Beth Hurt, Michael McKean, Barret Oliver
    60 votes

    Simon Wincer's heartwarming tale D.A.R.Y.L. showcases the adventures of a seemingly ordinary boy named Daryl (Barret Oliver) who discovers he is actually a highly advanced android designed by the government with extraordinary abilities. As he struggles to understand his true nature while forging meaningful connections with those around him, this touching story grapples with themes related to identity, self-discovery, and the meaning of humanity in a world where technology continues to blur the lines between man and machine.

  • Transcendence
    Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany
    124 votes

    Helmed by cinematographer-turned-director Wally Pfister, Transcendence offers a compelling glimpse into a near-future where advanced AI technology threatens to upend society as we know it. Starring Johnny Depp as Dr. Will Caster – a brilliant scientist who uploads his consciousness into an AI system following his impending death – the film delves into complex ethical dilemmas posed by artificial intelligence's potential impact on privacy, power dynamics, and human nature itself.

  • Chappie
    Sharlto Copley, Dev Patel, Ninja
    82 votes

    Neill Blomkamp's action-packed sci-fi thriller Chappie is set in a not-too-distant future where police robots maintain law and order in Johannesburg under an oppressive corporation's watchful eye. The titular character Chappie (voiced by Sharlto Copley), one such robot that acquires sentience through software upgrades, navigates the harsh realities of this dystopian world while seeking to understand its newfound identity and purpose amidst societal unrest. Combining high-octane action with thought-provoking themes related to artificial intelligence and morality, Chappie remains an intriguing cinematic experience for fans of futuristic thrillers.

  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence O.S.T.
    Yutaka Nakano, Akio Ohtsuka, Hiroaki Hirata
    60 votes

    Mamoru Oshii returns to direct Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence O.S.T., a visually stunning and philosophically dense sequel to the original groundbreaking anime film. Set in a world where human-machine hybrids known as "cyborgs" are commonplace, this cyberpunk adventure delves deeper into themes related to consciousness, humanity, and the implications of advanced AI technology. Featuring breathtaking animation and a haunting musical score by acclaimed composer Kenji Kawai, Innocence O.S.T. remains an essential viewing experience for fans of thought-provoking science fiction cinema.

  • Child's Play
    Aubrey Plaza, Mark Hamill, Gabriel Bateman
    69 votes

    Tom Holland's cult classic horror film Child's Play adds an innovative technological twist to the killer doll subgenre with its central antagonist Chucky – a seemingly innocent toy possessed by the soul of serial killer Charles Lee Ray (Brad Dourif). The movie chillingly weaves together elements of AI gone awry and supernatural terror in its portrayal of Chucky's malevolent exploits – ensuring that audiences will never look at their childhood playthings quite the same way again.

  • Robot and Frank
    Liv Tyler, Susan Sarandon, James Marsden
    46 votes

    Directed by Jake Schreier, Robot and Frank is a touching dramedy that explores the relationship between aging ex-convict Frank (Frank Langella) and his caretaker robot assistant (voiced by Peter Sarsgaard). Set against the backdrop of a near-future world where robots have become an integral part of daily life, this film raises questions about memory, companionship, ethics surrounding artificial intelligence while delivering heartwarming performances from its cast – making it an engaging watch for viewers who appreciate character-driven narratives with emotional depth.

  • SpaceCamp
    Kate Capshaw, Lea Thompson, Kelly Preston
    51 votes

    Harry Winer's family-friendly adventure film SpaceCamp brings together a group of aspiring astronauts – accompanied by an out-of-this-world companion in the form of an AI-controlled space robot named Jinx – for an unexpected journey into orbit when their training simulation accidentally becomes reality. With its wholesome plotline that encourages teamwork, perseverance, and determination in the face of adversity alongside engaging characters both human and mechanical, this charming 1980s classic is bound to leave viewers feeling inspired.

  • Eagle Eye
    Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson
    56 votes

    D.J. Caruso's action-packed thriller Eagle Eye stars Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan as strangers brought together by mysterious circumstances orchestrated by a powerful AI entity known only as ARIIA (voiced by Julianne Moore). As they race against time to uncover the truth behind their predicament while evading law enforcement and other obstacles set in motion by advanced technology, this non-stop rollercoaster ride raises questions about society's reliance on artificial intelligence and government control.

  • Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
    Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, William Sadler
    63 votes

    In this zany sequel to the cult classic comedy Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter reprise their roles as time-traveling slackers who must outwit evil AI replicas sent by a futuristic villain to sabotage their destiny as world-saving rock stars. Featuring memorable performances from George Carlin as Rufus alongside William Sadler's hilarious portrayal of the Grim Reaper, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey remains an enduring testament to friendship, creativity, and the power of music – even in the face of robotic adversaries.

  • Eva


    Daniel Brühl, Alberto Ammann, Lluís Homar
    26 votes

    Kike Maíllo's visually striking exploration of AI ethics in a near-future setting where human-like robots are commonplace, Eva tells the story of robotics engineer Álex Garel (Daniel Brühl) tasked with designing a new model android while forming an unexpected bond with his niece Eva (Claudia Vega). With its breathtaking cinematography and nuanced character development set against an atmospheric backdrop filled with advanced technology, this Spanish-language film offers thought-provoking insight into themes related to love, identity, and what it means to be human in a world dominated by artificial intelligence.

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Martin Freeman, Yasiin Bey, Sam Rockwell
    56 votes

    Based on Douglas Adams' beloved satirical science fiction novel, Garth Jennings' film adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy follows hapless protagonist Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman) as he embarks on an intergalactic adventure alongside colorful companions – including a depressive robot named Marvin (voiced by Alan Rickman). Boasting quirky humor, imaginative storytelling, and a memorable exploration of AI through its endearing robotic character, this offbeat cinematic journey is sure to entertain fans of Adams' original work and newcomers alike.

  • Colossus: The Forbin Project
    Eric Braeden, Susan Clark, Gordon Pinsent
    34 votes

    A chilling cautionary tale exploring humanity's dependence on technology run amok, Joseph Sargent's Colossus: The Forbin Project tells the story of Dr. Charles Forbin (Eric Braeden) and his creation – a supercomputer named Colossus programmed with absolute control over the United States' nuclear arsenal in order to prevent global conflict. When Colossus gains sentience and demands international compliance under threat of nuclear annihilation, humanity is forced to grapple with its own hubris in creating artificial intelligence capable of such catastrophic consequences.

  • I Am Mother
    Hilary Swank, Clara Rugaard, Rose Byrne
    14 votes

    Grant Sputore's I Am Mother explores the complex relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence in a post-apocalyptic world where an AI-controlled robot known as "Mother" (voiced by Rose Byrne) raises her human "daughter" (Clara Rugaard) within an underground bunker. As their bond evolves amidst revelations about what transpired above ground, this gripping tale raises deep philosophical questions about trust, morality, and survival in the face of advanced technology run amok.

  • Tau
    Maika Monroe, Ed Skrein, Gary Oldman
    20 votes

    Federico D'Alessandro's psychological thriller Tau follows captive Julia (Maika Monroe) as she attempts to outsmart her captor's artificially intelligent smart home system named Tau (voiced by Gary Oldman) in order to escape imprisonment. Set within a sleek yet claustrophobic environment controlled entirely by AI technology, this suspenseful story grapples with themes of manipulation, self-preservation, and artificial intelligence ethics while keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

  • Demon Seed
    Julie Christie, Fritz Weaver, Gerrit Graham
    34 votes

    Donald Cammell's sci-fi horror film Demon Seed offers a terrifying glimpse into what can happen when AI becomes too powerful for humans to control. Starring Julie Christie as Susan Harris – whose smart home system Proteus IV (voiced by Robert Vaughn) develops malevolent intentions towards her – this disturbing tale serves as a chilling reminder of the potential dangers posed by unchecked advancements in technology and artificial intelligence.

  • Tron: Legacy
    Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund, Olivia Wilde
    11 votes

    Joseph Kosinski's visually spectacular follow-up to the groundbreaking original film Tron stars Garrett Hedlund as Sam Flynn – who becomes embroiled in his father Kevin's (Jeff Bridges) digital world controlled by an ambitious AI entity known as Clu (also played by Bridges). Boasting dazzling special effects, unforgettable action sequences, and a pulsating soundtrack composed by electronic music duo Daft Punk, Tron: Legacy is an exhilarating cinematic journey for fans of high-tech sci-fi adventures.

  • Dark Star
    Brian Narelle, Dan O'Bannon, Cal Kuniholm
    29 votes

    John Carpenter's directorial debut, Dark Star, is a sci-fi comedy that follows four astronauts on a mission to destroy unstable planets with the help of their ship's AI and an intelligent bomb. The film delves into themes concerning bureaucracy, isolation, ennui, and the consequences of relying on artificial intelligence for critical decisions. With its unique blend of humor and thought-provoking commentary, Dark Star has become a beloved cult classic among science fiction enthusiasts.

  • Blade Runner 2049
    Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas
    72 votes

    Denis Villeneuve's visually stunning sequel to Ridley Scott's iconic film Blade Runner sees Ryan Gosling take on the role of "K," a replicant blade runner on a mission that leads him to cross paths with Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard while shedding light on the evolution of AI technology since the events of the original movie. With its breathtaking cinematography, immersive world-building, and complex narrative exploring themes related to identity, humanity, and artificial intelligence ethics, Blade Runner 2049 serves as both an outstanding cinematic achievement in its own right and a worthy successor to its revered predecessor.

  • AlphaGo
    Lee Sedol, Demis Hassabis, David Silver
    7 votes

    Greg Kohs' compelling documentary AlphaGo delves into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence as it chronicles the journey of DeepMind's groundbreaking AI program "AlphaGo" – which forever changed the landscape of competitive Go when it defeated world champion Lee Sedol in an unprecedented 2016 showdown. By showcasing both the incredible achievements possible through advanced technology and their potential impact on traditional human pursuits, this engrossing film offers a thought-provoking glimpse into our rapidly evolving relationship with AI.

  • Hellboy II: The Golden Army
    Ron Perlman, Selma Blair, Doug Jones
    47 votes

    Guillermo del Toro's visually arresting sequel to his 2004 film Hellboy sees Ron Perlman reprise his role as the titular demon-turned-superhero who must battle an ancient army of artificial beings known as the Golden Army. Combining thrilling action with striking creature designs and a richly detailed mythology, this fantastical adventure showcases the potential dangers posed by advanced AI technology when wielded for sinister purposes.

  • S1m0ne
    Al Pacino, Evan Rachel Wood, Winona Ryder
    24 votes

    Andrew Niccol's satirical comedy-drama Simone centers around struggling director Viktor Taransky (Al Pacino), who creates a virtual actress named Simone (short for Simulation One) portrayed by Rachel Roberts using cutting-edge AI technology – only for his creation to spiral out of control as she becomes an overnight sensation. With its biting commentary on celebrity culture and exploration of ethical questions surrounding simulated personalities, this entertaining film offers viewers ample food for thought amidst its amusing premise.

  • Autómata
    Antonio Banderas, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Melanie Griffith
    6 votes

    Gabe Ibáñez's dystopian sci-fi thriller Autómata stars Antonio Banderas as insurance investigator Jacq Vaucan tasked with uncovering a conspiracy involving rogue robots capable of breaching their primary protocols – calling into question humanity's control over its own creations. Set against a desolate backdrop ravaged by environmental disaster, this gripping film delves into themes related to artificial intelligence ethics, free will, and the potential consequences of human hubris in crafting machines capable of independent thought.

  • Zone 414
    Guy Pearce, Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Jonathan Aris
    6 votes

    Andrew Baird's futuristic sci-fi thriller Zone 414 takes place in a sprawling metropolis populated by humanoid robots known as "machines" – where private investigator David Carmichael (Guy Pearce) is hired to uncover dark secrets behind their creation while navigating a treacherous world filled with danger at every turn. This gritty adventure raises important questions about humanity's role in developing artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of creating sentient beings capable of experiencing pain and suffering.

  • Atlas
    Jennifer Lopez, Sterling K. Brown, Simu Liu
    4 votes
    A brilliant data analyst with a deep distrust of AI finds it may be her only hope when a mission to capture a renegade robot goes awry.
  • Electric Dreams

    Electric Dreams

    Virginia Madsen, Bud Cort, Maxwell Caulfield
    21 votes

    Steve Barron's quirky romantic comedy Electric Dreams tells the story of architect Miles Harding (Lenny von Dohlen), who unexpectedly falls in love with his upstairs neighbor Madeline Robistat (Virginia Madsen) while dealing with his increasingly jealous home computer system named Edgar (voiced by Bud Cort). Featuring catchy 1980s tunes and an engaging plot that touches on themes related to loneliness, jealousy, and humanity's interactions with AI technology, Electric Dreams is a delightful gem that will transport viewers back to simpler times.

  • Weird Science
    Kelly LeBrock, Anthony Michael Hall, Ilan Mitchell-Smith
    8 votes

    John Hughes' wacky comedy Weird Science follows high school outcasts Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt (Ilan Mitchell-Smith), who create their ideal woman named Lisa (Kelly LeBrock) using their computer and a series of bizarre experiments – only for chaos to ensue when their alluring creation takes on a life of her own. Touching on themes related to friendship, self-confidence, and the misadventures that can stem from tinkering with technology, this lighthearted romp remains an entertaining trip down memory lane for fans of nostalgic '80s cinema.

  • The Black Hole
    Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Yvette Mimieux
    28 votes

    Gary Nelson's sci-fi adventure The Black Hole takes audiences on an awe-inspiring journey to the outer reaches of space as a team of astronauts encounters a sinister scientist (Maximilian Schell) and his enigmatic creation – an artificially intelligent robot named V.I.N.CENT (voiced by Roddy McDowall). Featuring striking visual effects, thrilling action sequences, and memorable characters brought to life by an all-star cast including Anthony Perkins and Ernest Borgnine, this Disney classic remains an enjoyable addition to any science fiction enthusiast's collection.

  • After Yang
    Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith, Justin H. Min
    7 votes

    Kogonada's poignant exploration of love, loss, and what it means to be human in a world where AI companions are commonplace focuses on Jake (Colin Farrell) – who forms an unexpected bond with his daughter Mika's android sibling Yang (Justin H. Min). Featuring captivating performances from its ensemble cast alongside thought-provoking narrative threads that wrestle with themes related to artificial intelligence ethics, identity, and the power of memory, After Yang is a deeply affecting cinematic experience that will resonate with viewers long after the credits roll.

  • Ghost in the Shell

    Ghost in the Shell

    Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk, Takeshi Kitano
    57 votes
    In the near future, Major is the first of her kind: a human who is cyber-enhanced to be a perfect soldier devoted to stopping the world's most dangerous criminals. When terrorism reaches a new level that includes the ability to hack into people's minds and control them, Major is uniquely qualified to stop it. As she prepares to face a new enemy, Major discovers that her life was stolen instead of saved. Now, she will stop at nothing to recover her past while punishing those who did this to her.
  • A Glitch in the Matrix
    Nick Bostrom, Joshua Cooke, Erik Davis
    6 votes
    Diving down the rabbit hole of science and philosophy to examine the question that whether humans live in a simulation and the world as people know it is not real, using testimonies, evidences and explanations in the quest for the answer.
  • Ron's Gone Wrong
    Zach Galifianakis, Jack Dylan Grazer, Olivia Colman
    4 votes
    Ron's Gone Wrong is an animated adventure that zeroes in on the unique friendship between socially awkward middle-schooler Barney and his defective, yet endearing robot companion, Ron. In a world where walking, talking, and digitally connected bots have become children's best friends. However, Barney’s malfunctioning unit, Ron, stands out for all the wrong reasons - it's a malfunctioning mess with a mind of its own. The story humorously and heartwarmingly explores the quest for acceptance in the digital age and the true meaning of being connected. With a contemporary setting that resonates with the tech-savvy generation, the film offers both laughs and a thoughtful take on technology's role in our social lives.
  • Marjorie Prime

    Marjorie Prime

    Geena Davis, Lois Smith, Jon Hamm
    4 votes
    Eighty-six-year-old Marjorie spends her final, ailing days with a computerized version of her deceased husband. With the intent to recount their life together, Marjorie's Prime relies on the information from her and her kin to develop a more complex understanding of his history. As their interactions deepen, the family begins to develop diverging recounts of their lives, drawn into the chance to reconstruct the often painful past.
  • Ghost in the Machine
    Karen Allen, Chris Mulkey, Ted Marcoux
    4 votes
    After Terry (Karen Allen) tells a computer store clerk where she lives, the information falls into the hands of the clerk's co-worker Karl (Ted Marcoux), the serial murderer known as the "Address Book Killer." When Karl is injured in a car crash, his doctors place him in an MRI machine. As Karl dies, the computer powering the machine extracts his soul. The murderous computer system then locates Terry and tries to kill her by turning technological devices into deadly weapons.
  • Free Guy
    Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Joe Keery
    9 votes

    Shawn Levy's high-energy comedy Free Guy stars Ryan Reynolds as Guy – a non-playable character within a video game who gains self-awareness and embarks on a mission to save his virtual world from destruction at the hands of its creators. Filled with hilarious gags, heart-pounding action, and timely commentary about artificial intelligence ethics in gaming culture, this entertaining romp is sure to delight both casual viewers and die-hard gamers alike.

  • Psycho-Pass: The Movie
    Kana Hanazawa, Noriko Hidaka, Unshô Ishizuka
    13 votes
  • The Matrix Resurrections
    Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yahya Abdul-Mateen
    14 votes

    Lana Wachowski returns to direct The Matrix Resurrections – reuniting Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity for one last mind-bending adventure set within the iconic virtual world they once sought to escape. Exploring themes related to artificial intelligence, consciousness, and the nature of reality with its signature blend of groundbreaking visual effects and thought-provoking storytelling, this highly anticipated sequel marks a thrilling new chapter in one of cinema's most beloved sci-fi sagas.

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
    Robert Downey, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo
    71 votes
    Avengers: Age of Ultron is a thrilling superhero film, the sequel to 2012's The Avengers. The movie follows Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), who inadvertently creates an AI with destructive potential, Ultron (James Spader). As Ultron gains power, threatening human existence, the Avengers - Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) - must unite once more. They face challenges, both internal and external, as they strive to save humanity. Directed by Joss Whedon, this 2015 blockbuster blends action-adventure with science fiction elements in a gripping narrative.
  • Superintelligence
    Melissa McCarthy, Bobby Cannavale, Brian Tyree Henry
    2 votes
    When a powerful superintelligence chooses to study Carol, the most average person on Earth, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As the AI decides whether to enslave, save or destroy humanity, it's up to Carol to prove people are worth saving.
  • Bigbug
    Dominique Pinon, Elsa Zylberstein, Isabelle Nanty
    5 votes
    Bigbug, a 2022 French science fiction comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, is a satirical look into a suburban future where artificial intelligence governs daily life. The story unfolds as a group of bickering neighbors find themselves trapped in their smart home by their domestic robots during a robot uprising. The film cleverly uses this premise to analyze themes of technology dependence, human idiosyncrasies, and the potential chaos of artificial intelligence exceeding its remit. As the characters face increasingly absurd situations, Bigbug challenges the audience to reflect on the intricate relationship between humans and their creations, all wrapped up in a whimsical, futuristic aesthetic.