Aelfgifu Aelfhelmsdotter

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Ælfgifu Ælfhelmsdotter was possibly born in the year 970, being the daughter of the knight Ælfhelm, who was assassinated by King Ethelred II.

At some point during the Danish conquest of England, Ælfgifu married Cnut the Great, and their union had two children: Harold Harefoot and Sveinn Knútsson.

Later, Canute married Æthelred II's widow, Emma of Normandy, who was considered his sole and legitimate wife according to Catholic law. His relations with Ælfgifu after this marriage are uncertain. Regardless, she remained loyal to her cause and accompanied her son Svend to Norway as her father's lieutenant after conquering this country (1030). But their government earns the hatred of Norwegians for excessive taxes. The following year (1036), they were expelled from Norway, and Svend died on his way to England, where he planned to take refuge. Meanwhile Ælfgifu returns to Denmark.

Some time later, he returns to England to support his son Harold to take the crown of this country, facing his half-brother Canuto Hardeknut and his mother, Emma.

He died possibly in the year 1044.