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There are a variety of movements that allows players to traverse the map. They range from basic movements (most of which are taught at the first tutorial), advanced movements (taught at the advanced tutorial), and tricks.
NOTE: Most explanations for movement are taken directly from the in-game help menu.




The Jump is the most basic and most essential traversal ability. To perform one, simply press Spacebar.

Normal Jump
The Normal Jump is the most basic one and the one you will be using the most. It is a simple jump, and it will slightly boost your speed.

Edge Jump
The Edge jump requires you to jump right at an edge, and is like the normal jump, except you go slightly higher, and slightly further. It maintains and adds to any previous velocity.

High Jump
The High jump is one of the two more complex jumps, as it requires you to press Scroll Click and then quickly press Spacebar immediately after while on flat ground. When high jumping out of a safety roll, its Vertical velocity will be increased by 1.6x.

Long Jump
The Long jump is the other complex jump. It has the same steps as the high jump, except instead of on flat ground, you must do it right on the very edge of a surface. It ca also be done midair on walls if you do it correctly.


The Vault can be used to quickly clear a small obstaacle, and is the first of the three main traversal abilities. To perform one, press Spacebar right when you're about to run into an obstacle in front of you that is lower than at least stomach height. There are two modes, and you can switch between them with [ SWAP VAULT ] Learn to swap between the two for when you need either one for their advantages for the time

Monkey Vault
The Monkey vault permits vault jumping, allowing players to ascend upwards.

Speed Vault
Speed vaulting is quicker and can redirect velocity, and despite how you can't vault jump out of it, it can be quite useful in certain situations. During a slide, the Monkey vault is unavailable, and the Speed vault will be used instead.


The wallclimb can be used to climb walls, and is the second of the three main traversal abilities. To perform one, press Spacebar as you are close to and facing a wall. This can be done midair, but you must still have some vertical momentum. The Powergrip Gauntlet removes this limitation. The amount of height you are able to climb is based off of your Glove tier. You can turn your camera away from teh wall and press Spacebar again to Wall jump off the wall at any time, jumping direction your camera is facing. Doing this quick enough will allow you to perfrom an advanced move known as teh Wallclimb Boost. Pressing Spacebar if your camera is still facing the wall will cancel the wallclimb immediately.


The Wallrun can be used to cross gaps by running along walls, and is the third of the three main traversal abilities. To perform one, press spacebar midair while next to a wall.

The maximum amount of time you are able to keep a wallrun going for is based off of your glove power. The Powergrip Gauntlet and Mag Rail increase this limit by 50%, allowing you to wallrun much longer distances.

To keep a wallrun going, you must continue moving with the wall. If you turn away from the wall or turn too close into it you will fall out of your wallrun.

Your Vertical velocity will carry over upon beginning a wallrun, however your fall will be greatly slowed. You can press Spacebar at any time to jump out of a wallrun. You can only wallrun twice before you hit the ground again, and you cannot wallrun on the same side you jumped out of your last wallrun from.


The dropdown can be used to more safely drop down from heights. To perform one, press Shift when nearby an edge. This will negate approximately 25 studs worth of falling damage, allowing you to fall from even higher up than you normally would be able to. However, it will slow you down slightly, so you should use it sparingly if you are looking for speed. You can slide down a wall with this ability by continuing to hold shift.

Ledge Grab

Ledge Grab
The Ledge Grab is the simplest movement ability. To perform one, simply press Spacebar when you are facing a nearby ledge. You can either press Spacebar again to climb up, or you can turn around and press Spacebar to jump off inthe direction of your camera.


The Springboard can be used t jump great heights off of small obstacles. To perform one, jump at an obstacle without vaulting, and hold down Spacebar. The Springboard is similar to the vault jump, however it gives less distance, but much more height, and can be used to clear walls that the vault jumpw ould not be able to.



Wallclimb Boost

Wallclimb Boost
[ UP MOVEMENT ] ➜ Turn Around ➜ [ UP MOVEMENT ]
The Wallclimb Boost is an extremely powerful technique. It allows you to essentially fly up walls at incredible speeds, and is the main traversal tool used by extremely skilled players.

It is done by going up to a wall and double tapping Spacebar as quickly as possible, while also spinning your camera up and away from the wall before the second tap of the Spacebar. While difficult to learn nd get used to, it is extremely powerful and allows you to climb up most faces wit ease. The Powergrip Gauntlet only increases the power of the Wallclimb Boost, allowing you to perform one even while falling, greatly increasing the number of possible jumps.

Your Glove will affect your Wallclimb Boosting height, since they affect your actual wallclimbing height as well as speed. You can do up to two before you hit the ground again.

Double Wallclimb Boost

Double Wallclimb Boost
[ UP MOVEMENT ] ➜ Turn Around ➜ [ UP MOVEMENT ] [x2]
A Wallclimb Boost can be performed twice. (more here later)

Double Wallrun

Double Wallrun
[ UP MOVEMENT ] ➜ Turn Around ➜ [ UP MOVEMENT ]
The Double Wallrun can be used to wallrun twice onto the same surface, and while less utilized than the Wallclimb Boost, is still useful in the right situations. To perform a Double Wallrun, first you must Wallrun, jump off then turn around, continue moving in your original direction except backwards, and then do a second Wallrun


TRICKS [ - + ]

Static Long Jump

Static Long Jump
The Static Long Jump (abbreviated SLJ) can be used to get a little bit of extra height if you are trying to go as high as you possibly can. It is done by performing a Long Jump on a wall, except without holding any movement keys. This Trick is very useful when used every change you get. When trying to get up a very high wall you can't seem to make, try using this at the start of the climb, and after every wallclimb boost and wallrun.

Zipline Catch

Zipline Catch
If you can time it perfectly, it's possible to survive any height by simply preparing your landing and catching a zipline as you pass it.

Wallrun Dash

Wallrun Dash
A Grapple Dash into a Wallrun Dash
[ Wallrun ] [ SPACE ]
Wallrun Jumping takes your current velocity, points it in an inputted direction, and doubles it. At heigh speeds, if you're able to line yourself up parallel with a wall or time it perfectly, you can wallrun and immediately jump out of it to double your speed and dash extremely fast in any direction. The "Hold to Wallrun" setting greatly aids in performing Wallrun Dashes quickly.

Mag Dash

Mag Dash
With the Mag Rail, go to wallrun and instead of wallruning, press to bounce off the wall and then immediately press jump and you will dash at high speeds in the direction inputted.

Grapple Dash

Grapple Dash
Through your grappler out in front of you and jumping the instant before your grapple connects gives you a significant speed boost. If you are able to line this up with the edge of a building, you will go significantly faster.

Grapple High Jump

Grapple High Jump
[ INTERACT ] [ High Jump ]
Throw your grapple above you and right AFTER the grapple connects, perform a high jump. The high jump will add to the velocity of the grappler and increase the height gained significantly.

Fall Cancel

Fall Cancel
[ INTERACT ] [ DOWN MOVEMENT ] [ Wallrun ]
If you are able to pull yourself slightly down and forwards while falling at any speed, you can quickly wallrun out of your fall and cancel your fall damage, allowing you to survive falls from any height. If you die, you grappled too high. If you can't wall run, you grappled too low.

Slide Jump

Slide Jump
Sliding continues your current velocity across teh ground, and jumping out of a slide converts some of it into height. The faster you're going, the higher you'll jump out of a lside. If you are able to slide jump off a ledge in addition, you will go much further.

Speed Vault

Speed Vault 2
Speed Vaulting allows you to redirect your current velocity in your lock direction. At high speeds, performing a Speed Vault and for a brief period, you will be able to redirect your velocity however you want.

Drop Dash

Drop Dash
If you do not have any extra gear to assist in gaining velocity for a wallrun dash. you can use gravity instead. Fall until you almost barely can't wallrun anymore and use your falling speed to wallrun dash. Combine this with a double wallrun dash to get even more speed.

Paraglider Fall Cancel

Paraglider Fall Cancel
A much easier version of a fall cancel is the Paraglider Fall Cancel. By grappling the ground as the user falls from a large height, and activating the paraglider as fast as possible, you will survive the fall. This is at the cost of the player's combo.


OTHER [ - + ]


By pressing the CHARGE keybind (middle mouse button by default), followed immediately by the CROUCH keybind, you will quickly descend. Because this movement trades vertical velocity for horizontal velocity, when combined with other abilities such as edge jumps (if timed correctly), ascending/descending on ziplines, or dashing, their effectiveness will be greatly increased.


[ CROUCH ] (midair)
Holding the crouch keybind while airborne will cause you to fall more quickly.