The Meaning Behind The Song: Like the Weather by 10 -000 Maniacs - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Like the Weather by 10 -000 Maniacs

The Meaning Behind The Song: Like the Weather by 10,000 Maniacs

10,000 Maniacs was a band formed in Jamestown, New York in 1981. They are known for their blend of folk and rock music combined with the poetic lyrics of their lead vocalist Natalie Merchant. “Like the Weather” is one of their most well-known songs and was released as a single in 1987. It was a hit in the United States, reaching number 68 on the Billboard Hot 100 and number-one on the Modern Rock Tracks chart.

Overview of the Song

“Like the Weather” is a metaphorical ode to the changes in life and love. The song’s theme revolves around how life, like the weather, can be unpredictable and ever-changing. The song discusses the emotions that come with change, including fear, sadness, and acceptance.

The song starts with a simple guitar riff played by Robert Buck, accompanied by the subtle bass lines of Steve Gustafson. The instrumentals build throughout the song, providing a sense of momentum and urgency. Merchant’s vocals are delicate and sincere, providing a raw vulnerability to the lyrics.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Like the Weather” are poetic and metaphorical, describing life and love through a weather metaphor. Here is the full list of lyrics:

Talk about the weather
But I’ll have no apologies
For the things I’ve said
Everyday it’s thesame thing
Boring in the way that I say it
You say it’s too cold, Iwhine
But I’d like to say

That I’m fine
I’m just dealing
With a slower way of living

Like the weather
But a storm is threatening
My very life today
If I don’t get some shelter
Oh yeah, I’m gonna fade away

War child, victim of hate
When sight of love has been lost
In doubting sadness grasp
Our fingers mantle damp

Attempting to rejuvenate
Our tattered rainbow, the sight of it
Potent and so frail
It’s just the state of the world

That’s all
Don’t worry for me
I’m being careful
The audience is movin’
I sweat as though. in a rave
But I’m just trying to stay cool
Like the weather

The Meaning of the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Like the Weather” are introspective, exploring the themes of change, acceptance, and resilience. The song’s metaphorical language likens life to the ebb and flow of weather patterns, demonstrating that life is never truly “stable.”

The opening lyrics of the song – “Talk about the weather, but I’ll have no apologies for the things I’ve said” – suggest a level of frustration with mundanity and banal conversation. Merchant seems to imply that while the small talk of daily life may be boring, it is not something for which she will apologize. This idea carries throughout the song, as Merchant discusses the unpredictability of life and the emotions that come with it.

In the second verse, Merchant compares her life to a storm, saying that it “threatens” her very life. The storm can be read as a metaphor for change – when life is unpredictable and difficult to navigate, it can feel like you are in the midst of a storm. The lyrics also suggest a fear of the unknown, as Merchant sings about needing “shelter” lest she “fade away.”

The third verse changes direction, exploring themes of war, hatred, and love. Merchant speaks to the sadness and pain that can come from losing love and the complexity of trying to “rejuvenate” one’s relationships. Finally, the last verse brings the song full circle, with Merchant sweatily singing to an audience, trying to “stay cool, like the weather.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What inspired 10,000 Maniacs to write “Like the Weather”?

The inspiration behind “Like the Weather” is not documented, but the song’s lyrics suggest that it was motivated by Natalie Merchant’s experiences in navigating the difficulties of life and relationships.

What is the meaning of “Like the Weather”?

The meaning of “Like the Weather” is metaphorical in nature, likening the changes of life to the unpredictable nature of weather patterns. The song explores themes of change, resilience, and acceptance.

What is the significance of the storm metaphor in the song?

The storm metaphor used in the song represents the unpredictable nature of life and the struggles that come with trying to navigate it. The metaphor is indicative of the fear and uncertainty that can arise when one is unable to control their circumstances.

What role do the instrumentals play in creating the mood of the song?

The instrumentals in “Like the Weather” start slow and build in momentum, creating a sense of urgency that echoes the song’s message. The guitar riff played by Robert Buck is simple yet effective, while Steve Gustafson’s bass lines provide depth and texture to the song.

Why did “Like the Weather” become such a popular hit?

“Like the Weather” was a hit in the 1980s due to its catchy guitar riff and poignant lyrics. The song’s themes of change and resilience were particularly resonant with the youth of the time, and it still remains a popular song today.

How does the weather metaphor help illustrate the emotions explored in the song?

The weather metaphor is used to compare the unpredictable nature of life and love to the ever-changing weather. The metaphor helps to make the emotions in the song more concrete and relatable, while also providing a sense of universality to the lyrics.

What do the lyrics of “Like the Weather” suggest about Natalie Merchant’s views on love?

The lyrics of “Like the Weather” suggest that Natalie Merchant has experienced the loss of love and is familiar with the difficulty of trying to rejuvenate struggling relationships. The lyrics imply a sense of doubt and sadness, hinting at the complexities of love and the challenges that come with it.

What is the significance of the tattered rainbow mentioned in the third verse of “Like the Weather”?

The tattered rainbow mentioned in the third verse of “Like the Weather” is used to describe the state of the world. The “rainbow” can be seen as a symbol of hope and optimism, but the fact that it is “tattered” implies that it may be less effective in inspiring hope than it once was.

What other songs of 10,000 Maniacs are similar to “Like the Weather”?

“Like the Weather” is similar to many of 10,000 Maniacs’ other songs due to the poetic, introspective lyrics and smooth, folksy sound. Songs like “These Are Days,” “Hey Jack Kerouac,” and “What’s the Matter Here?” explore similar themes of change, loss, and resilience.

What impact has “Like the Weather” had on modern music?

“Like the Weather” is one of 10,000 Maniacs’ most well-known songs and has had a lasting impact on modern music. The song’s catchy guitar riff and poignant lyrics influenced the music of the 1980s and continues to inspire artists today.

What is the message that “Like the Weather” conveys?

The message that “Like the Weather” conveys is one of resilience and acceptance in the face of life’s unpredictable nature. The song acknowledges that change can be difficult and painful, but encourages listeners to navigate the storms of life with courage and strength.

What emotions does “Like the Weather” evoke?

“Like the Weather” evokes a range of emotions, including fear, uncertainty, and acceptance. The song’s metaphorical language helps to illustrate the emotions of change, while the instrumentals create a sense of urgency and momentum.

What is the significance of the line “I’m just trying to stay cool like the weather”?

The line “I’m just trying to stay cool like the weather” is used to suggest that, despite the challenges that life may bring, it’s important to remain calm and collected. This line serves as a reminder to the listener to maintain a level head, even in the face of difficulty.

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