Advanced Diploma in Relationship Psychotherapy | cosrt

Advanced Diploma in Relationship Psychotherapy

This course aims to build on existing psychotherapy and counselling skills and to widen these to include systemic and psychosexual skills. Support is given to individual students in building on, enhancing and honing their practice when working with couples. The aim is to enable participants to work with complex and multi-faceted presentations at a deep level incorporating a variety of psychotherapeutic models within the couple framework.

ProviderNAOS Institute
COSRT Level:Seven (7)
Guided Learning:140 hours
Total Qualification Time:180 hours
Cyber Essentials Badge plus UK Says No More

Registered address: COSRT, 10 Queen Street Place, London, EC4R 1BE
COSRT is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales
Company number 4998207
COSRT is a registered charity (number 1101961)