5 Best Recumbent Elliptical in 2023 | WorkoutCave

Best Recumbent Elliptical

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Crafted by Mikey

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One of the best ways to burn calories and tone muscles is with an elliptical. There are many types of elliptical trainers available today, but which one is the best? The recumbent elliptical trainer has many benefits that make it worth considering for your home gym. Find out more about this type of machine and which of the currently available models are the best.

Best Recumbent Elliptical

What is the Best Recumbent Elliptical?

To find the Best Recumbent Elliptical for you we have used several of recumbent exercise elliptical and selected the absolute top 5 recumbent ellipticals.

This is based on our first-hand experiences, years of practice as well as individual research on what others have to say, so that we can give you a more well-rounded review.

Feel free to scroll to the end of this article for a short buying guide and some frequently asked questions.

1. 400XL Recumbent Exercise Bike

400XL Recumbent Exercise Bike
Price: 💲💲 (fewer 💲 = cheaper)
Resistance Type: Magnetic
Resistance Levels: 8 levels
Material: Steel
Screen Type: LCD
Screen Size: 30 x 24 mm

The Exerpeutic 400XL is a reasonably priced recumbent exercise bike, much like the March ME-709. It’s a dependable bike, well-reviewed for its simplicity, durability, and minimal upkeep. Its steel frame with stabilizers ensures stability during workouts. The way you adjust the seat differs from the ME-709, as it uses a slider with set holes instead of a shifting frame. The seat is broad and comfy, and the wide handlebars suit larger individuals. If you’re below 5’3″” or over 6’3″”, it lacks the adjustability of the Marcy bike. Its design makes it easy for most to get on and off, and the textured pedals stop feet from sliding. There are eight resistance settings, adjusted by a knob. It doesn’t give much challenge on the lower settings and only medium intensity on the higher ones. There’s a slight delay when switching between resistance levels. The pedal motion can feel less steady on the higher settings. But, the handlebars have a heart rate tracker, and the console displays six workout metrics.


  • Affordably priced with low maintenance construction,
  • Includes a heart rate monitor in the handlebars,
  • Resistance levels deliver moderate impact workout,
  • The balanced flywheel offers a noiseless operation,
  • Leg stabilizers prevent movement while pedaling


  • Unstable pedaling on the high levels,
  • Unreliable warranty information,
  • Difficult assembly instructions

2. SCHWINN 270 Recumbent Bike

SCHWINN 270 Recumbent Bike
Price: 💲💲💲💲 (fewer 💲 = cheaper)
Resistance Type: Friction
Resistance Levels: 25 levels
Material: Carbon Steel
Screen Type: Dual-Track LCD
Screen Size: 5.5 inches

The Schwinn 270 comes with a higher price tag, ideal for seasoned bike riders or people wanting a tough workout. It can take on a maximum weight of 300 pounds, fitting people from heights 4’10” to 6’4″. Adjusting the seat is a breeze thanks to a lever and aluminum rail system, with space for twelve user profiles to save their settings. The bike has a unique wheel and 25 resistance levels to feel like outdoor cycling. The big LCD screen gives you 29 workout choices and tracks your effort, and there’s a place for your iPad and Bluetooth for syncing with apps. Heart rate can be measured through the handles or a chest strap. I also appreciate the USB and MP3 ports, the fan, the water bottle holder, and the comfy seat. It’s got wheels and a handle for easy moving, leveling features for uneven floors, and an optional mat for floor protection.


  • Customizable programs,
  • Adjustable seats with lever, Easy to move the bike for storage,
  • various media compatibility,
  • Simulates outdoor riding


  • Inaccurate heart monitor,
  • Mechanical components may wear out quickly

3. Marcy Recumbent Exercise Bike with Resistance ME-709

Marcy Recumbent Exercise Bike with Resistance ME-709
Price: 💲 (fewer 💲 = cheaper)
Size: 55.5 x 37.5NaN inches (141 x 95.3NaN cm)
Resistance Type: Magnetic
Resistance Levels: 8 levels
Material: 14-Gauge Steel
Screen Type: LCD
Screen Size: 12 inches

Marcy ME-709 is a beginner-friendly and affordable recumbent bike. It’s low and easy for seniors or heavier folks to get on. It’s quick to put together, usually in under an hour. You can easily move it because it’s light and has wheels. It can support a lot of weight, up to 400 pounds. It’s perfect for everyday exercise but not for expert bikers. It has a quiet resistance system and a display for your workout details. The seat is spacious and adjustable. The pedals are good too and keep your feet secure.


  • Highly rated and affordably priced,
  • Low profile design for easy mounting,
  • Wide ergonomic seat for heavyweight people,
  • Sturdy structure with a high weight limit


  • Bike parts wear out quickly,
  • Pedaling action is not stable

4. Sunny Health Recumbent Bike SF-RB4631 with Arm Exerciser

Sunny Health Recumbent Bike SF-RB4631 with Arm Exerciser
Price: 💲 (fewer 💲 = cheaper)
Size: 52.5 x NaNNaN inches (133.3 x NaNNaN cm)
Resistance Type: Magnetic
Resistance Levels: 8 levels
Material: Steel
Screen Type: LCD
Screen Size: 10 cm

Recumbent bikes with arm exercisers help strengthen the upper body and shoulder muscles. By adding some weight lifting to your routine, you can promote heart health and boost overall fitness. RB-4631 offers arm exercises that help you focus more on the upper body, burning extra calories. With a solid frame supporting up to 350 pounds, it’s great for heavier individuals. The design is low for easy access, and there are wheels for convenient movement. Even at 91 pounds, it’s surprisingly easy to put together. The bike’s weight ensures it remains stable when in use. The arm and pedal mechanisms operate separately, allowing for flexible workouts. The wide seat with an adjustable backrest is straightforward to tweak while seated, but its firmness might not appeal to all. The bike’s maximum resistance is moderately challenging, and it comes with an easy-to-read LCD monitor.


  • Smooth and quiet pedal action,
  • Arm exerciser with high friction resistance,
  • Sliding saddle adjustment,
  • Sturdy frame,
  • High weight limit


  • Saddle padding may be uncomfortable,
  • Poor build quality and durability

5. SCHWINN Fitness 230 Recumbent Bike

SCHWINN Fitness 230 Recumbent Bike
Price: 💲💲💲 (fewer 💲 = cheaper)
Resistance Type: Magnetic
Resistance Levels: 16 levels
Material: Steel
Screen Type: LCD
Screen Size: 5.5 inch

The SCHWINN 230 is a reasonably priced electric recumbent exercise bike with several high-end features typical for its price range. It offers 16 resistance levels and 13 pre-set workouts to aid your fitness journey. With a high inertia flywheel, you get smooth pedaling and can exercise without much noise. There’s a 5.5-inch LCD display with a spot for your tablet and supportive handlebars. It shows six fitness stats, but its Bluetooth feature doesn’t work well with most devices. The screen lacks backlighting, which can be hard for some to read. The assembly instructions are tricky, and setting it up can be a challenge. Its adjustable seat has a breathable backrest, but some find it tough for long sessions, suggesting a cushioned seat cover. This bike is great for staying fit and has a sturdy build. It comes with a long-term warranty, but it’s heavy and not easy to move.


  • Features 13 pre-set programs for interval training,
  • Easy to adjust saddle for a customized fit,
  • Excellent warranty package on frame and parts,
  • Ideal for weight loss and moderate-intensity training


  • Not suitable for tall people


To sum up, out of the top 5 Best Recumbent Elliptical, our absolute top pick is 400XL Recumbent Exercise Bike.

If you have the money, you can go for SCHWINN 270 Recumbent Bike which is our premium pick.

However, there’s nothing wrong with going for the budget option, which we found to be the Marcy Recumbent Exercise Bike with Resistance ME-709.

Our other reviews you may find useful in your research:

What You Should Know Before Buying recumbent ellipticals

Extra Features

Recumbent exercise bikes often have media racks for holding your tablet or phone, so you can watch or read as you exercise. Features like built-in speakers, Bluetooth, and USB drives are included in midrange models for linking your devices to the bike for entertainment and uploading workout data to apps like MyFitnessPal. Other comfort features include built-in fans to keep cool and gel-padded seats for less fatigue in long workouts.


Comfort is a crucial design aspect of recumbent exercise bikes, ideal for individuals needing upper body support while exercising. The low-profile design is beneficial for the elderly, overweight, and infirm to safely use the bike, and the bucket seats offer back support and balance with less pressure on lower body joints.


Comfort is a crucial design aspect of recumbent exercise bikes, ideal for individuals needing upper body support while exercising. The low-profile design is beneficial for the elderly, overweight, and infirm to safely use the bike, and the bucket seats offer back support and balance with less pressure on lower body joints.


All equipment, including recumbent exercise bikes, need regular maintenance, and it’s recommended to have your bike checked for wear and tear every six months or so. Also, frequently check the bike for loose nuts and bolts and lubricate the mechanical parts to keep it in good working order. Additionally, after each workout, clean the handlebars, seat, and digital console with a soft cloth and antibacterial cleaner for hygiene.


Saddle adjustments on recumbent exercise bikes allow you to fit the bike to your leg length for reaching the pedals. Two types of adjustments exist based on the bike’s design. One affordable type slides two movable frame parts to bring the saddle nearer to the pedals, like the Marcy ME-709 bike. The frame features pre-set holes for positioning the seat, secured with a pin and knob. Alternatively, some bikes use a lever to lock the seat position, allowing saddle adjustment while seated, but these are costlier and ideal for commercial settings like gyms. The saddle design supports your back and lower joints, but correct positioning is key to avoiding pain and injury. Ensure your knees aren’t overly bent or stretched, and your legs are level or higher than your hips to protect your lower back.

Types Of Recumbent Exercise Bikes

There’s a great variety in the construction of recumbent road bikes, whereas recumbent exercise bikes have slight variations in design features. These include digital versus manual consoles, different seat adjustments, drive mechanisms, and sizes. We have described these features in detail below.

Drive mechanism

The term drive mechanism comes up a lot when shopping for a recumbent exercise bike. It has the flywheel, a disc in front that generates resistance. Usually covered and tied to the pedals by a belt or chain in recumbent bikes, the weighted flywheel creates resistance like outdoor biking. There are perimeter and center-weighted flywheels. Perimeter-weighted ones, with weight along the edge, simulate road biking well, are heavier, need more initial effort but smooth out, suitable for joint issues. Center-weighted ones are lighter, easier to start and stop, but may be less smooth and often costlier.

Storage Space

Recumbent exercise bikes often have media racks for holding your tablet or phone, so you can watch or read as you exercise. Features like built-in speakers, Bluetooth, and USB drives are included in midrange models for linking your devices to the bike for entertainment and uploading workout data to apps like MyFitnessPal. Other comfort features include built-in fans to keep cool and gel-padded seats for less fatigue in long workouts.

The Key Features Of Recumbent Exercise Bikes

The standout design feature of recumbent exercise bikes is the reclined adjustable seat with a backrest, providing comfort while working the lower body. Other crucial features include the bike’s dimensions and weight, durable materials, a screen to monitor workouts, and resistance levels. Most recumbent bikes lack the handlebars found on upright bikes, instead having support bars near the seat or moving handlebars for arm workouts like on the Sunny Recumbent Exercise Bike. Dual-action bikes like the Xspec Dual Exercise Bike offer the option of being used as an upright or recumbent bike, with handlebars for the upright position and support bars when reclined.


Resistance sets the level of workout challenge, and most affordable recumbent exercise bikes feature 8 – 12 levels. Exercise bikes generally have a resistance mechanism that changes the pressure on the flywheel to simulate cycling uphill or on flat ground. There are various resistance systems like friction, magnetic, and electromagnetic. They all work similarly, but friction magnetic resistance provides an instant resistance change like a road bike when you turn the knob. Magnetic bikes are manual and don’t need power, while electromagnetic ones do and are usually more expensive. Magnetic bikes also have a slight delay when you switch resistance levels.


Three types of stationary bike pedals exist: clip-ins, flat, and hybrids. Clip-ins and hybrid pedals are for upright and spin bikes, while recumbent exercise bikes generally have flat pedals made of steel or plastic. Most flat pedals have a rough texture and come with a plastic strap or a toe-cage adjustable strap to hold the forefoot securely on the pedal, preventing slips.

Arm Exercisers

Recumbent exercise bikes that have moving arms are called dual-action exercise bikes because they let you work out your upper and lower body at the same time. They’re good for losing weight since you burn more calories and they also help make your shoulder joints stronger and your arm muscles toned. The handlebars and pedals are connected so they move together.


Recumbent exercise bikes usually come with a weight limit, which is important to look at when buying one. The budget-friendly ones for home workouts have a maximum weight limit of around 300 pounds. However, commercial-grade bikes are stronger and can hold up to 400 pounds, making them suitable for heavier individuals.

Questions and Answers About recumbent ellipticals

Do recumbent bikes work abs?

You’re exercising your abdominal muscles when you cycle. Plus, as a cardiovascular activity, cycling helps burn off fat to show your abs.

How long should I ride my recumbent bike?

Your intended health results will dictate the time spent on the bike. A daily session of 30 minutes is adequate for older adults or those seeking a more relaxed exercise. However, if you’re pursuing weight loss or an uplift in your fitness and cycling capacity, spending 60-90 minutes on the bike five days weekly can meet those targets. Always prioritize safety and listen to your body to dodge potential strain.

Are recumbent bikes any good?

Recumbent exercise bikes stand out from upright bikes by offering superior upper body reinforcement and softer workouts, especially beneficial for the elderly, those overweight, and people with physical challenges. Despite this, they’re equipped to offer the high-caliber training that expert cyclists might pursue, and they do so while diminishing the chances of overtaxing joints and back muscles.

Does the recumbent bike tone legs?

Leg toning is a result of cycling. While recumbent bikes may seem less challenging, they effectively work on your thighs, legs, and calves, with your butt and hips also benefiting.

How Do I Choose A Recumbent Bike?

As you choose a recumbent exercise bike, factor in your fitness targets. Features to notice include resistance levels; bikes with above 12 levels cater to advanced workouts. Don’t overlook comfort attributes like seat customization and padding. For those with less flexibility, step-through designs are preferable. Price is crucial, but remember to assess build quality, endurance, and warranty coverage.

Can I lose weight on a recumbent bike?

Biking can help you shed pounds. It’s a way to burn a lot of calories, and if you watch what you eat, you’ll probably lose weight.

What’s better recumbent bike or upright?

If you’re looking for comfort, especially with knee or back concerns, recumbents are the way to go. But if you’re chasing intense training, upright bikes are the better choice.

Is recumbent bike as good as walking?

Walking and using a recumbent bike are beneficial for cardiovascular health and slimming down. The bike, due to resistance, can help you shed more calories, yet walking quickly can equal a relaxed bike session. Bikes lessen joint strain since you’re sitting back, but walking is superior for bone health.

Are recumbent bikes a good workout?

For sure, recumbent exercise bikes make for good cardio workouts. Basic models are milder, but the sophisticated ones cater to intense cycling lovers. They contribute to leg muscle toning and are perfect for those opting for a mellow exercise style.

Do You Need Extra Features?

Recumbent bikes with a higher price tag often have bonus features like connecting to apps, in-built speakers, and fans. However, it’s up to you if you want them. A basic bike with good resistance can be just as effective for fitness.

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