Sanoma - The Phoenix and the Carpet
The Phoenix and the Carpet
Illustrated reader - level 2
Edith Nesbit

Ordine di scuola Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado - Tutti tipi scuola 1° biennio

Area disciplinare Discipline lingue moderne

Materia INGLESE - Narrativa

Collana Password Readers

ISBN 9788861610316

Pp. 96

Euro 10,10

When four children accidentally burn their nursery carpet, their mother buys a new one. Inside the new carpet, there is a mysterious egg and when it hatches a golden Phoenix appears. It tells the children that the carpet is magic. It’s a flying carpet and so their adventures begin… a mysterious island, a palace in India and finding hidden treasure are just some of their exploits, but the magic gets them into trouble and creates a few problems…