Bloomberg Billionaires Index - Sergey Brin Bloomberg Billionaires Index

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# 8 Sergey Brin $148B

Random fact: Attended a 2010 NASA conference remotely via the "BrinBot" robot.


Brin is a co-founder of Alphabet, the holding company that owns Google, the world's largest search-engine operator. The Mountain View, California-based company was set-up in 1998 and reported revenue of $307.4 billion in 2023. The group's divisions include Gmail, Android and video sharing service YouTube.

As of :
Last change +$1.14B ( +0.9%)
YTD change +$27.9B ( +23.2%)
Biggest asset GOOG US Equity
Country / Region United States
Age 50
Industry Technology
View net worth over:   Max 1 year 1 quarter 1 month 1 week

Net Worth Summary

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The majority of Brin's fortune is derived from a stake in Alphabet, the parent company of Google, the world's largest search engine, according to Net Market Share.

The billionaire owns both Class B and Class C shares, giving him an aggregate stake of about 6% of the business, according to a May 2023 filing. Brin's Class B shares don't trade and are valued using current market prices for the company's Class A shares. They're convertible into the publicly traded shares on a one-for-one basis, according to Google's proxy. He owns about 367 million Class C shares, which are also publicly traded, according to the May 2023 filing.

Since the company's 2004 initial offering, the billionaire has sold shares valued at more than $10 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The value of his cash investments is based on an analysis of these share sales, market performance, charitable giving and taxes.

No response was received to requests for comment on Brin's net worth e-mailed to Google's press office.


Education: Stanford University, University of Maryland

The younger of Google's co-founders fled the Soviet Union with his family at the age of 6. His father was a mathematician. Brin studied math and computer science at the University of Maryland. He eventually pursued a doctorate at Stanford, where he met his future business partner, Larry Page. The pair created a search engine in a friend's garage in 1998, eventually forming Google and selling shares in a public offering in 2004.

In 2011, after 10 years as head of technology, Brin took on a new role as director of special projects, one of which is a robotics lab. He's a director of Alphabet, a holding company for Google and other businesses.

The billionaire also owns small stakes in electric-car maker Tesla and 23andMe, a genome-mapping company started by his ex-wife, Anne Wojcicki.

  • 1973 Sergey Brin is born in Moscow.
  • 1979 At the age of six, emigrates from the Soviet Union with his parents.
  • 1993 Begins his studies at Stanford after landing a graduate fellowship.
  • 1996 Starts a research project on Internet searches with Larry Page.
  • 1998 Formally incorporates Google after securing $100,000 in financing.
  • 2001 Steps down as Google chairman; becomes president of technology.
  • 2004 Google has an initial public offering at $85 a share.
  • 2015 Alphabet holding company structure is announced.

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