33 Facts About Andrew Garfield - Facts.net
Cornie Lundgren

Written by Cornie Lundgren

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


Andrew Garfield is a multifaceted actor known for his captivating performances on both stage and screen. With his charming charisma and remarkable talent, he has won the hearts of audiences worldwide. From his breakout role in "The Social Network" to his portrayal of the iconic superhero Spider-Man, Garfield has showcased his versatility and depth as an actor. In this article, we'll delve into 33 fascinating facts about Andrew Garfield, shedding light on his life, career, and the journey that has made him one of the most beloved figures in the entertainment industry. Whether you're a longtime fan or just getting to know this talented actor, these insights will offer a deeper understanding of the man behind the characters. So, let's embark on a captivating exploration of the life and career of Andrew Garfield. Get ready to be intrigued, entertained, and inspired by the incredible journey of this remarkable artist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Andrew Garfield, the acclaimed actor, was born in Los Angeles, California, and holds dual citizenship in the United Kingdom and the United States, adding to his international appeal.
  • Known for his versatility and humility, Andrew Garfield’s dedication to his craft and passion for storytelling have solidified his status as a respected and influential figure in the entertainment industry.
Table of Contents

Andrew Garfield was born in Los Angeles, California.

Andrew Garfield, the acclaimed actor known for his roles in “The Social Network” and “The Amazing Spider-Man,” was born in Los Angeles, California. His birthplace has been a source of interest for many fans and followers of the actor.

He was born on August 20, 1983.

Andrew Garfield’s birthdate is August 20, This marked the beginning of a remarkable journey for the talented actor who would go on to captivate audiences with his performances on screen.

Andrew Garfield’s full name is Andrew Russell Garfield.

The actor is known professionally as Andrew Garfield, but his full name is Andrew Russell Garfield. This interesting fact adds a personal touch to his public persona.

He has dual citizenship in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Andrew Garfield holds dual citizenship in both the United Kingdom and the United States, a unique aspect of his background that has contributed to his international appeal as an actor.

Andrew Garfield’s parents are from the UK.

His parents, Lynn and Richard Garfield, are originally from the United Kingdom. This connection to his British roots has played a significant role in shaping his identity and career.

He is of Jewish descent.

Andrew Garfield’s heritage is of Jewish descent, adding to the rich tapestry of his background and cultural influences.

Andrew Garfield’s mother is a teaching assistant, and his father is a swimming coach.

His mother, Lynn, works as a teaching assistant, while his father, Richard, has carved out a career as a swimming coach. This insight into his family background provides a glimpse into the values that have shaped his life.

He has an older brother.

Andrew Garfield has an older brother, who has been a part of his life since his early years. The bond between the two siblings has been a source of support and inspiration for the actor.

Andrew Garfield attended the City of London Freemen’s School.

During his formative years, Andrew Garfield received his education at the City of London Freemen’s School, where he began to cultivate his passion for acting and the arts.

He studied at the Central School of Speech and Drama.

Andrew Garfield pursued his interest in acting by studying at the Central School of Speech and Drama, an institution that played a pivotal role in honing his craft and preparing him for a successful career in the entertainment industry.

Andrew Garfield made his feature film debut in “Lions for Lambs” in 2007.

His feature film debut came in 2007 with “Lions for Lambs,” marking the beginning of his journey in the world of cinema. This milestone set the stage for his future accomplishments in the film industry.

He gained widespread recognition for his role in “The Social Network.”

Andrew Garfield’s portrayal of Eduardo Saverin in “The Social Network” garnered widespread recognition and critical acclaim, establishing him as a talented actor with a promising career ahead.

Andrew Garfield starred in “The Amazing Spider-Man” film series.

His role as the iconic superhero in “The Amazing Spider-Man” film series elevated his status in the entertainment world, solidifying his reputation as a leading actor in major blockbuster productions.

He received a Tony Award for his performance in “Angels in America.”

Andrew Garfield’s exceptional talent was acknowledged with a Tony Award for Best Actor in a Play for his role in “Angels in America,” showcasing his versatility and skill in live theater performances.

Andrew Garfield is known for his philanthropic efforts.

Beyond his acting career, Andrew Garfield is recognized for his philanthropic endeavors and commitment to various social causes, using his platform to advocate for positive change in the world.

He is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

Andrew Garfield has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, using his influence to support and promote equality and inclusivity within the community.

Andrew Garfield has received multiple award nominations for his work.

Throughout his career, Andrew Garfield has garnered numerous award nominations, reflecting the widespread recognition and acclaim he has earned for his contributions to the entertainment industry.

He is known for his intense dedication to his roles.

Andrew Garfield’s commitment to his craft is evident in his intense dedication to portraying characters with depth and authenticity, earning him respect and admiration from audiences and peers alike.

Andrew Garfield has a passion for music and playing the guitar.

Besides his acting pursuits, Andrew Garfield has a deep passion for music and enjoys playing the guitar, showcasing his multifaceted interests and talents.

He has worked with renowned directors in the film industry.

Andrew Garfield’s collaborations with esteemed directors have further solidified his position as a versatile and sought-after actor, demonstrating his ability to excel in a wide range of cinematic projects.

Andrew Garfield’s performances have left a lasting impact on audiences.

His compelling performances have resonated with audiences worldwide, leaving a lasting impact and cementing his status as a distinguished talent in the entertainment realm.

He has expressed a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling.

Andrew Garfield’s reverence for the art of storytelling is evident in his approach to each role, reflecting his profound respect for the power of narrative and its ability to connect people on a profound level.

Andrew Garfield’s versatility as an actor has been widely acknowledged.

His ability to embody diverse characters with authenticity and depth has garnered widespread acknowledgment, showcasing his versatility and range as an actor.

He is known for his humility and down-to-earth demeanor.

Despite his success, Andrew Garfield remains grounded and approachable, earning admiration for his humility and down-to-earth nature within the industry.

Andrew Garfield’s work has contributed to meaningful conversations in society.

His impactful performances have sparked meaningful conversations on important social issues, underscoring the influential role of storytelling in shaping cultural dialogue.

He has been involved in projects with a strong emphasis on human connections and emotions.

Andrew Garfield’s involvement in projects that prioritize human connections and emotional depth reflects his dedication to storytelling that resonates on a profound and heartfelt level.

Andrew Garfield’s dedication to his craft has earned him respect from peers.

His unwavering dedication to his craft has garnered respect and admiration from fellow actors and industry professionals, solidifying his reputation as a highly esteemed talent.

He is known for his collaborative spirit on set.

Andrew Garfield’s collaborative approach and supportive demeanor on set have contributed to positive working environments, fostering creativity and camaraderie among cast and crew members.

Andrew Garfield’s performances have evoked powerful emotions in audiences.

His ability to evoke profound emotions through his performances has resonated deeply with audiences, showcasing his capacity to connect with viewers on a deeply emotional level.

He has expressed gratitude for the opportunities that have shaped his career.

Andrew Garfield has openly expressed gratitude for the opportunities that have shaped his career, demonstrating his humility and appreciation for the journey that has led him to success.

Andrew Garfield’s authenticity shines through in his portrayals.

His authentic portrayals of characters have resonated with audiences, reflecting his commitment to bringing honesty and depth to every role he undertakes.

He continues to captivate audiences with his compelling performances.

Andrew Garfield’s ability to captivate and engage audiences with his compelling performances serves as a testament to his enduring impact on the world of entertainment.

Andrew Garfield’s dedication to his craft and his genuine passion for storytelling have solidified his status as a respected and influential figure in the entertainment industry.

His dedication to his craft, coupled with his genuine passion for storytelling, has cemented Andrew Garfield’s status as a respected and influential figure in the entertainment industry, inspiring audiences and fellow artists alike.


Andrew Garfield is a multifaceted actor who has captivated audiences with his diverse roles and exceptional talent. From his early days in theater to his breakthrough performances in Hollywood, Garfield has proven himself to be a versatile and compelling artist. His dedication to his craft, coupled with his genuine personality, has endeared him to fans around the world. As he continues to take on new and challenging projects, it’s clear that Andrew Garfield’s impact on the entertainment industry will endure for years to come.

And here are the FAQs:


Q: What are some of Andrew Garfield’s most notable film roles?
A: Andrew Garfield is renowned for his roles in films such as “The Social Network,” “The Amazing Spider-Man,” “Hacksaw Ridge,” and “Silence.

Q: Has Andrew Garfield won any major awards for his performances?
A: Yes, Garfield has received critical acclaim and accolades, including a BAFTA Award and a Tony Award nomination for his outstanding work.

Q: Is Andrew Garfield involved in any philanthropic efforts?
A: Garfield is known for his philanthropy and advocacy work, supporting various charitable causes and using his platform to raise awareness about important social issues.

Q: What sets Andrew Garfield apart as an actor?
A: Andrew Garfield’s ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters, along with his commitment to storytelling, sets him apart as a truly exceptional actor in the industry.

Q: How does Andrew Garfield approach his craft?
A: Garfield is known for his dedication to his roles, often immersing himself in the characters he portrays and approaching each project with passion and creativity.

Intrigued by Andrew Garfield's remarkable journey? Continue exploring his captivating career through the lens of his most notable films. From the gripping drama of "99 Homes" to the profound spiritual exploration in "Silence" and his iconic portrayal of a beloved superhero in "The Amazing Spider-Man," each article offers a unique glimpse into Garfield's versatile talent and the indelible mark he leaves on the silver screen. Immerse yourself in these fascinating facts and gain a deeper appreciation for the man behind the mesmerizing performances.

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