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Prowl (G1)

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The name or term "Prowl" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Prowl (disambiguation).
Prowl is an Autobot and later Maximal from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Prowl is the Autobot military strategist. As such, Autobot Commander Optimus Prime keeps Prowl near at hand for his indispensable expertise. Prowl is quiet, competent, loyal, and possessed of almost endless patience.

Prowl's dedication to logic and reason make him an excellent strategist, but not much of a socialite. He really doesn't tend to get along well with his fellow Autobots, many of whom find his strict adherence to military protocol stifling, and his uptight personality sure doesn't help matters. He does not react well to the unexpected, to the point that it can literally scramble his cerebral circuits. The Dinobot commander Grimlock, who is disorder made manifest, especially honks Prowl off, and Grimlock feels pretty much the same way in return, only with more swear words. He's very fond of his acid pellets, though.

In some universes, he can combine with the Constructicons to form Devastator, or combine with other Autobots into Optimus Maximus or Betatron. In other timelines, at the twilight of the Great War, he joined forces with fellow veterans Ironhide and Silverbolt to form Magnaboss, instrumental to the final Autobot victory.

Listening to you, Blue Streak, taxes even the endless patience of Prowl. I have little to say, but my logic center dictates the most advantageous course of action in any situation.Prowl begins his long history of prickery, "The Transformers"



Marvel Comics continuity

Prowl had yet to develop his table flipping skills.
Listening to you, Blue Streak, taxes even the endless patience of Prowl. I have little to say, but my logic center dictates the most advantageous course of action in any situation.Prowl tells you everything you need to know about him, ever. "The Transformers issue 1"

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Prowl's quest to become the power behind the throne started early.

Part of the crew of the Ark, Prowl served as one of Optimus Prime's top advisers during the early years of the Autobot-Decepticon conflict on Earth. In 2005, he met his end at the hands of the Decepticons shortly before the Battle of Autobot City. His body was interred with honor within the Autobot Mausoleum, but was soon desecrated and destroyed.

In a splinter timeline, death would not be the end for Prowl and things would proceed to get very, very confusing. His mind would be merged with that of Chip Chase, creating the new entity Prowl II, until time travel would undo that, until it didn't, and then Prowl came back to life for real. In 2011, he returned to battle on Earth, aiding Ultra Magnus at Autobot City. Prowl appeared again in 2021 with a new combiner body and became a limb for Optimus Maximus.

Deadly Paradise

Prowl didn't think this through, and is now bound to a life of maid service.
When Sideswipe was deactivated after being accused and convicted of destroying the Nova Suspension Bridge, straining human/Autobot relations in the process, Prowl became suspicious. He approached Optimus, and explained that it made little sense for Sideswipe to have attacked the bridge in broad daylight before several eye-witnesses. Agreeing that this had the Decepticons' stink all over it, Optimus allowed Prowl to investigate Carob Island, the one place on Earth where a rare alloy discovered at the scene of the crime could be found. Prowl took with him Bumblebee, Hound, Ratchet, Windcharger, and Brawn and traveled to the remote Pacific island. After searching through the dense jungle on the island, Prowl heard some sort of activity originating from a cave. He, Brawn, Ratchet, and Windcharger headed inside the cave while Bumblebee and Hound stood guard. Inside the cave, the four Autobots found Decepticon gopher machines drilling and extracting the same ore they had found at the crime scene. The Autobots battled the Decepticon machines, and exited the cave only to discover that Bumblebee and Hound had gone missing. Prowl's squad then met with Madame Cee and her army of robotic pigs. When Prowl questioned her as to what happened to his companions, Madame Cee escorted the Autobots to her home, all the while claiming the Autobots were in good hands. At Cee's house, Prowl was taken on a tour while Cee explained that she remodeled machines and had recently acquired a new beneficiary. Upon seeing a scale-drawing of Optimus Prime in her workshop, Prowl demanded an explanation, only to be attacked by Ravage.
Prowl gets greeted by his loving cat and...tries to shoot it. What a prick.
Ravage revealed that Madame Cee was indeed under the employ of the Decepticons. Prowl managed to lock Ravage in a room, then forced Madame Cee to take him to Hound and Bumblebee. Prowl found them deactivated, but not tampered with. Madame Cee explained that Megatron was forcing her to help him build duplicate Autobots when all she wanted to do was build more pig-robots. Prowl learned from her the location of the Decepticon base, reactivated his friends, and took his whole squadron to confront the Decepticons.
Megatron shows Prowl his life-size replica that spouts various insults.

Finding Megatron's temporary headquarters on the island, Prowl and the others soon found themselves travelling deeper and deeper inside an enormous underground maze. They finally happened upon an open area, only to be captured by the Decepticons with force cages. Prowl appealed to Megatron's ego to have the Decepticon let him out of his cage and have a look at what Megatron's plan was. Megatron presented Prowl with a duplicate of himself, and explained that a duplicate Optimus Prime was nearing completion as well. Now knowing the full extent of the Decepticons' ploy, Prowl was led back to his cage by two Decepticon guards, only for him to notice that Rumble was in charge of the force cages. Prowl began taunting Rumble on his diminutive size, something that both of his escorts joined in on, prompting Rumble to create an earthquake in rebuttal. Taking advantage of his escorts being thrown off-balance, Prowl then destroyed the controls for the force cages and defeated Rumble. While his newly freed comrades dealt with the Decepticons that rushed to the scene, Prowl backtracked to Megatron's laboratory. There, he sneaked up on Megatron and tricked him into shooting the duplicate Prowl before managing a couple of hits on the Decepticon leader. Megatron escaped through a secret passage, taunting Prowl that he and his friends would never escape the megamaze that surrounded the facility. The situation seemed dire, until Prowl discovered that Ratchet's lubricant holder had become damaged earlier in the day during their fight with the Decepticons' drilling machines. As it had been leaking all day, Prowl and his squad were able to follow the trail it left behind out of the megamaze. Prowl then returned to Autobot headquarters with enough proof to clear Sideswipe's name, who was presumably re-activated afterwards. Deadly Paradise

Sticker Adventures books

In the aftermath of a battle with the Decepticons, the Autobots found that Decepticon activities had seemingly stopped altogether. Taking advantage of the situation, Optimus went on a trip to fetch fuel and parts for the Autobots’ ship. Prowl saw his leader off, and reminded him to check the air pressure in his tires before leaving. After Optimus had left, the Autobots discovered to their horror that the Decepticons had stolen their entire fuel supply. Hound and the other Autobots nonetheless attempted to fend off the Decepticons when they attacked once more. Thankfully, Optimus returned just in time with a new shipment of fuel. Re-energized, the Autobots forced the Decepticons to flee once again. Revenge of the Decepticons

As they were repairing a ship, Optimus Prime asked Prowl if he was sure they would be able to reach Cybertron with it. Prowl admitted that he could only be so certain about the fact, as Earth was not on any Cybertronian map. Then, the Decepticons launched an attack on the Autobots’ construction site. Optimus was rendered unconscious during the course of the fight, but the Autobots nonetheless managed to fend off the Decepticons. Upon Prime's reawakening, Prowl was standing at his side in the Autobots’ medi-bay. He expressed relief over Optimus’s safe recovery. Return to Cybertron

Marvel Storybooks continuity

Prowl was among the crew of the Ark who crashed on Earth and was rebuilt as a terrestrial vehicle. When the Autobots invaded the Decepticon fortress, it was Prowl who studied Megatron's war room map and deduced his plot for Global buildings. All that logic apparently caused him to channel Red Alert for a moment, as he momentarily seized up and started blaring an alarm. Battle for Earth

Marvel coloring books

Prowl's shoulder is his hand, apparently.

Prowl was one of the many Autobots who prevented the Decepticons from harming Sparkplug and Buster Witwicky. Though he was badly damaged in the fight, Prowl was fixed right up by Sparkplug. He then helped the Autobots protect the Hoover Dam. The Deadly Fuel Shortage

Prowl was part of the Autobot convoy that followed Optimus Prime into battle when it was discovered that the Decepticons were stealing fuel from all around the globe through the use of a molecular transfer device. When Bumblebee won the day by turning the Decepticons' machine against them, Prowl and Jazz hoisted the little Autobot on their shoulders and cheered for him. Summertime Coloring Book

Prowl suggested a patrol of the area after a rainstorm let up, concerned about what the Decepticons could be up to while the Autobots were staying dry inside their base. While the Autobots went on their patrol, the Decepticons moved in and occupied their empty base. Bumblebee warned the returning Autobots of this, and Optimus Prime sent a phony radio message to lure their foes out right into an Autobot ambush, with Prowl helping to drive the Decepticons off. A Message From Outer Space

Prowl doubted Bumblebee when the scout warned of another incoming Decepticon attack, but Optimus believed it and ordered the relocation of the Autobots' base-camp. Mirage then created an illusion of an occupied Autobot base-camp, which the Decepticons proceeded to waste all their ammunition on when attacking. The Autobots then easily drove the depleted Decepticons off with a counterattack. Bumblebee's Dangerous Mission

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The Big Book of Coloring Fun

Prowl was part of a small strike team of Autobots assembled by Ultra Magnus to help the Dinobots, who were currently engaged in battle against the Decepticons, just outside of Autobot City. After they defeated the Decepticons, Prowl and the others were cheered on by the nearby oil rig workers as they drove back to Autobot City. Battle at Oil Valley

Big Looker storybooks continuity

When the Cybertronian civil war had yet to leave the planet, Optimus asked his Autobots to join him in leaving their home world behind and travel out into space. When Bumblebee volunteered to join Optimus, Prowl and the rest of the Autobots jumped in as well. After crash-landing on Earth and being offline for about 65 millions years, Prowl and the rest of the Autobots met Sparkplug and his son Spike. With the Decepticons still not in the know of what forms the Autobots had taken, Prowl was one of the troops that Optimus led into the desert in order to ambush their enemies. Though they successfully took by surprise a squadron of Decepticons, the Autobots had not anticipated a second group flying in from the opposite direction. Thanks to a warning from Spike and Sparkplug, the Autobots managed to fend off the Decepticons, and came to accept Earth as their new home. Battle for Cybertron

Thanks to Shooting Star, Optimus discovered that Blitzwing was planning to steal oil from a nearby oil truck. Optimus took Prowl and a team of Autobots to stop the theft. Upon arriving on-scene and seeing the Decepticons sneaking up on the oil truck’s operators, Prime consulted Prowl for his strategic expertise. Thanks to Swoop’s help, the Autobots managed to thwart the Decepticons’ heist. Decepticon Hijack

Prowl was present when Beachcomber came rushing back to base after being attacked by the mind-controlled Grapple. He and Windcharger later helped free Grapple from Bombshell's insidious cerebro-shell. Insecticon Attack!

Kid Stuff Talking Story Books

Voice actor: ? (English)

Prowl is Optimus Prime's over-acting right-hand man.

"Say the line, Prowl."
"Sigh... our missiles."
-Everyone cheers-

Prowl helped Optimus Prime investigate a series of human disappearances in the Kalahari Desert. Skyfire discovered one of the humans lying on the desert floor unconscious, and radioed Autobot headquarters with his findings. Prowl deployed the Autobots' sensor drone to patch into the human's residual brain wave patterns to make sense of what was going on. He and Optimus learned that the humans were being kept as slaves to gather enormous amounts of coal, but beyond that, the Autobots were still in the dark as to what the Decepticons were planning. Until, that is, Bumblebee reported back to them and filled them in; the Decepticons were planning to strap the giant diamond lens they created out of the charcoal to focus sunbeams down on the Earth’s surface. The lens would beam down destruction from a Decepticon satellite in Earth’s orbit. With its power, they would melt the Rockies, and use the oil that would gush forth to power themselves, kill the Autobots and conquer the galaxy. When Skyfire failed in preventing the satellite from launching, Optimus and Prowl could do nothing but watch on in horror as the Decepticons’ plan began to unfold.

Prowl overlooked Ratchet attaching external fuel tanks onto Skyfire to allow the Autobot superjet to reach the Decepticon satellite in orbit. Satellite of Doom

When the Prodhoe Bay oil company sent out an emergency signal, Prowl caught wind of it on his monitoring station. Though at first, he could not pinpoint the exact location from where the Decepticons were syphoning oil from the company, his search area was narrowed by a signal sound out by Hound. The Autobots sent out Skyfire, who managed to bring down the Decepticons’ transport, but Megatron and Soundwave escaped into the frozen wastelands of the north. Prowl continued to monitor the area for the next several days, hoping to find the Decepticons once more. But the Decepticons managed to once more empty underground oil reservoirs, which caused a chain of events threatening the future of the Earth and human civilization. In order to combat this, Prowl and Optimus concocted a plan together to return the crude oil to its proper resting place, and fill the Decepticons’ transport’s tanks with razon gas. When Continents Collide

OUR MISSILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prowl and Optimus were traveled to the island of Sumatra, where they discovered that hundreds of square miles of lush jungle had been eradicated. The Decepticons were once again causing death and destruction in their quest for more oil. Back at Autobot headquarters, Prowl resumed his post and scanned for Decepticon activity. When the computer did finally detect the Decepticons on the move, Prowl deployed Bumblebee to their coordinates to deal with their destruction of the South American jungles. Storms of Destruction

Prowl monitored the Dinobots as they made their way from their own recovery base to the Autobots' headquarters. After the Dinobots were ambushed by the Decepticons and Slag was badly damaged, Prowl relayed Optimus’s command that they were to return to their own base. He later informed Optimus that the Decepticons had attempted to discover the location of the Dinobots’ base, but that Ratchet had managed to plant a Memory Scrambler Mine on their Thermo-borer, clearing the machine’s memory banks. Nonetheless, the Decepticons managed to find their way back to the Dinobots’ base, this time piloting the Crusher. After updating Optimus Prime on the situation, Prowl dispatched the Autobots’ superjets to deal with the Decepticons. Jaws of Terror

Prowl expressed his puzzlement over a series of hit-and-run Decepticon attacks in the skies over the Pacific. He relayed Optimus’s orders that Skyfire should not pursue the enemy, as it was deemed a waste of fuel. Later, he reported to Optimus that Bumblebee, who had been sent out on a scouting mission in the southwestern pacific, was days overdue for checking in. Prowl and Optimus decided to head to the island of Buru personally to investigate what was going on. Upon arrival, Prowl immediately sensed the Decepticons’ presence on the island. Prowl and Optimus soon found themselves losing a battle to Insecticon troops. Thankfully, Optimus had had the forethought to have the Dinobots meet them on the island. The Dinobots quickly turned the tide of the battle, freeing Prowl and Optimus to search for Megatron. Before they found him, however, Megatron had already escaped off the island. Slaves of the Insecticons

Later, Prowl monitored a Decepticon attack on an oil storage dump in the Arabian peninsula. As he coordinated the Autobot troops to rescue the humans at that location, he also kept tabs on a series of attacks on oil tankers off the coast of Africa. Despite the Decepticons' jamming devices, he had been able to listen in on Megatron and Soundwave's conversation as they drained all super tankers that came into their area of their precious cargo. Prowl devised a plan to stop Megatron's latest ploy; the Autobots would contaminate the crude being transported by the Colossus super tanker, scheduled to make a delivery to the area next. The powerful corrosive within the oil would destroy the Decepticons' submersible from within, allowing the Autobots to sweep in and take out Megatron. Though the plan went as planned for the most part, Megatron and Soundwave managed to escape. Afterwards, per Optimus's orders, he erased the memories of all humans who had witnessed the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Attack of the Decepticons

The Battle for Planet Earth

Voice actor: Peter Marinker (English)

As Bumblebee spied on the Decepticon base, he wished Optimus Prime or Prowl were with him. Bumblebee to the Rescue When some the Decepticons left the base to head for Stanley Lake, Optimus consulted Prowl who suggested following them. After the Autobots reached the lake, Optimus asked Prowl for a rundown of the situation, and Prowl came up with the idea of drawing the Decepticons out of the control room to avoid possible human casualties. Menace at the Dam Prowl didn't trust Starscream when the Decepticon wanted to defect, and pointed out to the others that Starscream's hatred of the Autobots was well known. He suspected Starscream was there to spy on them, and he and Optimus indeed subsequently tricked Starscream into sending the rest of the Decepticons on a wild goose chase. Espionage!!!!!

Ask Vector Prime

The Autobots subsequently returned to Cybertron aboard a refueled and repaired Ark with the defeated Decepticons, taking the Decepticons on Cybertron unawares and quickly securing control of Cybertron. Peace reigned for a time until a series of natural disasters began, the source of which was determined to be the planet Moebius in a parallel universe, designated Strata 22. The Autobots assembled a team to travel to this alternate universe and stop the threat at its source. Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, Hoist, Jazz, Prowl, and Silverstreak composed the team; they dubbed themselves Spy Changers because they aimed to achieve their goal with stealth and diplomacy. The team modified their bodies to match the 22nd Strata's native cyborgs using data acquired from the Sky Spy and crossed over but were soon attacked by the local Guardians, who mistakenly presumed them to be Renegades. The Spy Changers were then rescued by the real Renegades, who presumed them to be potential allies and took them back to their flagship, Rogue Star. Renegade leader Cy-Kill attempted to court the Spy Changers as allies, but Optimus saw through Cy-Kill's deception. Optimus sent Jazz to discover the truth of the situation, and the Renegade alliance with Gog of Moebius came to light. Optimus then sent Prowl to make contact with Guardian leader Leader-1, and a secret Autobot-Guardian alliance was formed. Wheeljack then discovered the cause of Cybertron's troubles: Renegade bases on Moebius were draining the planet's energy. The planet's geometry had turned it into a crude Dimensional Interfacer, and Moebius was tapping into Cybertron to sustain itself. Hoist was able to end the crisis by triggering the bases' remote detonation sequence. Cy-Kill was furious, but in the ensuing battle, the Autobot-Guardian alliance triumphed over the Renegades. Optimus Prime and Leader-1 shook hands, and the Spy Changers returned to their home reality, secure in the knowledge that they had allies in places as distant as alternate realities. Ask Vector Prime, 30/09/2015

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Renegade Rhetoric (2)

Highway Clash

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Prowl and Optimus secretly guarded a shipment of microchips that could be used to imbue sentience onto robots. Posing as the police escort guiding the precious cargo across the Yorkshire Dales, he was attacked by Megatron and Rumble who sought the microchips to create an army of Decepticons. With your help, Prowl may or may not have been successful in keeping the microchips out of the Decepticons' hands. Highway Clash

Find Your Fate Junior

The following summarizes one or more multipath adventures. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. See the book's page for information on alternate paths.

Dinobots Strike Back

Prowl was present in the Ark's war room as Swoop reported that Bombshell was controlling the other Dinobots with cerebro-shells, and advised that an immediate attack might be necessary to prevent human casualties. If Optimus Prime agreed, the ensuing battle dislodged all four cerebro-shells through a little blunt trauma.

If Optimus decided instead to consult the Ark's computer, producing a plan to have Windcharger remove the shells with his magnetic field, Prowl warned everyone that time was of the essence, with the Dinobots approaching Bandit's Bluff, near a human city. This gave Mirage an alternative idea to lure them over the edge of the bluff and into the ocean with a hologram of Optimus Prime, which would work despite Prowl's doubts. If Optimus chose to stick with the computer's plan, Prowl was part of the convoy accompanying Windcharger to Bandit's Bluff. Windcharger was, however, unsure how far away to cast his magnetic field from. If he stood 40 feet away, the Dinobots' repetitive motions told Prowl that the force was too strong, but his warning came too late for Windcharger to stop. Once the four Dinobots were torn to bits, Prowl somberly collected the cerebro-shells for study.

If Windcharger stood further back and safely removed the shells, one path led to a Skids returning from scouting the following day with news of Bumblebee's disappearance inside Mount Lomas, where a secret Decepticon base was producing enough superfuel to make their enemies unstoppable. Though Windcharger advocated an immediate assault, Prowl thought a mountain fortress would be too hard to storm. He suggested having the Dinobots infiltrate the base by pretending the cerebro-shells were still controlling them, then backstabbing the Decepticons just before the other Autobots attacked. Either plan would produce a victory, but Topspin fared better if you chose Prowl's. Dinobots Strike Back

Battle Drive

He likes pastry! (Who doesn't?)

When Optimus began to worry that Bumblebee failed to report in a timely manner after being sent out on patrol, he dispatched Prowl alongside Hound and Swoop to check up on the little Autobot. When they met up with Bumblebee, who informed them of the Decepticon's ploy to destroy acres of farmland in order to starve humanity into submission, Prowl suggested they attempt to take on the Decepticons on their own, while Hound advocated heading back to base. Doing the later led them straight into a violent storm, stranding them in the middle of nowhere and ending their adventure.

Alternatively, if the small group of Autobots decided to try and stop the Decepticon plot on their own, they were surprised to find Buster Witwicky on the road. The boy informed them that his father had discovered a fatal flaw in Decepticon circuitry, from whom Sparkplug was now on the run from. If the Autobots decided not to postpone their current mission for Sparkplug's sake, they were ambushed and destroyed by the Decepticons.

If they decided to rescue Buster's father, Prowl and the Autobots drove into the mountains, where they quickly discovered Sparkplug holed up in a cave surrounded by Decepticons. While Swoop flew ahead to distract the Decepticons, Prowl and the rest of the earthbound Autobots met up with Sparkplug in his cave, and decided whether or not to make a stand against the Decepticons. Depending on the choices he and other bots made, Prowl's battle to defend the cave alongside Bumblebee and Hound was more or less difficult.

In one version of the following events, Hound, Prowl, Bumblebee and the Witwickys fell to their deaths in an attempt to find an alternate route out of the cave.

In another version of the subsequent events, Prowl, Hound and Bumblebee successfully held out against the Decepticons until Autobots reinforcements arrived to turn the tide of battle.

In yet another version of the events, Prowl made a mad dash back to Autobot headquarters with Sparkplug. Although he managed to evade his pursuers by zig-zagging between trees, the adventure came to an abrupt halt when it all turned out to be one of your dreams.

In a completely different sequence of events, Prowl was chosen along with Jazz, Hound, Wheeljack, and Swoop by Optimus Prime to stop the Decepticon plot, when Bumblebee made it back to the Autobots' headquarters on his own. The group, joined by Bumblebee, were ambushed as soon as they arrived in the open countryside of the farmland. If you attempted to interfere, the Autobots were doomed. However, when the Autobots were left to their own devices, Prowl and the rest of the group realized on their own that they had stumbled into a Decepticon trap. Whether or not the group made it back to their base depended on the decisions Optimus Prime made.Battle Drive

Decepticon Poison

After the Autobots’ latest batch of fuel had been poisoned by Ramjet, leaving a number of Autobots unable to assume their robot forms, Prowl suggested the Autobots send out a task force of healthy Autobots to uncover the Decepticons’ plot. Though Perceptor suggested they instead stay on the defensive while he worked out an antidote, Prowl dismissed this plan, pointing out that there was no guarantee that Perceptor would conjure up an antidote before the Decepticons decided to strike.

If Optimus decided to go with Perceptor’s plan, and the antidote cured the Autobots, Perceptor’s concoction would leave them with a battle fever. Though the recently cured Autobots all rallied for a direct attack against the Decepticons, the more level-head Prowl suggested a more conniving approach, where the Autobots would ambush their assailants.

If Optimus allowed the cured Autobots to charge headlong into battle, Prowl was ordered to stay behind as back-up, as he was still running low on fuel. Prowl made his displeasure about the situation known. When the first charge of Autobots were quickly overpowered by the arrival of Megatron, Prowl sprung into battle, following Optimus’s lead. The Autobots were still running low on fuel however, and though they were able to retrieve their injured throughout the ensuing battle, they were quickly forced to retreat. Thankfully, the Autobots had cause enough damage to the Decepticon ranks that the evil robots retreated as well, granting the Autobots a reprieve.

If Optimus instead followed Prowl’s plan, the Autobots were instructed to transform into vehicle mode and play dead. The Decepticons, believing the Autobots’ ruse, disarmed themselves in order to carry out the Autobots’ “carcasses.” Now with the element of surprise against unarmed opponent, the Autobots Transformed and were able to easily defeat the evil robots.

In another possible turn of events, Perceptor gave out too much of his antidote to each Autobot. The Autobots who received the antidote soon found themselves falling apart, leaving Prowl and the rest outmatched against the greater number of Decepticons.

In a completely different scenario, Optimus agreed to Prowl’s plan to go on the offensive and try and discover the full extent of the Decepticons’ plans. Optimus nominated Prowl, Bumblebee and Mirage to go along with him on the mission. The group refuelled with the gas that Sparkplug brought back from the Autobots’ secret storage area, and took off. The group soon happened upon the Decepticons’ lab in the middle of a barren, polluted wasteland.

If all four Autobots ventured together into the Decepticons’ lab, they first encountered Laserbeak, only to quickly dispatch him. Venturing further into the lab, the group soon spotted the antidote they were after, and sent Mirage to fetch it. Mirage returned with the beaker and news; he had heard Ramjet and Starscream talking about using a new poison to turn humans into mindless slaves. Prowl opted to try and take down the Decepticons immediately in light of this turn of events.

If Optimus ordered his squad to instead return to Autobot headquarters immediately, his squad returned to find their comrades nearly dead from the poison. But with Ratchet’s help, the antidote was quickly distributed, and the Autobots sprung back to life.

The Autobots decide to stop the Decepticons from poisoning the humans next.

If Optimus led his troops back to the Decepticons’ poison lab, Prowl was amongst the Autobot convoy that drove into action. Happening upon the Decepticons hauling barrels of poison out of their lab, the Autobots devised a couple of plans to stop them.

If the Autobots went along with a plan thought up by Windcharger, Windcharger would use his magnetic abilities to levitate the barrels of poison over the Decepticons. Prowl then quickly shot the barrels full of holes, allowing the barrels’ contents from flowing down onto the evil robots. With Jazz igniting the barrels’ content and Warpath finishing the Decepticons’ lab off, the Autobots drove back to base victoriously that day.

Alternatively, if Optimus decided to end his troops to the water reservoir instead of the lab, Prowl was amongst the group of Autobots that found the reservoir swarmed by Decepticons upon their arrival.

If however Optimus ordered his troops to deal with the Decepticons before returning to base with the antidote, Prowl suggested that he use his incendiary missiles to destroy the poison first, before dealing with Ramjet and Starscream.

If the Autobots went along with Prowl’s strategy, the resulting heat from the explosion caused the Autobots’ circuits to overheat, rendering them unconscious. Upon reawakening, the Autobots found themselves captives of Megatron, who informed them that their fellow Autobots would soon perish, and that the humans would be conquered by the Decepticons shortly after. Ashamed of his failure, Prowl covered his face in shame.

If Optimus instead decided to deal with Ramjet and Starscream first, his troop easily overpowered the pair, Prowl and Mirage working together to wrestle down Starscream. After having destroyed the lab, the Autobots returned to their headquarters with the antidote.

If instead of all heading into the lab together, the Autobots had sent in Bumblebee alone, and Bumblebee subsequently managed to escape with the antidote to the Decepticons’ poison, the Autobots escaped from the Valley of Poison and returned to Autobot headquarters. Once the other Autobots were cured, they all drank a toast to Bumblebee, to celebrate his part in the mission. Decepticon Poison

Autobot Alert!

Prowl was in Metroplex city when an Autobot Alert sounded.

In one possible scenario, Jazz was selected alongside Mirage, Swoop, Powerglide and Jazz, to join Ultra Magnus on an orbital mission to both rescue Cosmos and halt a Decepticon plot to take over Earth’s broadcast satellites. After donning special space gear for solar protection, the team took off and headed towards Cosmos’s last coordinates. Though they soon found Cosmos, so did they spot Galvatron’s ship, Cyclonus, looming nearby. After they had retrieved Cosmos, Ultra Magnus called out to his troops to return to the shuttle’s control deck. Ultra Magnus ordered his troops to train all of their weapons on Cyclonus for a full-frontal assault.

If the Autobots went ahead with Ultra Magnus’s plan, Prowl was ordered to program the engines for fast-forward thrust. He and the rest of the Autobots were horrorstruck when Galvatron himself emerged from Cyclonus, followed by an army of multiwing jet fighters. Prowl and the others were left drifting helplessly into space as the Decepticons tore their shuttle apart.

If instead Powerglide and Swoop went about their own way of defeating the Decepticons, Cyclonus’s transmission device was successfully destroyed and the entire crew of the Autobot shuttle presumably returned to base safely. Autobot Alert!

The Invisibility Factor

"You think Prowl's still mad at me for shooting him?"

In one possible scenario, the Autobots were informed by Kup and Hot Rod that the Decepticons had taken possession of an Invisibility Device, created by the human Sarah Sanders, and taken it into space to study it. Ultra Magnus put together a team of Autobots and took off in one of their shuttles to pursue them. Prowl was amongst the Autobots chosen. Once in space, however, the Autobots had difficulty pinpointing the Decepticons’ location. The ship’s crew had to decided where to look next for the Decepticons. Prowl suggested looking in the Asteroid Belt beyond Mars, noting it would be a great place to hide.

If the Autobots decided to investigate the dark side of the moon, they found themselves unable to see anything on the satellite’s shadowy surface. Prowl waited silently as Ultra Magnus, Jazz and Hot Rod discussed possible plans of action.

If Ultra Magnus decided to go through with Hot Rod’s plan of shooting down to trick the Decepticons into revealing themselves, the Autobots succeeded only in making themselves an easy target for their enemies. The Decepticons blasted their shuttle to bits. Prowl and his friends were reduced to space junk.

If Ultra Magnus listened to Jazz’s plan, he ordered his Autobots to remain silent, and to shut off all of the shuttle’s lights and mechanisms. Launching a probe as a decoy, the Autobots successfully tricked the Decepticons into revealing their position when they mistook the probe as their shuttle and opened fire upon it. Firing back, the Autobots began crippling the Decepticons’ ship, until a lucky shot rocked their own shuttle. Though the Decepticons attempted to escape while the Autobots were off-balance, the Autobots were able to deliver the finishing blow, ending the Decepticons’ menace as the evil robots' ship exploded.

In an alternate scenario wherein the Autobots listened to Prowl’s suggested and searched the Asteroid Belt beyond Mars, they soon found themselves struggling to get through the maze of floating rocks.

If the Autobots pushed on their search in the Asteroid Belt, they soon found themselves on a collision course with two enormous asteroids. If they only managed to blast one of asteroids, the Autobots were forced to retreat back to Earth after their shuttle took substantial damage. If the Autobots managed to blast neither of the Asteroids, they were all crushed between the giant pieces of space debris.

If they managed to blast away both asteroids, they reached a vast, empty expanse of space within the asteroid belt. Prowl was happy to report that they had only sustained minor damages to their shuttle while navigating through the Asteroid belt. There were bad news to follow shortly, however, as blasts coming out of seemingly nowhere revealed that the Decepticons had figured out the workings of the Invisibility Device, and were now attacking the Autobots. The Autobots considered retreating, but Kup reminded them that Sarah Sanders had not perfected her device yet, and the Decepticons’ invisibility may yet wear off.

If the Autobots attempted to flee from the Decepticons’ attack, they found themselves at too much of a disadvantage to successfully make it out of the Asteroid Belt. They were blown into space junk before they could reach Earth.

If the Autobots held their ground, they were instructed by Ultra Magnus not to open fire upon the Decepticons until ordered to do so. Though things were tense as the Autobots were hit over and over again by their invisible opponents, soon the enemy ship came into view, just as Kup had predicted. The Autobots opened fire on the flimsier vessel, blowing it and the Decepticons within to smithereens.

If the Autobots did retreat out of the Asteroid Belt, they convinced one another that the Decepticons most likely perished within it. Then, a few days later, when the invisible Decepticons attacked Metroplex city, Prowl and the rest of the Autobots were reduced to scrap metal, unable to fight the unseen enemy.

In a completely different scenario, wherein Hot Rod and Kup returned to Autobot headquarters for reinforcements after seeing the spaceship land, the two of them reported to Ultra Magnus directly, who agreed the situation necessitated further investigation. Hot Rod and Kup returned to the ship’s landing site accompanied by Jazz, Sunstreaker, Prowl and Springer. When they arrived, the ship in question was nowhere to be found, prompting Jazz and Springer to second-guess the veracity of Hot Rod and Kup’s story.

If Jazz and Springer convinced Hot Rod and Kup to return to Metroplex city to make sure they didn’t have a few wires loose, Ratchet found nothing wrong with the pair, but the incident was forgotten nonetheless. That is, until Galvatron returned with a fleet of identical ships, and destroyed both Metroplex and all of its inhabitants.

If Hot Rod and Kup convinced the other Autobots to keep on looking, Hot Rod eventually found trail marks, indicating that a heavy object the size of their spacecraft had indeed landed and had been dragged away. Prowl and the others followed the trail to a more rocky terrain, where tracking the ship would become more difficult. The trail seemingly lost, the Autobots then heard someone incoming, and took cover. From their hiding places, they saw the Decepticons Scavenger, a human captive within the grasp of his steam-shovel.

If the Autobots decided to rescue Sarah immediately, Scavenger dropped the woman, and cried for help while attempting to flee.

If the Autobots pursued Scavenger, they found him rejoining a whole squadron of Decepticons. Fighting the Decepticons immediately would cost them their lives. Otherwise, if the Autobots decided on a retreat when faced by the whole squadron of Decepticons, they managed to do so by blinding their enemies by their high beams and then splitting off into different direction. They later regrouped and found Sarah Sanders wandering in the desert.

If the Autobots asked Sarah to build them their own Invisibility Device, Sarah refused, stating she would not build weapons for war. Running away from the group Sarah was almost killed when Dirge passed overhead and dropped a missile on her position. After rescuing her from the Decepticon attack, Prowl and the others brought Sarah to safety within Metroplex. Grateful for the rescue, Sarah showed the Autobots how to create an Invisibility Scrambler to counteract the Decepticons’ Invisibility Device. Anticipating the Decepticons’ attack, the Autobots successfully defeated the evil robots when they came.

If instead of asking Sarah to build them an Invisibility Device, Prowl and the others attempted once more to retrieve her ship, the whole group snuck over to where the Decepticons were stationed. Once there, Hot Rod and Prowl argued over which plan of action would be the smartest to undertake next.

If the Autobots agreed with Hot Rod to try and take the Decepticons by surprise with a head-on attack, the Autobots manage to stun the Decepticons by dazzling them with their headlights. Prowl provided Hot Rod some cover fire while the young Autobot raced down and snatched the Invisibility Device from the Decepticons. The Autobots then successfully peeled back, congratulating one another on a job well done.

If the Autobots agreed with Prowl to take a moment to come up with a more detailed plan, Prowl instructed Hot Rod to taunt the Decepticons into following him. The plan worked, and the bulk of the Decepticons took off after the young Autobot. With only Scavenger, Shockwave and Galvatron left behind, Prowl and the others easily defeated the Decepticons still guarding the spaceship, and forced Galvatron to retreat. In one possible scenario that followed, Prowl helped destroy a hidden Decepticon base that Hot Rod found while the Decepticons gave him chase. In another, Prowl watched on as Sarah left in her spaceship in order to destroy it, vowing it would never be used to bring destruction.

In an alternate scenario where the Autobots silently trailed Scavenger while the Decepticon held Sarah Sanders captive, Prowl and the others followed him all the way to the Decepticons’ secret desert base. Inside, they spied upon Galvatron telling Sarah Sanders that the Decepticons would use Cerebro-Shells to control her mind, so that she would reveal to them to secret of invisibility. At this point, the Autobots decided to step in. A direct attack would only end in the Autobots’ defeat.

In order to rescue Sarah, the Autobots would need to employ trickery. Using Jazz’s special abilities, the Autobots could do just that. In this scenario, the Autobots grabbed Sarah while the Decepticons were too dazzled by the illusions that Jazz projected. Sarah directed the Autobots towards where the Decepticons had stored her ship. Upon following her directions, Prowl and the others came upon two doors, unable to tell behind which one they would find their means of escape.

If the Autobots happened upon Sarah’s ship as they were, they would be destroyed by the droids guarding it. However, if the Autobots first opened the door which lead to a closet filled with Decepticon spare parts, they found a pile of spare Decepticon emblems. Prowl instructed the others to don them. Prowl and the rest of his team were able to fool the Decepticon Droids guarding Sarah’s ship. Escaping in the ship, despite the Decepticons best efforts to stop them, and a malfunctioning engine that Prowl had to fix under pressure, the Autobots returned to Metroplex. Sarah then gave the Autobots the secret to her Invisibility Device, ensuring the Autobots their victory in their war against the Decepticons. The Invisibility Factor

The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual

Prowl, along with the rest of the Ark crew, crash-landed on Earth and awoke millions of years later to find that the war continued there. After years in stalemate with the enemy, Prowl devised of a plan to at least temporarily rid Earth of Megatron's forces. The Autobots allowed Starscream to "overhear" that they had uncovered an ancient Cybertronian ship atop of Table Mountain in Africa, one which contained the means to return to Cybertron. The Autobots then stationed themselves around the spacecraft. When the Decepticons predictably attacked to seize the ship for themselves, Prowl was hardly able to keep a straight face. After a brief skirmish, the Autobots retreated and allowed the victors to claim their prize. But once all of the Decepticons were within the ship, its doors slammed shut, and it began to hurtle uncontrollably away from the planet. Day of the Decepticons

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

I'm a prehistoric Prick!

Prowl was part of the crew of the Ark, and was present on the ship's bridge when it was attacked by the Decepticons in the Nemesis. The vessel crashed on prehistoric Earth, where Prowl and the rest of the crew were sent into stasis lock, and were thus was unable to stop Predacon leader Megatron from attempting to alter history by travelling back in time and killing Optimus Prime. Fortunately, the villain's efforts were thwarted by Optimus Primal's Maximals. The Agenda (Part III)

3H comics

Prowl's inert form could still be seen in the Ark when the Vok removed the Matrix of Leadership from an unconscious Optimus Prime and gave it to their creation, Primal Prime. Primeval Dawn Part 1

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

As the Great War drew to a close, Prowl, Silverbolt, and Ironhide received news that, in a final and terrible confrontation, both Optimus Prime and Galvatron had perished. These three, and the rest of the Autobot High Council, divided leadership duties over the Autobots between themselves, and took on the post of "Primal Council" in the process. Prowl proposed they extend an olive branch to the remaining Decepticon troops, arguing that without the mad Galvatron to edge them on, they might be willing to end the war without further bloodshed. The rest of the council agreed to try out Prowl's plan, much to the frustration of the last surviving member of "Unit-3." Despite this upstart's aggressive protests, an operative from Unit-2 was sent out to approach the remaining generals in the Decepticon army amicably. But other troubles loomed ahead, including a report from the late Perceptor that transwarp reactions had been detected en-masse recently.


One general in the enemy force refused the Autobots' call for peace. Having renamed himself "Megatron", he led Predaking, among others, on a rampage. This forced Prowl and the other members of the council to intervene personally. Prowl joined forces with Silverbolt, Ironhide, Unit-3, and Tigatron to form the gestalt Magnaboss, and pushed back as transwarp energy rained down on Cybertron, turning all those it struck into a fluctuating quantum state. Thankfully, the higher-ups in the Decepticon hierarchy then arrived on the battlefield, and elected to surrender to the Autobots. Thereafter, Prowl was one of the signers of the Pax Cybertronia, officially ending the war. For Prowl, this victory was bittersweet; many of his friends had fallen during the conflict, including Inferno, who had been hit by the aforementioned transwarp energy, and stripped of everything that had made him an individual in the process. Dawn of the Predacus

Years into Cybertron's newfound era of peace, Prowl was a member of the Maximal counterpart to the Tripredacus Council, presiding over the Maximal Imperium alongside former Autobot teammates Ironhide and Silverbolt. The trio sent Ikard to request a report from Big Convoy, but he refused, citing his need to investigate the Angolmois-fueled murders. The Ascending #2

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Events from The Transformers Trilogy novels are in italics.
Who are you, and what did you do with Prowl?

Prowl was an Autobot from Praxus. After the death of Sentinel Prime, Grimlock called him, Jazz, and others to the ruins of Praxus, where he declared that if the new Prime was insufficient, they would take control of the Autobot military. Prowl was present at the ceremony when Optronix became Optimus Prime, and was restrained by Grimlock when Prime was attacked. But Optimus successfully defeated a squad of assassins sent after himduring his inauguration, winning several Autobots over immediately. The War Within #1 Prowl became Optimus Prime's immediate subordinate and adviser. When Optimus ordered a planetary evacuation, Prowl told Prime that there were many voices raised in opposition against it. When Prime asked if Prowl's own voice was raised in opposition, Prowl looked away but did not reply. The planetary turbines were then activated by Megatron, and Prime left to investigate. The War Within #2 As Shockwave led an assault on Iacon, Prowl and Jazz led the defense, and Prowl sent out an order to all Autobots outside Iacon to regroup and dig in elsewhere, The War Within #3 while those with him made a final stand. Upon breaching the last of the Autobots' defenses, Shockwave shot Prowl in the chest, temporarily knocking him offline. The War Within #5 He was awakened by Jazz just as the city began crumbling down; while the Autobots had been fighting, Starscream had activated one of Cybertron's planetary engines, resulting in a chain reaction that reduced Iacon to a crater. In the battle's aftermath, Prime informed his troops that he was aborting the planet's evacuation; he had learned that abandoning their world would only cause their war to escalate instead of ending it. The War Within #6

Cheese it! It's the cops!

After Prime and Megatron disappeared in a space bridge test, the Autobots fractured, leading to the Lightning Strike Coalition and Wreckers leaving the main Autobot army. Prowl took over leadership of the Autobots, doing his best to fight against the similarly fractured Decepticons as they continually struck at their defenses. Fragmentation After reports came in that a mobile fortress was being built by the Decepticons in the Praetorus Wharf, Prowl led a team to investigate. Upon arrival, they found that the fortress was not only already functional, but also battle-ready: Trypticon transformed and attacked the group. Devastation Realizing they were hopelessly outgunned by the enemy, Prowl ordered his troops to scatter, hoping to simply outrun Trypticon. This change of tactic did little to help, forcing Prowl to send out a distress signal to call for reinforcements. A couple of squads responded, but their combined firepower still wasn't enough to best Trypticon. The Autobots were only spared because Trypticon suddenly received a message recalling him to the neutral zone, and left in answer to it. Revelation Returning to base, Prowl learned from Trailbreaker that Jetfire had recently come to the conclusion that current events on Cybertron were being influenced by some outside force. Prowl grew further concerned when he found that Jetfire had gone missing, only for his inquiries to be cut short by the arrival of The Fallen, who broke into their base to reappropriate Blitzwing from one of their holding cells. Though they tried to contain him in a forcefield, the ancient Transformer proved too powerful to be restrained, and made off with Blitzwing in hand. Confrontation Prowl allied himself with Shockwave, who had assumed command of the Decepticons, to prevent The Fallen's plans from coming to fruition. But Prowl did not participate in the battle that ended in The Fallen's defeat, instead staying behind at the Autobase to coordinate tactics against their enemy. Afterwards, Prowl and Shockwave agreed to let the Well of All Sparks remain sealed "'Til all are one," as Shockwave put it. Conflagration Eventually, however, Ultra Magnus took command of the Autobots, and reunited the three factions. Under his leadership, the Autobots gained a significant hold over Cybertron's resources and territories. This eventually forced the Ultracons and Shockwave's Decepticons to sign a peace treaty with the Autobots. Prowl was in attendance at the signing of the truce, which was interrupted by a bombing, engineered by Starscream and his Predacons. This act of aggression only served to unite the Autobots, Ultracons, and Decepticons however, and Prowl led a charge against Starscream's troops. A united Cybertron finally seemed within reach... that is, until Megatron made a dramatic return, accompanied by an army of Air Warriors. The Age of Wrath With this army's aid, Megatron enslaved the Autobot population, including Prowl. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Optimus would return to Cybertron, and the Autobots would be freed from slavery. The Age of Wrath Pt.6

While those left on Cybertron endured the Great Shutdown, a group of Autobots under Optimus Prime's command left on board the Ark in search of new energy sources. Unfortunately, Megatron led an attack on the Autobot flagship from the Nemesis, and both ships crash-landed on a planet called Earth. Millions of years later in the Earth year of 1984, the Autobots and Decepticons awoke and resumed the Great War. The Decepticons were eventually defeated by the Autobots and their human allies, and the Transformers were set to return home on the Ark II, but it was sabotaged by General Robert Hallo and rogue government engineer-turned-arms dealer Adam Rook.

DULL MIND CONTROL! Wait... that actually kinda makes sense...

In the year 2002, Prowl was one of many Transformers under the control of Rook. He, along with several Autobots and Decepticons, attacked the Smitco Oil Refinery Arctic facility during Rook's sales demonstration to several terrorist organizations. Unfortunately, the invasive program that controlled Prowl killed a helpless human refinery worker escaping from the destruction. Prime Directive #2 After Megatron reactivated himself and freed the other Decepticons from Rook's slavery, he used Prowl and the Autobots captured by Lazarus as power sources for his latest doomsday weapon: a metallic cyberforming virus. Prime Directive #3

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Transformers Trilogy (Hardwired / Annihilation / Fusion)
We meet again, Puffy McForearm!

Sometime after the destruction of the cyberforming virus and the defeat of the Decepticons in San Francisco, the Autobots were lured to the Alaskan coast by a distress beacon from an Autobot escape pod, and walked right into a Decepticon ambush. The fighting stopped when a mysterious Decepticon appeared from the pod and declared that hostilities must cease, as Cybertron had been unified under one ruler, but before he could finish this sentence, Shockwave appeared and blasted him. Stating that he was the leader of Cybertron, he ordered all combatants to lay down their arms and surrender themselves to his forces. Megatron, refused to believe him and attacked, giving the Autobots the distraction they needed to recover their wounded and retreat. Once safely away, Optimus Prime ordered Prowl to escort Ratchet and the wounded back to base, but unexpectedly, his strategist refused, citing the need to gather intelligence on the new situation, and to keep Prime and his essential leadership out of potential harm's way. Optimus ceded Prowl's point, and returned to base while Prowl led the recon team. Unfortunately for Prowl, Ultra Magnus made contact with Mirage, and convinced the homesick Autobot to help his Cybertronian forces round up Prowl's team so they could all go home. New World Order

After Magnus convinced Optimus Prime and some of his Autobots in Oregon to turn themselves over, Prowl reported on the situation and Magnus' claims that they needed the Autobots back home to repair the damage done to Cybertron, but stopped short of advocating blind trust in Magnus or Shockwave. Instead, he suggested they keep an open mind, believing Magnus was still an Autobot at his core. Brothers' Burden Unbeknownst to them, Shockwave had ordered the deactivation of Optimus Prime and his Autobots, an order that outraged the "former" Autobots under his command. While Sandstorm took Prime through the Old Slave Trails to see Hot Rod's rebel team, those under Prowl were taken by Broadside to meet with the Autobots rebels Smokescreen was aligned with. Cold War En-route to the rebels' base of operation, Prowl tried to pry some answers out of their rescuers. Smokescreen detailed how several rebel cells had sprung up over time to oppose Shockwave's dictatorship. Unfortunately, just as they arrived at the rebels' meeting ground, Shockwave unleashed the Omega Sentinels on the Dinobots in Iacon, brushing aside the trappings of peaceful coexistence and instituting marital law. Passive Aggression However, with Optimus Prime returned, the various sub-factions of Autobot rebels were unified under his inspirational command and launched an all-out attack on Iacon. Prowl was in Kup's team, and watched as the light from the Autobot Matrix of Leadership was unleashed from Shockwave's tower. Countdown to Extinction

"My encouraging speech failed miserably. Now the only logical thing to do is get F****ing tanked."

Ultimately, the Autobots won the day and retook Cybertron from Shockwave and his Decepticons. After their victory, Prowl resumed contact with the team still stationed in the Ark on Earth. Generation 1 #0 After Prowl was placed in command of security of the planet, he and Ironhide watched as Autobot recruits were trounced again by training drones at the Autobase. Prowl knew these recruits were trying their best, but with the situation more volatile than ever, the Autobots needed more troops and had no choice but to accept whomever enlisted. However, he understood Ironhide's concerns that if these new Autobots didn't get themselves into gear, then they might as well not have an army at all. While checking in on Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus, Prowl was alerted by the Protectobots that something may have trashed one of Shockwave's labs before blasting off. Black Sunshine Though the obviously more trustworthy Autobots were now in control, the population was still reluctant to support them. Prowl attempted to address their concerns in a public forum at Central Hall, expecting a structured, supportive crowd, but was overwhelmed by the barrage of questions from concerned citizens, much to Ironhide's amusement. Fortunately, Ultra Magnus managed to salvage the embarrassing situation by stepping in to answer the questions posed to Prowl. Later, at New Iacon's Alpha Preserve, Ironhide, Prowl and Kup knocked back Kremzeek-brand refreshment, reflecting on the changes in politics on Cybertron, and pondering if old relics like themselves were needed anymore. Skyfire

"Why does Bluestreak keep 'poking' me on Facebook? What does that even mean?"

To take his mind off post-war politics, Prowl attempted to dig into the mystery of the energy signature detected at the Decepticon laboratory the Protectobots had investigated. He tried to understand why Shockwave was harvesting clones of both Autobots and Decepticons, why energy similar to Vector Sigma was detected there, and where Shockwave had uploaded the compressed contents of the supercomputer to. Just when the exhausted Prowl was on the cusp of realizing that this all led back to the missing clone, Ultra Magnus contacted him, reporting that he had notified the other Autobots for the meeting the next cycle, and barring any unforeseen circumstances, preparations for the Autobots to return to Earth would begin shortly. The Omega Effect The next cycle, as Prowl made his way to the meeting, Perceptor reported that the upload from Vector Sigma was intended to be downloaded into Shockwave's secret lab, but the network there was overloaded, and so it was downloaded into one of the clones in his lab, which would be far too much for any mortal Transformer. Prowl theorised for the being to remain relatively sane, it must have simplified the information it received, and that Shockwave became interested in Earth only after he began to decode data from Vector Sigma. Still, neither Prowl nor Perceptor had any idea what this all meant. Entering the meeting, Prowl reported that they had a problem and it was heading for Earth. Original Sin

Prowl Jazz Brawn DWOngoing10.jpg

Prowl reported his and Perceptor's findings on the clone and announced a return to Earth, to the agreement of Bluestreak, Hound and Trailbreaker, but to the anger of Gears, Mirage and Huffer. Prowl understood the reluctance to leave Cybertron so soon after returning for the first time in millions of years, but said that Cybertron was not currently in danger, but they had an obligation to their second home, Earth, and to their human friends. He asked for volunteers over Huffer's protests, but Ironhide commented that for all their complaints, the detractors knew Prowl was right. Atonement True to his word, Mirage, Huffer and Gears joined the Autobots going to Earth, though with obvious difficulty. Prowl comforted Huffer, expressing his appreciation in his fellow Autobot for joining him and bringing his invaluable skills on this mission. But at the last, Prowl too agreed that he would miss Cybertron. Lost and Found

Arriving on Earth, Prowl's team began building a new Autobot facility, far away from settlements so as to not endanger humanity should the Decepticons attack. Prowl welcomed Jazz's team to the future site of Autobot City. The Route of All Evil

Transformers/G.I. Joe

Back in World War II, Prowl has a conversation with himself in front of Jazz.

Prowl, along with several other Autobots, lay dormant on the Fera Islands for a long time until 1939, when G.I. Joe stumbled upon them whilst battling Cobra. Soon after awakening and being reformatted into a new form, Prowl told Optimus Prime not to trust the humans, as they had just opened fire on Iron Hide [sic] without provocation. In contrast, the other Autobots were happy to offer G.I. Joe help, though Prowl insisted that they needed more information before throwing themselves headlong into the humans' war. Transformed After the Autobots teamed up with the Joes anyway, Prowl mocked Duke for thinking a rope would be enough to pull Grimlock up from a crumbling cliff. Wolves

As the Autobots and Joes got closer to the Cobra Terrordrome, Optimus Prime started to regret interfering with the humans and their war, and contemplated withdrawing. Prowl agreed, pointing out that G.I. Joe could very well be the bad guys in the scenario, but Hound told him to shut up. Trenches Optimus Prime soon changed his mind, and Prowl participated in the attack on the Terrordrome. Along with all the other Transformers, he was killed when the life-giving Matrix of Leadership was destroyed. The Iron Fist

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Utter prick, now in Firebat Red!

Among many of his fellow Autobots (and several Decepticons), Prowl was found dormant on the crashed Ark by the human terrorist organization Cobra and reprogrammed to serve them. He and Bluestreak were rebuilt to transform into Cobra Firebat jets in the process. When the Transformers were eventually freed from the humans' control, Prowl joined a team of Autobots that hunted down Cobra Commander, but failed to capture him as they were distracted by his S.N.A.K.E. guards. After taking out most of the mechs, the team witnessed Trailbreaker get decapitated by Storm Shadow, and descended upon the ninja in a fit of rage. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5 Prowl and Bluestreak were later seen fighting two Seekers in the sky when the SPS Satellite went out of control and sent energy beams raining down on Cobra Island. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

Prowl and Swideswipe BlackHorizon1.jpg

A few years later, having returned to Cybertron, Prowl was part of a team of Autobots waiting for a chance to charge in and free Optimus Prime from Serpent O.R.'s clutches. The Art of War #4 With the Decepticon army defeated, Prowl was sent back to Earth as part of a team that worked to prevent Cybertronian technology from falling into the wrong hands. After a failed attempt to capture Destro while he was illegally selling S.N.A.K.E.s in Cuba, Prowl returned to the team's headquarters at the Arc II and discussed Optimus Prime's recent mission to Tibet with Firewall. The base then came under attack by the Pretender Monsters, and Prowl fought them alongside Eject. Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2 He was heavily injured during the battle, but soon received medical attention at the Pit and was set for a full recovery. Black Horizon, Part 2 of 2

The Beast Within

After a brutal battle during which The Beast, a monstrous gestalt of unimaginable power, was released, Prowl’s butchered form lay smoldering in a mass grave of both Autobot and Decepticon corpses. The Beast Within Part 2, Consequences

Transformers Legends anthology

When Optimus Prime accidentally killed a fellow Autobot, Prowl—who never liked the dead guy anyway—covered it up so the rest of the team wouldn't lose faith in their leader. He swore that if the accidental killing was ever discovered, he would take the blame. Parts

2005 IDW continuity

He wasn't the first to do it, but NO ONE pricks like this prick.

Prowl learned to appreciate rules and discipline during his formative years in Petrex, a strictly functionist town where saying anything bad about your alternate mode could get you thrown in jail. He eventually made it into the Iaconian Mechaforensic Division, where he became the partner of Tumbler and became caught up in complex series of events centred around a plot by the Senate to lobotomise members of the Decepticon movement. After a time spent working in Kaon, he attempted to desert when war broke out in earnest, but his ship was shot down and he was forced to take a full part in it, generating a jealous hatred of neutral Transformers thereafter.

Millions of years later, he was the Autobot unit commander on Earth, still focused on the rules, and had only become more frustrated with the tendency of the Autobots in general and Optimus specifically to lionise and listen to charismatic warriors and mavericks as time passed. Having covertly aided in the recovery of Kup, he took the chance to make some "improvements" during his rebuilding, which would ensure that the iconic elder could be controlled and made to act as a proxy for him. Prowl didn't want attention or glory, he only wanted to do his job, and he had absolutely no ethical qualms about ensuring that "when [Kup] speaks, you won't even see my lips move"...

After the Decepticon Surge and the counter-offensive that finally drove them from Earth, Prowl was forced to remain there at the insistence of Optimus Prime. Optimus believed they could not leave in good conscience while human society was still in disarray from their war and rogue Decepticons still wandered the planet. A spell as a beat cop car made him reassess matters, but the betrayal of Spike Witwicky reversed that and more. On their return to Cybertron, and the return of thousands of neutrals, or "NAILs" as he contemptuously dubbed them, a misjudged attempt to blackmail Chromedome led to the mnemosurgeon erasing his memory of the blackmail knowledge, and left his mind open to Bombshell's cerebro-shell, making him a Decepticon puppet and even the head of Devastator until Arcee killed the puppet-master, after which he was driven from Iacon along with the rest of the Autobots and Decepticons who would not renounce their factions.

Hearts of Steel

Prehistoric prick.

Prowl and the other Autobots fought the Decepticons on prehistoric Earth until an incoming ice age threatened to destroy them all. Both sides went into hiding underground, powering down until the threat had passed. When they were eventually awoken thanks to humans in the mid-19th century, Prowl and Ratchet decided it was best not to wake up Optimus Prime and get involved with humanity just yet. Hearts of Steel #1 Bumblebee disagreed and met with some humans, and from them he learned that the Decepticons had been awakened as well. Prowl and Ratchet, who seemingly led the Autobots in Prime's absence, then saw the need to ally with the humans and defeat their long-time enemies. Hearts of Steel #2

Victorian prick.

The Autobots took on new Earth modes, forming a train to pursue the Decepticons' Astrotrain as it headed towards New York. Hearts of Steel #3 They were briefly held back when the Decepticons collapsed a tunnel entrance on them, forcing Prowl and the others to stop and dig the rest of the train and their human allies out of the rubble. Once the Astrotrain was stopped and the Decepticons were defeated, the Autobots went back underground to continue fighting another day. Hearts of Steel #4

"Strange Visitors" established that events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occurred in the 2005 IDW continuity; however, they happened to Maximal explorers brainwashed by Shockwave into believing they were the Autobots and Decepticons of the Great War.

Lil Formers

Having become a fan of CSI, Prowl insisted on investigating all the clues in a crime scene to determine who was responsible, despite it being obviously that the Decepticons were the culprits.

Later, Prowl met an alternate-universe Prowl and asked him about his "weight loss secret." Lil Formers

Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize-

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Visualize Shot 1 Visualize Shot 7 Visualize Shot 14


Prowl was a member of the Axiom Nexus Security Administration. He, Prowl, and Prowl were part of the group investigating the discovery of Comet's body. Withered Hope

Henkei! Henkei! pack-in manga

Prowl was waiting on a roadside when a yellow car zoomed past. Prowl instantly pursued it and ordered the car to a halt. The car proved itself to be none other than Sunstreaker, who was protecting a boy from the Seekers that the child had spray painted. Prowl then bolted into action and drove off the Decepticon planes. Prowl warned the child about the Decepticons but Sunstreaker congratulated him for his work. Prowl was not amused. Henkei! Henkei! #5

Robot Heroes

Prowl was Optimus's best friend for life! Both of them, along with the rest of their friends, traveled to Earth in search of energon. When the Decepticons turned up to start trouble, Prowl tackled Shockwave. The evil robots were defeated, though the Autobots decided to keep vigil over the Earth in case they ever returned. I Am Optimus Prime


The Prowl of an unspecified universal stream came to be an ally of the Alternity, a collective of higher-dimensional beings tasked with guarding the multiverse from incredible threats. He helped provide cover fire for a cross-universal battle when the more evolved beings in his squad suddenly all seized up. They returned to normal after a moment, but had dreadful news for their allies: the Alternity's aggregate had been sundered by Megatron, robbing them of their god-like powers! As a retaliatory strike, Prowl suggested that the Alternity and its allies attempt to simultaneously destroy several of Megatron's auto-avatars throughout the Multiverse, hoping to destabilize the source of their foe's own power, the essence of Hytherion. The Autobots succeeded in destroying 667 of Megatron's bodies, allowing the Alternity's sucessors, the "Flaternity", to deliver the finishing blow that obliterated the Megatron Aggregate. Alternation

Kre-O cartoon

Brick prick?

Prowl was in the audience of a tag battle pitting Optimus Prime and Bumblebee against Megatron and Starscream. Last Bot Standing He was in the audience of a dance competition too. Bot Stars

Prowl was also part of a crowd that waited at the finish line of a race between Optimus, Bumblebee, and Megatron. He cheered for Bumblebee as he finished the race, though it turned out Optimus had already won the competition. The Big Race

BeCool shorts

Voice actor: Takanori Yagi (Japanese)

Patrol Car (パトカー Patokā) was an energetic and new policeman in the city. The Self-Introduction Chapter Patrol Car was caught in a traffic jam with others, but it was resolved when Trailer made them transform into robot mode so they could walk past it. The Story of the Surprising and Big Traffic Jam! Footage of Patrol Car was used for questions in the Quiz! BeCool show. The Story of Quiz! BeCool

Patrol Car worked with American Patrol Car in protecting the peace of the city. When Yellow Sports Car ran a red light, Patrol Car warned everybody to obey traffic laws, unaware that it was an accident caused by an errant banana peel left by Garbage Truck. The Story of Protecting the Signal! He was later witness to the filming of a movie that was interrupted by the local fire brigade, who thought it was a real emergency. The Story of the Fire Brigade Dispatch!

Kre-O online manga

Prowl was among the Autobots caught in a space bridge accident and sent to an alien world where everything was giant, making them look like mere toys! After a short battle with the Decepticons, they built a rocket ship and went home again. Robots in Disguise! The Transformers Are by Your Side!?

Q-Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Gō Inoue (Japanese)

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Mystery of the Gap of Unpopular Men Mystery of the Wittily Similar Circumstances Mystery of Return of Convoy

Beast Wars: Uprising

Eject lamented that all the great and famous Cybertronians, including Prowl, were long gone by the time Cybertron was controlled by the Builder Assembly. Broken Windshields

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Prowl was a member of the Rescuebots, a team of Autobots dedicated to protecting humans. He formed the left arm of the team's combiner form, Defensor, who participated in the final battle with the Decepticons. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12

Win If You Dare

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Win If You Dare

Mazinger Z versus Transformers

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Mazinger Z versus Transformers

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


On Cybertron, Prowl was a Ground Command Infantry Major, whose function was a tactical military strategist. Siege webpage[1] During the final days of the war for Cybertron, Prowl was dispatched to the chaotic debris that was once Praxus. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files

After Cybertron fell, the Autobots left their homeworld aboard the Ark, traveling through space in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[2] Crashlanding on Earth, Prowl teamed up with Ironhide, forming the "Autobot Alliance". The pair encountered and fought the Decepticon Seeker Elite team, consisting of Dirge, Ramjet, and Thrust. Autobot Alliance marketing material[3]

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

Voice actor: Aaron Veach (English), Pedro Azevedo (Portuguese), Alain Berguig (French), Stefan Bräuler (German), Pablo Concejero (Castilian Spanish), Juan Carlos Tinoco (Latin-American Spanish), Marco Vivio (Italian)

Before the war, Prowl worked in law enforcement based in Praxus. They employed a technique called core override is dissuade prisoners. At a later stage, Prowl asked Elita-1 what the Autobots next steps were in the war when Optimus begins to hypothesize if the AllSpark can be taken off Cybertron. He is not impressed when Wheeljack informed Optimus that a Spacebridge could be used to transport the Allspark. Siege episode 3 Prowl confirmed to Impactor just how ruthless Megatron had become in the war. He brought an inquiring Bumblebee to Optimus. Prowl was sent to investigate a lone Decepticon intruder, which turns out to be Jetfire. Siege episode 4 Prowl was part of the group that questions a captive Jetfire. He aired his distrust of Jetfire. Prowl told the Autobots about the use of core override and that it could be used on Jetfire, as he leads them through the Sea of Rust. He was selected as part of the team to retrieve the Allspark. During the journey, Prowl was sucked up by a metal vortex. Jetfire flew up and saved him. Afterwards Prowl felt bad about holding the core override detonator, but Jetfire insisted Prowl hold onto it till the mission ends. The group then fell into a pit and are attacked by the Sparkless. Siege episode 5 Prowl helped clear a path for Optimus to the Allspark. As the Sparkless were bearing down on Prowl, they disintegrated into a pile of rust, as Optimus had finally got ahold of the Allspark. Optimus sent him to assist with the battle at the Ark. Siege episode 6 At some stage, Prowl had boarded the Ark.

Prowl and the other Ark Autobots are taken captive by Doubledealer. Prowl was held back with the other Autobots as Optimus was bought alone to face Deseeus. Wheeljack managed to free the shackles holding the Autobots just as Doubledealer and his men also attacked Deseeus and it's guards, allowing the Autobots to escape in the chaos. Earthrise episode 2

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2019 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers #1 (mentioned); #2 (full appearance)

Prowl was a member of Security Operations, working closely under Chromia. The World In Your Eyes Part Two His ill-tempered, prickly disposition was so infamous that even Orion Pax would occasionally use Prowl as a measuring stick when describing other people's foul moods. The World In Your Eyes Part One Prowl and Chromia greeted the returning Cliffjumper after his failed mission to Probat. Wannabee, Part 2 At some point, Prowl bought a stray female flyt off a Voin scavenger, naming her Green and keeping her in his quarters as a pet. Swindle's

Finally a dinosaur Prowl actually likes.

Prowl and Chromia arrived on the scene after Brainstorm had been murdered by The Rise. Prowl took note of a possible witness to the crime mentioned by Windblade- that of a Voin scavenger that she encountered in the vicinity. The World In Your Eyes Part Two Later, Prowl joined Orion Pax and others in watching a broadcast in which Megatron unveiled his new Ascenticon Guard, much to their collective concern. He reported on the investigation into Brainstorm's murder to Pax and his search for the potential Voin witness. The World In Your Eyes Part Three Prowl's investigation had to be put on hold as he was forced to work security during Gauge's forging ceremony at the Forge Pyramid alongside Barricade. His bad mood did not improve when he found Bumblebee and Rubble getting in the middle of a scuffle between a Reversionist and an Ascenticon. Prowl told the two to take a hike and harshly dismissed Rubble's naive offer of help with the Voin investigation. However, when Barricade demeaned them after they were out of earshot, Prowl told his partner to lay off the pair. The World In Your Eyes Part Four Prowl later retired to his quarters to reevaluate his approach to the investigation (and to feed Green), deciding to shake down some informants with connections to the Voin. He received a panicked call from Rubble, who claimed he had located the Voin Prowl was looking for, but the call abruptly ended when Rubble was murdered with Prowl still on the line. The World In Your Eyes Part Five

Wracked with regret over Rubble's senseless death, Prowl was present as Ratchet performed an autopsy on the young 'bot. After Ratchet told him that Rubble and Brainstorm did not share the same murderer, Prowl became even more determined to bring the killers to justice. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part One Suspecting Quake to be Rubble's murderer, Prowl and Chromia consulted with Froid about him, only for their interview to be interrupted by the sudden and violent arrival of a wounded Cyclonus. He told them that he was attacked by Risers at the Memorial Crater and they should look into what was going on there. Prowl helped Cyclonus to get medical treatment as Chromia decided to assemble a team to investigate the site. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two

Dios mio! My evil twin has struck again!

Prowl then went off on his own to get some information from black market dealer Headlock, cornering the criminal in an alley and demanding answers about the dead Voin that Rubble saw before he himself was killed. Headlock claimed he had ALREADY told Security everything he knew, much to Prowl's confusion, as they had never spoken about it before. Headlock then clarified that he had given his information about the Voin to Barricade earlier, stunning Prowl. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three Hearing that Barricade had abruptly quit Security Operations and joined the Ascenticons, Prowl brought a group of trainees to the front door of Ascenticon Headquarters. He met with Soundwave, requesting that he be allowed inside to question Barricade. Soundwave bluntly refused, leaving Prowl infuriated. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Four

"You are... a good friend. I know that. I am sorry... that it is sometimes difficult."

Prowl reported to Sentinel Prime about several dangerous situations unfolding on Cybertron. The Change In Your Nature Part One He brought Nautica to speak with the Voin representatives on Cybertron to see if she could diplomatically acquire any information on his case. She was able to trade Security's information on The Rise in exchange for further illumination on Brainstorm's death and warned Prowl that greater troubles regarding the Voin were on the horizon. The Change In Your Nature Part Two Sure enough, the Voin soon sent an "asserter" to Cybertron that would enact vengeance against whomever had killed their kind, and Prowl escorted it through the streets while Nautica tried to talk the alien down. All Fall Down


As the situation on Cybertron continued to degenerate, Prowl began to brood alone in his quarters, watching Andromeda's news broadcasts and stewing in his perceived failure to prevent the recent tragedies. He was visited by his old colleague Nightbeat who sought to shake Prowl out of his funk by providing a new lead in the investigation of The Rise. Prowl was soon granted access to interrogate Singe, and demonstrated his distinctly-harsh manner of acquiring information from criminals. Singe pointed Security in the direction of Swindle's, and Prowl and Nightbeat put together a team to investigate the illegal gambling den. Prowl didn't have much patience for Strongarm and Bumper's inexperience, nor Sideswipe's defiance, but the operation went forward under his supervision. Bumper entered the establishment alone, reporting to Prowl on what he saw via internal comms. The rookie officer noticed Visper and Mindwipe chatting with Swindle, but in turn was made by Mindwipe. Losing contact with Bumper, Prowl and the others breached the door, sending Swindle's patrons scrambling in all directions. Mindwipe had managed to hypnotize Bumper and sicced him on Prowl, but Prowl non-lethally took his subordinate down before he could do any harm. While most of the criminals had escaped, Prowl booked Swindle and prepared to interrogate the defeated Storm Cloud, believing he finally had a solid link to The Rise. Swindle's

When the Senate was convened to hear Sentinel Prime denounce the Ascenticons, Security Operations was tasked with crowd control outside the building and an irritated Prowl broke up an interview between Andromeda and Voxpop. Bumper worriedly pointed out that there weren't nearly enough officers on site to handle the huge crowd of onlookers, but Prowl told the rookie to shut up and just focus on his job. The crowd soon parted to allow Megatron and his fellow Ascenticon senators to enter the building, much to Prowl's further agitation. As the situation continued to get worse, Cyclonus showed up to inquire of Prowl as to the whereabouts of Sixshot. Prowl had no more patience to spare by this point and harshly told Cyclonus to "go be crazy somewhere else". We Have Deceived You

Prowl, quite frankly, you're undateable.

After the newly-rebranded "Decepticons" seized the Senate hall and its occupants, Prowl was involved in the operation to take it back. Staking out a building near the Senate, Prowl got annoyed by Bumper and Strongarm's idle gossip about Quake's murder of Rubble and told them to pay attention to the job at hand. Prowl's team prepared to provide cover fire for the Senate Guard as they breached the hall and rescued hostages. After a successful rescue and the survivors' escape out of the hall, they came under fire from a roof-mounted rail gun manned by Clench. Prowl ordered Javelin to counter-snipe Clench, but she froze up and was unable to perform her duty, much to Prowl's frustrated rage. Prime

Later, Prowl joined the rest of the Autobots in a mass exodus from Iacon, taking Green with him. We Are Not Meant To Be Darkness

Prowl took part in the defense of Darkmount when the Decepticons launched an attack to prevent the Autobots from leaving the planet. The Autobots succeeded in launching the Ark and headed to the Winged Moon to plan their future out among the stars. Fate of Cybertron

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Prowl was a member of the White Order of the Primus Vanguard. He ventured forth alongside his commander White Gallant Convoy to confront the dimension-hopping pirate crew that had stolen the Order's holy Matrix Saber as the left arm of the mighty White Convoy Grand Prime! What happened to him after the combiner was bisected by God Neptune is unknown. God Neptune comic 2

Transformers vs. the Terminator

Prowl was one of the many dormant Autobots aboard the Ark, but was left badly damaged by the battle between the Decepticons and the T-800 sent back to kill the Cybertronians. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two He and all of the other inactive Autobots were presumably killed when the robot double-crossed the Autobots and rigged their starship to explode. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three

My Little Pony/Transformers


Prowl was one of the many Autobots who'd been magically transported to Equestria, and was part of the Autobot-pony alliance who confronted Megatron's forces in the Crystal Empire. Finale

Transformers Go! Go!

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Autobot Police Dispatched! Go! Go! issue 32 The Trick to a Healthy Autobot Warrior Extra Volume

Energon Universe

Prowl was one of the many Autobots and Decepticons who were offline inside the crashed Ark. Transformers #1


Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons

When Optimus embarked on his mission to rescue the Autobots' Minicar troops from the Decepticons, Prowl could come to Optimus Prime's aid, offering alternate paths through the Decepticons' maze-like base. Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons packaging blurb and game

The Transformers (PS2)

Prowl is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Autobot duplicates in the Decepticon campaign.

The Transformers

Transformers G1: Awakening

Gluawakening prowl.jpg

Prowl was among the Autobots who left Cybertron aboard the Ark, and spent four million years in stasis after it was shot down over Earth by the Decepticons. As one of the more badly damaged Autobots, Prowl was stored in Metroplex until the Autobots could gather enough energon to revive him. He was eventually revived in time to take part in the final assault on the Decepticons' Cybertron fortress to free the many enslaved Autobots. Transformers G1: Awakening

Bot Shots Battle Game!

Prowl participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!

Kre-O Transformers Konquest

The Autobots' peaceful day in Kreopolis was shattered when the city was bombarded by the Decepticons, and a number of Autobots including Prowl were shattered into their component blocks. As Prowl's pieces rained from the sky, Optimus Prime's Kreon caught them and reassembled him. Prowl subsequently dropped Prime off back at the battlefield so he could catch other Autobots. Kre-O Transformers Konquest

Prowl's Pursuit

Prowl sometimes took time out to clear the roads of Decepticons by ramming them off the road. Prowl's Pursuit

Transformers Legends

When the Decepticons seemed to be having a run of luck, Prowl and Blaster found this pattern so suspicious that they teamed up with Nightbeat to investigate. They eventually uncovered Soundwave's infiltration and sent the Decepticon and his tapes packing. Covert Operations Prowl later teamed up with Red Alert and Tracks to track down the Stunticons, who were committing crimes in the back alleys of human cities. The Thin Blue Line He was among the Autobots affected by Megatron's sabotage of the Autobot recharging chamber, and went on the Decepticon leader's orders to attack Rutter Military Base. He and the other Autobots were returned to normal by Sparkplug's attitude exchanger. Attack of the Autobots Prowl was talked into taking part in a charity race, during which the Constructicons fused everyone in their vehicle modes using the Transfixatron. The Autobots managed to keep the Decepticons at bay, even trapped as cars, until the process could be reversed. Autobot Run Prowl took part in the defense of Autobot City during the Decepticon assault. The Battle for Autobot City

Angry Birds Transformers

Main article: Blues#As Prowl

Prowl appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events and in Special Missions. He is portrayed by The Blues. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Support prick.

Prowl (CW) participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was a Super Rare character who appeared in the "Optimus Maximus Awakes!" event, and could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers: Earth Wars

50% G1 Prick, and 50% Combiner Wars Prick (STILL not a head though.)

Endlessly patient, calm and cool under pressure, it's these very qualities that make Prowl something of a frustrating enigma to his fellow Autobots. Prowl deals first and foremost in logic, eschewing emotion and sociability in favour of efficiency. However, the net result is it makes him something of a cold fish. A misfit. But it also makes him a superb military analyst and strategist, if a little unprepared for the unexpected. Prowl Bio

Prowl showed up on Earth around the time that the battle for the Fractal Map came about. The Codex Showdown Campaign Prowl was chosen to combine with Optimus to create a new combiner. (what a prick) Countdown to Combination

Prowl was present to hear what Mirage had discovered from spying on Straxus's interrogation. He stated that Wheeljack would outfit Kup with an Orbital Bounce relay. Prowl worried that Kup's situation would get nasty, but Kup assured Prowl that Kup would live to fight another day. Moonbase

  • Class- Gunner
  • Lowest Star Rating- 2 star
  • Weapons: Prowl uses a specially modified grenade launcher called his "blast gun". This gun shoots specially modified "Blast" bombs to deal damage from afar. It creates small pools of "Liquid" (If you can call it that) after impact and explosions.
  • Ability: Rocket Barrage- Prowl fires off 4 rockets from long range dealing damage over the area around the target.
    • Cost: 4 ability points +2 for reuses.

Prowl at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars
*BW Prowl

Transformers: Forged to Fight

Charles Bronson Prick.

He may look like your friendly neighborhood cop on patrol, but check under the hood and he’s 100% military-trained police on a mission to serve and protect. He’s a trusted strategist and friend of Optimus Prime, but he’s decidedly less friendly to those who don’t follow protocol…his protocol.

Prowl was one of the Autobots pulled from his universe by the Quintessons and forced to fight. He eventually joins the Commander. There are at least a few of him running around! Transformers: Forged to Fight

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Prowl took part in a series of attacks against multiple Decepticon bases, destroying them and defeating all enemies in the proccess. 1400 Armor, 1400 Blaster Strength, Score x36, Coins x5, Blaster Speed: Slow Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Prowl was a stuffy military strategist with a predilection for the most logical course of action. As a universal component, he could combine with any team to become a stand-in member of a combiner. Decepticon Directive At one point, he used this ability to form Devastator. The Enigma of Combination

Commercial appearances

Prowl has appeared in several television commercials. Those with original footage of Prowl include the following:

  • He was featured in the very first Transformers animation, a commercial for issue #1 of Marvel's The Transformers comic book. He was seen hanging around with Jazz and Sideswipe on Cybertron, where all three transformed to robot mode and flew away into the air. Later on Earth, the same three bots drove out from a power plant to defend it from a Decepticon attack. The Transformers #1 commercial
  • Prowl also appeared in a commercial advertising his own toy, alongside those of Sideswipe, Jazz, Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. The three Autobots came under attack in the middle of a desert, and briefly scuffled with the three Seekers. Decepticon jets & Autobot cars commercial
  • Footage from the previous two commercials was spliced in with new footage of Jazz, Sideswipe and Prowl charging into battle alongside Optimus Prime in a commercial advertising toys for both Optimus and Megatron. Optimus Prime and Megatron commercial
  • Prowl, Jazz and Sideswipe were once more seen together, this time storming the Decepticon base. Unknown to them, the nearby inconspicuous micro-cassette recorder was the Decepticon communications officer, Soundwave! As soon as the Autobots stepped past him, Soundwave transformed and sic'ed Laserbeak on them. Soundwave commercial
  • Prowl, Hound and Sunstreaker fled from a Decepticon attack, and hid behind a mountain concealing the Autobots' newest warrior, Jetfire! Jetfire and Shockwave commercial
  • Much later, Prowl was with a band of Autobots who agreed to join Optimus Prime as he gave up transformation powers to become "more alive". Action Masters commercial
  • Action Master-form Prowl battled Starscream aboard his Turbo Cycle on Cybertron. Action Master vehicles commercial

He also appeared on promotional videos online:

  • Prowl planned on attending BotCon 2009 alongside his fellow Autobots. BotCon 2009!
  • Prowl was standing idle inside the Autobots' base when Punch reported back to Optimus on what he had recently found out about the Decepticons. BotCon 2010 Promo


Main article: Prowl (G1)/toys


Main article: Merchandise


Be too prickish, and you end up like this.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Prowl (プロール Purōru, プラウル[4] Purauru)
  • Cantonese: Tsim Hang Shou (潛行獸)
  • Czech: Koumák
  • French: Cervo, Rôdeur (Canada, Action Master, "Prowler")
  • Hungarian: Portyázó ("Prowler")
  • Italian: Pantera ("Panther", also old slang for patrol cars), Dragon (Action Master)
  • Mandarin: Phái-húai (Taiwan, 徘徊, "Prowl"), Jǐng Chē (China, 警车, "Police Car")
  • Portuguese: Batedor (Portugal comic), Espreitador (Brazil comic)
  • Russian: Syshchik (Сыщик, "Detective")


  1. Siege website
  2. Earthrise website
  3. Autobot Alliance on Amazon
  4. Japanese reprints of IDW comics