Home - Rey Juan Carlos University

How science contributes to the restoration of natural spaces

How science contributes to the restoration of natural spaces


A scientific team from the Rey Juan Carlos University has participated in the rehabilitation of the habitat of the mining region...

The URJC, one more year in the Interuniversity Program for Seniors of the Community of Madrid

La URJC, one more year in the Interuniversity Program for Seniors of the Community of Madrid


The Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) joins the 2024 edition of the Interuniversity Program for Seniors...

The Juvenil A of CD Móstoles URJC celebrates its promotion to the Honor Division

El Youth A of CD Móstoles URJC celebrates its promotion to the Honor Division


The team mathematically achieved a place for the 2024/2025 season in the Honor Division, the highest category for its rank...

Excellent results for the URJC in the EIR and MIR 2024 exams

Excellent results for the URJC in the EIR and MIR 2024 exams


The Rey Juan Carlos University is first in the strong percentile in the Resident Intern Nursing (EIR) test. By...


AF401M7 - Workshop management in Virtual Classroom. Peer evaluation.

Rey Juan Carlos University, Tulipán Street, Móstoles, Spain

Workshop "THE UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL #Digital #Identity"

Rey Juan Carlos University Campus Móstoles, Calle Tulipán, s/n, Móstoles, Spain

Conference “Shoot up your personal productivity”

King Juan Carlos University (URJC) Madrid Campus, Paseo de los Artilleros, Madrid, Spain

Rendering seminar in Vulkan: Path Tracing with Konstantinos Katzatkis

Rey Juan Carlos University Campus Móstoles, Calle Tulipán, s/n, Móstoles, Spain

tvurjc icon

URJC, a university open to the world


Event: Coffee with Ofilibre
Date: 29/05/24
Time: 10:00

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Faculties and Schools

access to the faculty of legal and political sciences
access to Fuenlabrada School of Engineering
access to the faculty of communication sciences
access to school of experimental sciences and technology
access faculty of health sciences
access to higher school of computer engineering
access to the college of arts and humanities
access to international doctoral school
access to the faculty of education and sports sciences and interdisciplinary studies
access to official master's school
Access to the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences