With today's blog announcement I'm confused about this new direction of this multiverse story. Is it like the TNG episode Parallels? Or like the JJverse? Or like the Mirror Universe? Or an alternate timeline like....well, countless episodes? What's going on here? : r/sto Skip to main content

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With today's blog announcement I'm confused about this new direction of this multiverse story. Is it like the TNG episode Parallels? Or like the JJverse? Or like the Mirror Universe? Or an alternate timeline like....well, countless episodes? What's going on here?

r/sto - With today's blog announcement I'm confused about this new direction of this multiverse story. Is it like the TNG episode Parallels? Or like the JJverse? Or like the Mirror Universe? Or an alternate timeline like....well, countless episodes? What's going on here?
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u/mhall85 avatar

You do realize that all of those examples you listed are, canonically, the same basic phenomena? That’s the “multi” part of multiverse.

I don’t understand the confusion.

Hell, even TOS dealt with this concept - see City on the Edge of Forever and Tomorrow is Yesterday

Both timelines still existed - our heroes just escaped from them

u/JRTD753 avatar

You do realize that all of those examples you listed are, canonically, the same basic phenomena? That’s the “multi” part of multiverse.

"Could you dumb it down a shade?"

u/Farscape55 avatar

It’s like parallels, since that covers mirror, JJ, confederation, shatnerverse and everything else

u/JRTD753 avatar

But my confusion (and thank you for belaboring this with me) is that the Mirror Universe (as far as I can tell) didn't exist along with us, minus the exception of one point of divergence. People are just bad there and always have been. Hence, my confusion as we started in that universe with Mirror King Harry and all.

u/Farscape55 avatar

It’s never been confirmed that king harry was from the Terran(I won’t use mirror since that’s not accurate) universe. He’s just an alternate universe harry

And while it’s not canon(since STO isn’t either I don’t mind going here) but one of the books/something I read one time went into where it diverged sometime around Khans time as a despot on earth

Also, prime harry is an alternate harry, since actual prime harry is now a bald space necromancer

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My personal headcanon regarding the Mirror Universe specifically is that it's not quite the same thing as your typical alternate/parallel universe.

Parallel universes are typically identical up until a point of divergence, something that played out differently in one universe than the other and affected everything that followed in both. There was a fork in the road, and universe A went left while universe B went right. And from that moment on, the two gradually diverge further and further until the differences are dramatic.

With the Prime and Mirror Universes, there seems to be some underlying mechanism at work that keeps them from becoming too similar or diverging too far from one another. Most people in one universe somehow have a counterpart in the other (or at least had at one point), even when it's incredibly unlikely for the same people to come together and have children (or even be alive, considering the overall lethality of the Mirror U) in both. Major events and technologies still have parallels in both universes somehow, despite their wildly divergent histories.

I personally think that there's some sort of quantum resonance/echo effect that keeps these two particular realities in sync. That phenomenon may also be what keeps them "close" in a hyperdimensional sense, making it relatively easy to transit back and forth between them (to the point where it's been known to happen by accident). We know that by the 32c, it's difficult to move between the Prime and Mirror Universe, which suggests to me that whatever "tether" effect that's kept them in sync is gradually fading and that the Mirror U's on its way to eventually becoming a completely distinct universe of its own rather than a reflection of the Prime U.

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An alternate timeline based on novels by Shatner. To summarize: Kirk died. Then he got better. Then he got even better thanks to Spock and Old Man McCoy.

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It's not like this concept hasn't been touched before - by multiple series, no less

This universe doesn't appear to be a mirror universe - it appears to be a Back to the Future/09 'alternate' timeline where something happened to make it skew into an alternate tangent

Think all those other Enterprises Worf visited - or 'future' Odo destroying the alternate timeline where Kira and the rest of the bridge crew were stranded in the past - or AGT where Picard is jumping across multiple potential timelines

Hell, Q's big lesson to Picard in AGT is about traveling multiple universes of existence

For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you'd never considered. That's the exploration that awaits you... not mapping stars and studying nebulae... but charting the unknowable possibilities of existence.

Or, even simpler, think this universe - since STO itself is an alternate timeline

Hell, thanks to Nog and our Captain, this is an alternate alternate timeline since we fucked up the sphere builders when we rebooted the timeline xD

u/JRTD753 avatar

Okay. So in essence, we're visiting a bunch of realities that have had minor changes to them at some point? We're just zipping around like Rick Sanchez?


Wouldn't even be the first time

I mean, you can use the Mick and Rorty example if you want - but Star Trek was doing this before Justin Roiland's first assault charge xD

Again, STO itself is an alternate alternate ALTERNATE timeline

We split off from a hybrid of the Destiny/Countdown timeline (the first alternate) we then got access to rudamentary multi-versal travel thanks to Nog and the Krenim which ended in our heroes having to settle for a 'close enough' timeline (the second alternate) and then Picard/Lower Decks/Prodigy happened - rendering STO even less canon-adjacent than it already was (the third alternate)

Every time you play STO you're indulging in the concept of the multiverse

oh god....you just made me realize STO in that regard is almost a better version of Sliders.

I would even argue that TOS captains were probably background characters from the canon universe until Daniels sent them to an alternate timeline version of the 25th century,

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u/noahssnark avatar
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u/0_________o avatar

I won Champion Standing in the Bat'leth tournament

u/Drewsko199 avatar

But if the Sphere Builders and Noye were always TV canon does that mean that the game was only slightly off-branching before "righting"/wronging itself during the time travel nonsense?


Thing is, Noye is only referenced in STO - the Sphere Builders origin story, or at least STO's explanation of it, is only canon to STO's version of Star Trek

We don't know where STO's branching point is - maybe, like the mirror universe, it was always it's own universe

I mean, in reality, that's literally the case - Cryptic has always treated STO like it's 'own thing' and seem legitimately confused when people are surprised by that fact xD

We do know that we're not in the original version of STO's universe because Noye's wife - and her people - are no longer part of this universe or timeline

Some of the tech and equipment we used to make our universe-altering ships work came from them - but after the Krenim and Nog and our Captain fucked up, the Sphere Builders were excised from our universe and left as a non-existent events in space time that could no longer exist outside of their anti-time fields

In many ways, Noye and the Temporal Liberation Front had the right of it - our actions destroyed the original version of STO's timeline and by preventing them from meddling further with time, we were damning entire groups of people to non-existence (or worse)

It's just rather unfortunate that Noye and the TIF were willing to go even further and mass-murder whole sections of the galaxy (all so they could un-die and then be killed again) just to try and 'fix' everything :P

u/Enjoyer_of_40K avatar

did you do the mission where you go to the kelvin time line and read the computer files from the builders? the fuckers destroyed entire universe's just to make it habitable for themself

Of course - I'm not saying that the Sphere builders are some sort of great cosmic band of heroes

But I can understand their motivation - as well as the Na'kuhl

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Then, depressingly there is all the temporal shit the Tholians were doing.

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It might be Alternate to the third power due to our character's temporal meddling in the Iconian war.

That's what I meant with our character's temporal meddling in the Iconian war

Ok just making sure it gets extra mention because boy did Cryptic foreshadow the hell out of that, I don't think any one was fooled by "The others".

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u/Ashendal avatar

It's Parallels. They're all the same thing realistically, but that's the easiest way to understand it.

u/JRTD753 avatar


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JJverse is an alternate timeline. It's called the Kelvin Timeline.

But the Aetherials' universe just another universe or dimension, like fluidic space, the Mirror Universe, subspace, and more. It happens all the time in Trek. Someone mentions a quantum singularity and the deflector dish, and BOOM! You're in another universe. The Tholians are actually multidimensional beings, so they differentiate between universes like we do galaxies, so it might be best to think of it with this mindset.

Memory Alpha has a page on this phenomenon, and Memory Beta no doubt does too (though Memory Beta's content is of more questionable canonicity).

u/KCDodger avatar

It's just another timeline separate from anything else we know.

Strictly, it is not the Mirror Universe. Captain Sela and her Enterprise are not from a timeline that we are familiar with.

It's a multiverse. It's got multiple universes. That's how come they call it that.

u/Vetteguy904 avatar

yep, because there are many mirror universes. the TOS universe was not the same mirror we saw in DS9. too many people die in that universe so many if not most of them would never have been born, attended the same schools or made the same decisions to put them where they are.

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The whole game is an alternate timeline. I mean, how many fleet admirals could Starfleet actually have anyhow who just happen to be better than every legendary captain and have war-crime level weaponry and a massive selection of ships? 🤣

u/Farscape55 avatar



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Care to post some examples - or are you just being hateful for the fun of it???


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The art is clearly not AI though? Sela has the correct number of fingers for one.


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u/BentusFr avatar

Cryptic concept artist Chris Dien made the art. No AI was used, before anyone asks.

Thomas Marrone.

u/Huge_House215 avatar

Excusatio non petita...

u/BentusFr avatar

It's very annoying how more and more people are now "I don't like this [insert piece of content] so it has to be AI"

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u/Zeframs_Pierogi avatar

Worst take ever.


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Source: Trust me, bro

u/ChadHUD avatar

Maybe's AI Art Detector - Probabilities - 62% AI 38% human

Fake Image Detector - "Looks Computer Generated"

Iluminarty - AI probability 57.2%

Content at Scale - AI 62% Human 38%

According to AI art detection tools... at best you could say 50/50 this is AI, but they all side on this probably being AI.

My take.... this is a human arrangement of some Human created art and Obvious AI elements.

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u/Velhym avatar

Removed per subreddit rule 2. Be mature and respectful in your interactions with all community members, including developers, other players, and fellow subreddit users. Trolling, flaming, and personal attacks (such as directed or defamatory language) are not permitted here.

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