dioses de la guerra - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Spanish-English

dioses pl m

Gods pl
gods pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Una de las primeras v�ctimas de esta guerra ser�, sin lugar a dudas, el Pacto de Estabilidad y
Crecimiento, a menos que Europa se niegue a sacrificar el crecimiento y el empleo en el
[...] altar de los dioses de la guerra.
One of the first victims of this war will certainly be
the Stability and Growth Pact, unless Europe refuses to sacrifice growth and
[...] employment on the altar of the gods of war.
El nombre de los planetas significan viajeros, proceden de los dioses Romanos: Mercurio, el dios
mensajero; Venus, la diosa del amor y la
[...] belleza; Marte, el dios de la guerra; J�piter, el rey de [...]
los dioses; Saturno, padre de J�piter
y dios de la agricultura; Neptuno, dios del mar.
Planets, meaning wanderers, are named after Roman deities: Mercury, messenger of the gods; Venus,
the godess of love and beauty;
[...] Mars, the god of war; Jupiter, king of the gods; and Saturn, [...]
father of Jupiter and god of
agriculture; Neptune, god of the sea.
El nombre Brokk se ha tomado de la figura
[...] mitol�gica Brokk, que forj� un martillo para Tor, el dios de la Guerra, en el reino de los dioses n�rdicos.
The name Brokk has been taken from
[...] the mythical figure Brokk, who forged a hammer for Thor, the God of War, in the realm of the Norse Gods.
Ares es el dios de la guerra violenta, aborrecido por los [...]
dem�s dioses.
Ares is god of violent war, and hated by the rest of gods.
Su hermana es la diosa Enio (horror), diosa de la guerra.
Their sister is the� goddess Enyo (Horror),� goddess of war.
En la mitolog�a romana encontramos el equivalente de Deimos en
[...] Fuga, hijo de Marte, dios de la guerra, y de Venus, diosa del amor.
In Roman mythology we find Metus's� equivalent in� Fuga, who is the
[...] son of Mars, the god of War; and Venus , the goddess of Love.
La diosa de la guerra y el desierto con cabeza de le�n.
Lioness-headed goddess of war and of the desert.
Eran consagrados
[...] desde peque�os a la diosa de la guerra.
Since their childhood
[...] they were devoted to the goddess of war.
La leyenda nos dice que los caballeros siempre aparecen cuando las fuerzas del mal intentan apoderarse del mundo, en un tiempo lejano
existi� un grupo de
[...] j�venes que proteg�an a Atena la diosa de la guerra, se les llamaba los caballeros [...]
de Atena y siempre combat�an sin armas.
Legend has it that gentlemen always appear when the forces of evil try to take over the world, existed in a distant time
a youth group that
[...] protected Athena the goddess of war, they were called the knights of Athena and [...]
always fought without weapons.
La diosa de la guerra llamada Olympus dijo que ella le ayudar� a ganar la batalla.
The goddess of war called Olympus told that she will help him to win the battle.
Puesto que los dioses en estos mitos
constituyen arquetipos y expresiones de
[...] fuerzas naturales& La guerra entre dioses y hombres era en realidad la guerra de stos contra [...]
el dominio de las fuerzas f�sicas que
gobiernan la vida de los seres humanos, su voluntad y su destino
Since gods in these myths constitute archetypes and
[...] expressions of natural forces�& The war between gods and men was in reality the latter's [...]
war against dominance of the physical forces that rule
over human life, his will, and his fate
La guerra entre dioses y hombres era en realidad la guerra de stos contra el dominio de las [...]
fuerzas f�sicas que gobiernan
la vida de los seres humanos, su voluntad y su destino�?
The war between gods and men was in reality the latter's war against dominance of the physical [...]
forces that rule over human
life, his will, and his fate�?
Dos sentidos, gusto y o�do, se al�an as� para potenciar a�n m�s los placeres
[...] hedonistas del hombre al degustar la bebida de los dioses.
Two senses taste and hearing, work together well to enhance the hedonistic
[...] pleasures of man and enjoy the drink of the gods.
No es suficiente decir: "Soy parte de la iglesia" y tener otros dioses consigo.
It is not enough to say, "I am part of the church" and have other gods with them.
Cuando vio que de ninguna manera, ni con halagos ni con amenazas,
lograba inducirlos a
[...] sacrificar a los dioses, hizo plantar siete palos alrededor del templo de Hrcules y, con la ayuda de mquinas, hizo [...]
fijar ah� a los j�venes.
When he saw that neither promises nor
threats could induce
[...] them to sacrifice to the gods, he had seven stakes driven into the ground around the temple of Hercules and, with [...]
machines had the young men fastened up.
A eso, S�crates contrapone la pregunta: "�T� crees que existe realmente entre los dioses una guerra mutua y terribles [...]
enemistades y combates...?
Socrates countered
[...] with a question: "Do you believe that the gods are really waging war against each other with terrible [...]
feuds and battles?
8) En escogiendo nuevos dioses, La guerra estaba � las puertas: [...]
�Se ve�a escudo � lanza Entre cuarenta mil en Israel?
8) They chose new gods Then was war in the gates: Was [...]
there a shield or spear seen Among forty thousand in Israel?
Se inspira en la casa de los dioses de la mitolog�a hind�, llamada [...]
Monte Meru.
It was inspired by the home of the gods in Hindu mythology, called [...]
Mount Meru.
Y sin embargo hoy los dioses me han sorprendido con la posibilidad de sostener un libro, [...]
y leer y escribir.
Yet today the gods have surprised me with the chance to hold a book, and to read and write.
Existen algunos Di�nicos que prestam culto a los
[...] Dioses celtas, otros a los Dioses nrdicos, de la Mesopotamia y Egipto.
Some Dianics worship Celtic Gods and others Nordics, Mesopothamics and Egyptians.
Con sus secretos, rituales y tecnolog�a, los herreros empiezan
[...] a influenciar la representacin de los dioses de varios pueblos, [...]
adem�s de crear una serie de nuevos tab�es.
By using his secrets, rituals and technology , the blacksmith
[...] now influences the representation of gods of several civilizations, [...]
besides creating a series of new taboos.
Nuevas investigaciones indican que Constantino fue el
que cre� la libertad religiosa en Roma, donde todos hab�an sido
[...] obligados a practicar la religin de los dioses paganos.
New research has indicated that Constantine was
the one who created religious freedom in Rome, where before everyone had
[...] had to practice the religion of the pagan gods.
Para esta edici�n 2010, los organizadores
[...] [...] han programado dos representaciones de "El ocaso de los dioses", la ltima de las cuatro �peras que componen el ciclo El anillo [...]
del nibelungo.
This time in 2010 the organisers have programmed two showings of the G�tterd�mmerung, the last chapter of the Nibelungen Ring.
Se les alimenta desde la
[...] infancia con la idea de que los cristianos adoran a tres dioses en tanto que [...]
los musulmanes solo adoran a uno, Al�.
They are nurtured from
[...] infancy with the idea that Christians worship three gods while they worship only [...]
one, Allah.
En cada pozo y estanque se han construido santuarios
[...] y peque�os templos dedicados a los dioses y diosas hind�es a fin de crear conciencia de la necesidad de proteger, preservar y [...]
renovar los recursos naturales.
Shrines and small temples
[...] dedicated to Hindu gods and goddesses have been built at each little tank and well, cultivating an understanding of the need to protect, [...]
preserve and rejuvenate natural resources.
La edici�n 2010 de la Viennale, festival cinematogr�fico de Viena, abre
sus puertas el 21 de octubre
[...] con la proyeccin de la pel�cula "hombres y dioses" de Xavier Beauvois que [...]
ya hab�a recibido el "Gran
Premio del Jurado" en el Festival de Cannes.
The 2010 edition of the Viennale, the cinema festival in Vienna opens
its doors in 21st October with the
[...] showing of the film "Des Hommes et des Dieux" (Of Gods and Men) by Xavier Beauvois [...]
who received the
"Grand Jury Prize" at the Cannes Festival.
En la sociedad capitalista un
[...] reducido n�mero de especialistas que ten�an que ver con la salud y la vida se convert�an en dioses.
Under capitalism, the limited number of specialists whose work had to do with health and life became gods.
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