APPARATUS Definition & Meaning |



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[ ap-uh-rat-uhs, -rey-tuhs ]


, plural ap·pa·rat·us, ap·pa·rat·us·es.
  1. a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use:

    Our town has excellent fire-fighting apparatus.

  2. any complex instrument or mechanism for a particular purpose.

    Synonyms: contrivance, contraption, device, appliance, machine

  3. any system or systematic organization of activities, functions, processes, etc., directed toward a specific goal:

    the apparatus of government; espionage apparatus.

  4. Physiology. a group of structurally different organs working together in the performance of a particular function:

    the digestive apparatus.


/ ˌæpəˈreɪtəs; ˈæpəˌreɪtəs; -ˈrɑːtəs /


  1. a collection of instruments, machines, tools, parts, or other equipment used for a particular purpose
  2. a machine having a specific function

    breathing apparatus

  3. the means by which something operates; organization

    the apparatus of government

  4. anatomy any group of organs having a specific function

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Word History and Origins

Origin of apparatus1

1620–30; < Latin apparātus equipment, originally the act of equipping, preparation, equivalent to apparā ( re ) to prepare ( ap- ap- 1 + parāre; prepare ) + -tus suffix of v. action

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Word History and Origins

Origin of apparatus1

C17: from Latin, from apparāre to make ready

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Example Sentences

The way academics still publish papers on whether you possess the necessary mental apparatus to function in a civil democracy.

After failing to secure the nomination, he eventually suspended his campaign—but he did not suspend his political apparatus.

But providing an objective picture is not what the Kremlin and its media apparatus is known for.

Safety officials believe it snapped, sending both acrobats and apparatus hurtling 25 to 40 feet to the floor.

He also opted to use “his eyes” as his only light measuring apparatus, something Nel quickly dismissed as “subjective.”

“The sepoys have come in from Meerut,” he announced with the slow tick of the earliest form of apparatus.

While the test is somewhat tedious, all the manipulations are simple and require no apparatus but flasks, test-tubes, and funnels.

Hydrogen sulphid is easily prepared in the simple apparatus shown in Fig. 30.

The endless miles of railways, the vast apparatus of the factories, the soaring structures of the cities bear easy witness to it.

As all parts of this apparatus are of metal changes in humidity or temperature do not affect its regulation.





apparatchikapparatus criticus