‎‘Sorry to Bother You’ review by actappalled • Letterboxd
Sorry to Bother You

Sorry to Bother You ★★★½

inventive as hell and a total trip. i like the way this uses mounting layers of absurdity to tackle some oh-so relevant social issues. tonally all over the place and some things seem a little underdeveloped but im a total sucker for commentaries of this sort that raise some genuinely interesting questions and offer a voice of frustration towards the asininity of having to subject oneself to the life-sucking monotony of wage labor. thought the final act missed the landing a bit and at times the silliness worked against the commentary but overall this was pretty sick

when i saw the (reverse?) detournement of huey newton in the wicker chair i got really invested because that is an all-time iconic image to me. pretty crazy reference to drop but it certainly serves its purpose here. i always go back and forth between wanting to see more leftist representation and perspectives in media and then getting sick at capitalisms ability to suck up the images of its dissidents and then regurgitate them back to the viewer as packaged commodity. yes, he did help overthrow fulgencio batista, but che guevara didnt wear his own t shirts

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