13 Mind-blowing Facts About Kid Capri - Facts.net
Xena Boykin

Written by Xena Boykin

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Nme.com

Kid Capri is a legendary figure in the world of hip-hop and DJing. With a career spanning over four decades, he has solidified his status as one of the most influential and iconic DJs of his time. From his early beginnings as a teenager in the Bronx, Kid Capri honed his skills and developed a unique style that captured the hearts of music enthusiasts around the globe.

In this article, we will delve into 13 mind-blowing facts about Kid Capri that showcase the depth of his talent and the impact he has made on the music industry. From his collaborations with hip-hop heavyweights to his record-breaking live performances, Kid Capri has left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. Get ready to be amazed as we uncover the fascinating details of the life and career of this remarkable artist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kid Capri, a legendary DJ, started his career at 8 and worked with big names like Jay-Z. His energetic performances and timeless legacy continue to inspire aspiring DJs worldwide.
  • Known for his catchphrase “It’s Kid Capri!” and his radio show “The Block Party,” Kid Capri’s influence in hip-hop and music industry is undeniable.
Table of Contents

Kid Capri is a legendary DJ.

Kid Capri, also known as David Anthony Love Jr., is widely regarded as one of the greatest DJs in hip-hop history. With his exceptional skills on the turntables, he has solidified his place as an influential figure in the music industry.

He began his career at a young age.

Kid Capri’s journey in the music world started when he was just 8 years old. He would often accompany his father, a DJ himself, to events and quickly developed a passion for the craft. This early exposure laid the foundation for his future success.

Kid Capri has worked with numerous renowned artists.

Throughout his career, Kid Capri has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the music industry. From Jay-Z and Notorious B.I.G. to Snoop Dogg and J. Cole, his impressive list of collaborations speaks volumes about his talent and influence.

He gained popularity through his mixtapes.

Kid Capri’s mixtapes played a significant role in catapulting him to fame. His innovative blending of different tracks and genres showcased his unique style and earned him a dedicated fan base.

Kid Capri is known for his energetic performances.

When it comes to live shows, Kid Capri is unmatched in his ability to captivate the crowd. His high-energy performances, coupled with his seamless transitions and crowd interaction, make him an unforgettable presence on stage.

He has won multiple awards.

Kid Capri’s exceptional talent and contributions to the music industry have not gone unnoticed. Over the years, he has received numerous accolades and awards, including three BET DJ of the Year awards.

Kid Capri is a sought-after producer.

In addition to his DJing skills, Kid Capri has also made a name for himself as a respected producer. He has worked on tracks for artists like Lady Gaga, A Tribe Called Quest, and Mary J. Blige, showcasing his versatility and musical expertise.

He has appeared in several movies and TV shows.

Kid Capri’s talents extend beyond music. He has made appearances in films such as “Brown Sugar” and “The Breaks,” as well as TV shows like “Def Comedy Jam” and “Saturday Night Live,” further solidifying his presence in popular culture.

Kid Capri has his own radio show.

Continuing to expand his reach, Kid Capri hosts his own radio show called “The Block Party.” The show features his signature mix of old and new tracks, showcasing his passion for music and introducing listeners to his diverse musical taste.

He is known for his signature catchphrase.

Whenever Kid Capri takes the stage, he is often heard shouting his famous catchphrase, “It’s Kid Capri!” This trademark phrase has become synonymous with his electrifying performances and adds an extra level of excitement to any event.

Kid Capri is an influential figure in hip-hop.

Through his groundbreaking work and undeniable talent, Kid Capri has played a pivotal role in shaping the hip-hop landscape. His contributions to the genre, both as a DJ and producer, have left an indelible mark on the music industry.

He continues to inspire aspiring DJs.

Kid Capri’s success story serves as an inspiration for aspiring DJs around the world. His dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to his craft remind aspiring artists that hard work and perseverance can lead to extraordinary achievements.

Kid Capri’s legacy is timeless.

The influence of Kid Capri extends far beyond the years of his active career. His innovative techniques, memorable performances, and contributions to hip-hop have solidified his status as a true legend in the music industry.


Kid Capri is undoubtedly a legendary figure in the world of hip-hop and DJing. His unique style, vibrant energy, and unparalleled talent have made him a true icon in the industry. From his impressive discography to his memorable appearances on TV shows, Kid Capri has left an indelible mark on the music world.Through this article, we’ve uncovered 13 mind-blowing facts about Kid Capri that showcase his immense contributions and achievements. Whether it’s his groundbreaking mixtapes, his influence on modern DJs, or his collaborations with top artists, Kid Capri’s impact cannot be overstated.So, next time you hear the name Kid Capri, remember these fascinating facts and appreciate the remarkable career of this multi-talented artist. Kid Capri’s legacy continues to inspire aspiring DJs and entertain fans worldwide, proving that he is truly one of the industry’s most influential and groundbreaking figures.


Q: What is Kid Capri’s real name?

A: Kid Capri’s real name is David Anthony Love Jr.

Q: How did Kid Capri begin his career in DJing?

A: Kid Capri started his DJing career at the age of 8, performing at block parties and local events in the Bronx.

Q: Has Kid Capri released any albums?

A: Yes, Kid Capri has released several albums, including “The Tape” and “Soundtrack to the Streets,” which have received critical acclaim.

Q: Has Kid Capri won any awards for his DJing skills?

A: While Kid Capri has not won any mainstream awards, his talent and influence have earned him immense respect in the hip-hop community.

Q: Has Kid Capri collaborated with any well-known artists?

A: Yes, Kid Capri has collaborated with numerous top artists, including Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, and Mariah Carey.

Q: Did Kid Capri have any notable TV appearances?

A: Kid Capri gained fame outside of the music industry through his appearances on popular TV shows like “Def Comedy Jam” and as the house DJ on “Showtime at the Apollo.

Q: What is Kid Capri’s signature style of DJing?

A: Kid Capri is known for his intense energy, superb scratching techniques, and ability to seamlessly blend various musical genres.

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