Who We Are - South Kent School
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Who We Are

The South Kent School Mission

South Kent School prepares young men to succeed in college and thrive as thoughtful and engaged citizens in a rapidly changing and intensely competitive world.  For over a century, South Kent School has been steadfast in its mission to prepare young men for success in college and beyond. Central to our ethos is the belief that education extends far beyond the classroom, shaping individuals who are not only academically proficient but also compassionate and engaged citizens. In a world characterized by rapid change and fierce competition, we equip our students with the tools and skills needed to navigate challenges with resilience and integrity. Our commitment to fostering thoughtful leadership and active participation in society underscores every aspect of our educational approach. At South Kent School, we are dedicated to empowering young men to excel academically, contribute meaningfully to their communities, and thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.

Trinity of Values

In 1923, when South Kent School was founded one hundred years ago, the School’s first headmaster Samuel S. Bartlett introduced the guiding principles, known as the Trinity of Values.

Trinity of Values is encapsulated in our motto—Simplicity of Life, Directness of Purpose, Self-Reliance.  These principles serve as a guiding light in our mission to educate students intellectually, socially, ethically, and spiritually. Rooted in these values, we cultivate a community where students are encouraged to embrace simplicity, focusing on what truly matters in life. With a clear sense of purpose, students are empowered to pursue their goals with determination and integrity, guided by a commitment to making meaningful contributions to the world. Through fostering self-reliance, we equip our students with the skills and confidence needed to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. By embracing these core values, we prepare our students not only for personal success but also to become compassionate, responsible global citizens dedicated to serving the common good beyond the gates of South Kent School.  Learn more about South Kent School History.

of life


of purpose

These fundamental principles, along with the lessons and traditions passed down by our earliest leaders, form the foundation of the School. Throughout the years, as the School has changed and grown, our Values and Mission remain relevant and continue to serve as a guide for all we do.

Meet Our Head of School
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Meet Our Admissions Team

Guided by our Mission, South Kent School’s academic, athletic, and student life programming work together to develop thriving young men. Using our contemporary expertise in male adolescent education, we are constantly evolving and adapting to ensure we are providing students with the skills and developing the character they will need to succeed in college and the world beyond.

“Experience here at South Kent has shown me that a boy will generally produce that which is expected of him. Expect him to be honest, fine and decent and nine times out of ten, he will.”

– Samuel S. Bartlett, Founding Headmaster



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