St Ives Cottages & Luxury Apartments | Cornish Riviera
  • St Ives Cottages & Luxury Apartments

    We are a family run, St Ives based agency (est in 1984) and offer a friendly, personal and efficient service.

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    Our office used to overlook the picturesque St Ives harbour from Westcotts Quay and although we have moved, we loved the view so much we have installed our brand new webcam there.

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    See the real St Ives

    Surrounded by 5 golden sandy beaches and bathed in clear light, the picturesque harbour and old town of St Ives is a maze of quaint cottages and cobbled courtyards, restaurants, shops and galleries and is known as "Downalong". We manage 58 holiday lets; specialising in fisherman's cottages, town houses and beachside apartments and all in the heart of St Ives. Each property is selected to provide the ideal beach holiday for our guests; with sea views, parking, WiFi and dog-friendly options.

    St Ives is a fishing town protected from the dramatic North Cornwall coast and is renowned for its picturesque harbour, stunning sandy beaches and numerous little hidden coves. Porthmeor beach, with its rolling breakers and stunning sunsets, is a favourite with surfers whilst Porthgwidden and Porthminster are favoured by families for their calm, translucent bathing waters.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    There are a variety of shortstay car parks (such as Barnoon Carpark and The Sloop Carpark) and longstay car parks (such as The Island Carpark and Trenwith Carpark). There is also a car park for the train station as well as the option for Park and Ride.
    There are a number of beaches in St Ives that are popular with both locals and tourists. The beaches include Porthmeor, Porthgwidden, Bamaluz, Breakwater, St Ives Harbour, Porthminster and Lambeth Walk.
    St. Ives is a cultural hotspot in Cornwall, known for its art galleries and a diverse collection of cafes and restaurants. The beaches are popular for a number of activities from surfing and bodyboarding to kayaking and dog walking. It's also a good town for taking walking tours and drinking in the sights.
    There are a number of places to eat in St Ives that afford high quality food and gorgeous coastal sites. You can often find a good place to eat near one of the town's famous beaches. St Ives is renowned for its seafood restaurants such as the Rum and Crab Shack or the Mermaid Restaurant or you could take your tastes a little more international with the Mexican style The Mex or the Hong Kong kitchen, the oldest Chinese takeaway restaurant in the area.
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