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These ghosts have been reported to mimic each other's actions. They alternate their attacks to confuse their prey.

The Journal

The Twins is a type of ghost in Phasmophobia. They are known for existing as a "pair", with both Twins able to interact with the environment and start hunts "separately".


Despite its name and accompanying flavor text, mechanically, The Twins is simply one ghost. This means there is no "decoy twin" to:


When The Twins uses its ability, it will perform one interaction in the normal radius (up to 3 metres) and one within a larger radius (up to 16 metres). All such interactions follow the standard 25% chance of producing EMF 5 instead of 2 or 3, regardless of which radius was used to perform the interaction.


When The Twins attempts to initiate a hunt, there is a 50% chance for it begin at its current location, and a 50% chance for it to begin close to the area where it last interacted with the large radius. Regardless of where The Twins hunts from, it will follow standard hunting rules. As The Twins is only one ghost, two hunts cannot occur simultaneously, and it will follow the standard 25-second cooldown between hunts.

Depending on where the hunt begins from, The Twins will move at two different speeds. If it hunts from its present location, it will have a base speed of 1.53 m/s, and if it hunts from the area where its large radius interaction occurred, it will have a base speed of 1.87 m/s.

When The Twins attempts to hunt, the crucifix check will be applied at the ghost's current location. If The Twins decides to start its hunt at the site of its last large radius interaction, it will teleport to that location after the crucifix check.


Strengths and weaknesses[]

These are the strengths and weaknesses as listed in the journal:

Strength: Either Twin can be angered and initiate an attack on their prey.

Weakness: The Twins will often interact with the environment at the same time.


The Twin's primary strength is its ability to misdirect: its core ability can very easily conjure red herring interactions at parts of the map far from the favourite room where it would give evidence, misleading hunters and delaying their efforts to identify it. This can be be especially troublesome on larger maps like Sunny Meadows Mental Institution when trying to locate the favourite room. However, these misleading interactions can be used against it: as the ghost is not physically in the room where these long-ranged interactions occur, evidence past EMF Level 5 cannot be obtained in the area. Using a thermometer and noting a lack of Freezing Temperatures (or, at the very least, notable temperature drops) where ghost activity is noted, or failing to receive Spirit Box responses in rooms near where interactions occurred, are strong signs of the antics of The Twins trying to cause trouble.

Noticing a subtle change in base speed from one hunt to another might indicate that the player is dealing with The Twins. Be sure to avoid confounding factors such as line-of-sight acceleration, or a few other ghosts which may also change base speeds between hunts.

Due to The Twins having two possibilities in regards to angles of attack for any given hunt, it is recommended to plan for the event that The Twins approaches from a planned escape route, such as through use of Incense. Additionally, as The Twins checks for a crucifix in its current location before teleporting to the location of its last large radius interaction if it decides to be fast during the hunt, this can lead the ghost to begin a hunt directly on top of a crucifix, something no other ghost can do (outside of a cursed hunt).


Early Access (Steam)
0.4.0 Added The Twins.
BansheeDemonDeogenGoryoHantuJinnMareMoroiMylingObakeOniOnryoPhantomPoltergeistRaijuRevenantShadeSpiritThayeThe MimicThe TwinsWraithYokaiYurei