How To Download Youtube Videos With Chrome Browser |
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How To Download Youtube Videos With Chrome Browser



Welcome to the world of online video streaming! With the popularity of platforms like YouTube, it’s no surprise that we often come across videos that we want to save and watch offline. Fortunately, downloading videos from YouTube has become easier than ever, thanks to various tools and extensions available for different web browsers.

In this article, we will guide you on how to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser. Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers, known for its fast performance and extensive range of extensions. By following a few simple steps, you’ll be able to save your favorite YouTube videos to your local device and enjoy them anytime, anywhere.

Please note that video downloading from YouTube is subject to copyright restrictions, so we strongly encourage you to respect the intellectual property rights and terms of use of the content creators. Download videos only for personal use and avoid sharing them without proper permission.

Now, let’s get started and learn how to download YouTube videos with ease using your Chrome browser!


Step 1: Install a Chrome Extension

The first step in downloading YouTube videos with the Chrome browser is to install a suitable Chrome extension. There are various extensions available that enable video downloading functionality. One of the most popular and reliable extensions is “Video Downloader Plus”. Here’s how you can install it:

  1. Open your Chrome browser and navigate to the Chrome Web Store.
  2. In the search bar, type “Video Downloader Plus” and press Enter.
  3. From the search results, click on the extension that matches the name “Video Downloader Plus” and is offered by a trusted developer.
  4. On the extension’s page, click on the “Add to Chrome” button to start the installation.
  5. After the installation is complete, you’ll see a confirmation message indicating that the extension has been added to Chrome.

Once the extension is successfully installed, you’ll notice a small icon added to your Chrome browser’s toolbar, usually located at the top right corner. This icon represents the installed video downloader extension and will be your gateway to accessing its features.

Keep in mind that there are other video downloader extensions available as well, so feel free to explore and choose the one that best suits your preferences. However, make sure to only install extensions from trusted sources to ensure the safety and security of your browsing experience.


Step 2: Start Downloading

Once you have installed a video downloader extension in your Chrome browser, you’re ready to start downloading YouTube videos. In this step, we will explore three different options for initiating the download process.

Option 1: Download via Chrome Extension’s Download Button

Sometimes, the video downloader extension adds a direct “Download” button below the YouTube video you are watching. It allows you to quickly initiate the download without any extra steps. Here’s how you can use this option:

  1. Open a YouTube video that you want to download.
  2. Look for the “Download” button or icon below the video player.
  3. Click on the “Download” button, and the video will start downloading in the default format and quality set by the extension.

Option 2: Download via Context Menu

Another way to initiate the download is by using the context menu. This option provides more flexibility in choosing the desired format and quality. Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the video player while watching a YouTube video.
  2. In the context menu, look for the option related to video downloading or the name of the video downloader extension.
  3. Hover over the appropriate option to expand a submenu that displays available download formats and quality options.
  4. Select your desired format and quality from the submenu, and the video will start downloading.

Option 3: Download via Chrome’s Developer Tools

If the previous options didn’t work or if you prefer a more advanced method, you can utilize Chrome’s Developer Tools to initiate the download:

  1. Open the YouTube video you want to download in Chrome.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the page and select “Inspect” from the context menu. This will open the Developer Tools panel.
  3. In the Developer Tools panel, click on the “Network” tab.
  4. Refresh the YouTube page or click the play button on the video to start it.
  5. In the list of network requests, look for an entry that has a video file format (e.g., MP4) and a lengthy URL.
  6. Right-click on that entry and select “Open in new tab” to open the video file directly.
  7. The video file will start playing in the new tab. Right-click on it and choose the “Save video as” option to download it to your preferred location.

Explore these options and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Remember to comply with the terms of use and copyright policies while downloading YouTube videos.


Option 1: Download via Chrome Extension’s Download Button

One convenient way to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser is through the download button provided by the video downloader extension. This option allows you to initiate the download directly from the YouTube video page itself. Here’s how you can use this feature:

  1. Open the YouTube video that you want to download using your Chrome browser.
  2. Look for the video downloader extension’s download button located below the YouTube video player. The appearance and placement of the download button may vary depending on the specific extension you have installed.
  3. Click on the “Download” button, and the video download will begin automatically.

The video downloader extension typically offers multiple options for downloading, such as different video formats and quality levels. Before clicking on the download button, you may have the choice to select your preferred format and quality. This allows you to customize the video according to your needs and device compatibility.

Once you initiate the download, the Chrome browser will display a progress indicator, showing the download status. The time taken for the download to complete depends on the size of the video and the speed of your internet connection.

After the download is complete, you can find the downloaded video file in the default download location set in your browser settings. Alternatively, you can specify a different location to save the video file by adjusting the download settings of your Chrome browser.

This option provides a quick and straightforward way to download YouTube videos without the need for additional steps or interactions. However, it’s important to remember that downloading copyrighted content without proper authorization is illegal and violates the terms of service of YouTube. Make sure to download videos only for personal use and respect the rights of content creators.


Option 2: Download via Context Menu

Another method to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser is through the context menu provided by the video downloader extension. This option allows you to have more control over the format and quality of the downloaded video. Here’s how you can use this feature:

  1. Open the YouTube video that you wish to download in your Chrome browser.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the video player to open the context menu.
  3. In the context menu, look for the option related to video downloading or the name of the video downloader extension you have installed. It may be labeled as “Download video,” “Save video as,” or something similar.
  4. Hover over the appropriate option to display a submenu containing various format and quality options.
  5. Select your desired format and quality from the submenu. The available options may include different video resolutions and file formats such as MP4, AVI, or FLV.
  6. Once you have chosen your preferred format and quality, the video will start downloading to the default download location in your Chrome browser.

This option allows you to customize the video download according to your preferences and device compatibility. You can choose higher quality for a better viewing experience or select a smaller file size if you have limited storage space.

While using the context menu for video downloading, it’s essential to respect the rights of content creators and adhere to copyright regulations. Download videos only for personal use and avoid redistributing or using them without proper authorization.

After the download is complete, you can locate the downloaded video file in the default download folder or the specified location you have set in your Chrome browser’s settings.

Downloading YouTube videos via the context menu offers a flexible and customizable approach to save videos for offline viewing. Take advantage of the available format and quality options to enhance your video downloading experience.


Option 3: Download via Chrome’s Developer Tools

If you prefer a more advanced method to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser, you can utilize Chrome’s Developer Tools. This option allows you to extract the video file directly from the network requests, providing you with more control over the download process. Here’s how you can use this feature:

  1. Open the YouTube video you want to download in your Chrome browser.
  2. Right-click anywhere on the page and select “Inspect” from the context menu. This action will open the Developer Tools panel.
  3. In the Developer Tools panel, click on the “Network” tab. This tab displays the network requests made by the webpage.
  4. Refresh the YouTube video page or click the play button on the video to start it.
  5. As the video starts playing, the Developer Tools panel will show a list of network requests being made in real-time.
  6. Look through the list of network requests for an entry that corresponds to the video file. The video file format is usually indicated by extensions like MP4, WEBM, or FLV.
  7. Identify the entry with a lengthy URL and the video format that matches your requirements.
  8. Right-click on the entry and select “Open in new tab.” This action will open the video file directly in a separate tab.
  9. Once the video starts playing in the new tab, right-click on it and choose the “Save video as” option. Select a location on your computer to save the video file.

This advanced method through Chrome’s Developer Tools allows you to examine the network requests made by the webpage and extract the video file URL directly. It gives you more flexibility in downloading the exact video file you want, and you can choose the desired video format and quality.

Remember to respect copyright laws and the terms of service of YouTube while downloading videos. Use this method responsibly and only download videos for personal use or with proper authorization.

Please note that this option requires a basic understanding of web development tools and may not be suitable for everyone. However, if you are comfortable with exploring the technical aspects of web browsing, it can be a powerful way to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser.


Step 3: Choose the Desired Video Format and Quality

After you have initiated the download process for a YouTube video using one of the options mentioned in the previous steps, it’s time to select the desired video format and quality. This step allows you to customize the downloaded video according to your preferences and requirements. Here’s what you need to consider:

Video Formats:

YouTube videos are available in various formats, including MP4, FLV, 3GP, and more. Depending on the video downloader extension or method you are using, you may have different format options to choose from. MP4 is the most widely supported format and compatible with most devices and media players. However, if you have specific requirements or prefer a different format, you can select it accordingly.

Video Quality:

The available video quality options may vary depending on the YouTube video’s resolution and the capabilities of the video downloader extension. Common video quality options include 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, and sometimes even higher resolutions like 4K. Higher resolutions offer better visual clarity but may result in larger file sizes. Consider your device’s display capabilities and available storage space while choosing the video quality.

When choosing the video format and quality, you might need to access the settings or options provided by the video downloader extension. This can usually be done through the extension’s interface or the context menu. Explore the available options and select the format and quality that suit your needs.

It’s important to note that the availability of video formats and quality options may differ depending on factors such as the video itself, the video downloader extension, and the settings you have configured. Make sure to select a format and quality that are supported by your device and media player to ensure optimal playback.

By selecting the desired video format and quality, you have more control over the downloaded videos, allowing you to tailor them to your preferences and device requirements. Choose wisely and enjoy your YouTube videos in the format and quality that enhance your viewing experience.


Step 4: Monitor the Download Progress

Once you have chosen the desired video format and quality and initiated the download, it’s important to keep track of the download progress to ensure a smooth and successful download. Monitoring the download progress allows you to estimate the remaining time and ensure that the video is being saved correctly. Here’s how you can monitor the download progress:

Chrome Browser’s Download Indicator:

When you initiate a download through a video downloader extension or any other method, the Chrome browser displays a download indicator at the bottom of the browser window. This indicator shows the progress of the download, including the file size, download speed, and estimated time remaining. Keep an eye on this indicator to see how the download is progressing.

Downloads Page:

The Chrome browser also provides a dedicated Downloads page where you can find detailed information about your ongoing and completed downloads. To access the Downloads page, click on the three-dot menu icon at the top right corner of the browser, then select “Downloads” from the dropdown menu. On the Downloads page, you can see a list of your active downloads, their progress, and the option to pause or cancel any ongoing downloads.

Extension’s Download Manager:

Some video downloader extensions may provide their own download manager interface, separate from the Chrome browser’s default Downloads page. This interface allows you to monitor and manage your video downloads more efficiently. Check if your video downloader extension offers a download manager feature and use it to keep track of your downloads.

By monitoring the download progress, you can ensure that the video is being downloaded correctly and in a timely manner. If you encounter any issues or if the download progress seems to be abnormally slow, you may want to verify your internet connection or check for any possible errors. In such cases, restarting the download or relaunching the browser can sometimes resolve the problem.

Remember to be patient during the download process, especially for larger video files or when you have a slower internet connection. The download time can vary depending on factors such as the video size, your internet speed, and the server’s response time.

By keeping an eye on the download progress, you can ensure a successful and efficient download of your desired YouTube videos.


Step 5: Locate the Downloaded Video File

After the download process is complete, you will need to locate the downloaded video file on your computer. The location of the file depends on your Chrome browser’s default settings and the preferences you have set. Here’s how you can find the downloaded video file:

Default Downloads Folder:

In most cases, the downloaded video file will be saved in the default downloads folder specified in your Chrome browser’s settings. To access this folder, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu icon at the top-right corner of your Chrome browser.
  2. Select “Downloads” from the dropdown menu. This will open the Chrome Downloads page.
  3. On the Downloads page, look for the video file you just downloaded. The file should be listed with its name, size, and download status.
  4. Next to the file’s name, you will see a small arrow or a folder icon. Click on it to show the file in your computer’s file explorer.

The file explorer will open, highlighting the location of the downloaded video file. From there, you can move, copy, or open the video as per your requirements.

Alternate Download Location:

If you have set a custom download location for your Chrome browser, the downloaded video file will be saved in that location rather than the default downloads folder. To identify the alternate download location, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the three-dot menu icon at the top-right corner of your Chrome browser.
  2. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu to open the Chrome Settings page.
  3. Scroll down and click on “Advanced” to view additional settings.
  4. Under the “Downloads” section, look for the option labeled “Location” or “Download location.” This indicates the folder where your downloaded files, including videos, are saved.
  5. Click on the “Open” or “Change” button next to the download location to open the folder in your computer’s file explorer.

The file explorer will open, revealing the location where the downloaded video file has been saved. From there, you can access, manage, or play the video file as needed.

By locating the downloaded video file, you can easily access and enjoy your saved YouTube videos offline. Remember to respect copyright laws and use the downloaded videos only for personal, non-commercial purposes.



Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to download YouTube videos using the Chrome browser. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you can now save your favorite videos and watch them offline whenever and wherever you want.

Remember to only download videos that you have proper authorization for or videos that are for personal use, respecting the intellectual property rights of content creators. Be mindful of the terms of service and copyright restrictions associated with YouTube and the specific video downloader extension you choose to use.

Whether you opt to use a Chrome extension’s download button, the context menu, or Chrome’s Developer Tools, each method provides you with its own advantages and flexibility. Select the method that suits your preferences and technical expertise.

Additionally, don’t forget to choose the desired video format and quality before initiating the download. This allows you to customize the downloaded video according to your device’s compatibility and personal preferences.

Lastly, after the download process is complete, make sure to locate the downloaded video file on your computer. Check either the default downloads folder or your alternate download location to access the saved video file.

With these tools and techniques at your disposal, you can enjoy your favorite YouTube videos offline, share them with others (if permitted), or use them for your creative projects.

Now go ahead and start downloading your favorite YouTube videos with Chrome, and have a great time watching them whenever and wherever you please!

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