2022-2023 Fiscal Year – Highlights - Hamilton Conservation Foundation

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2022-2023 Fiscal Year – Highlights

2024-2025 Foundation Board Directors said good-bye to Grace Correia and welcomed Amanda Martin, outgoing and incoming Executive Directors, at this week’s Foundation General Annual Meeting. L-R: Graham Reid, Jennifer Stebbing, Paul Keast, Grace Correia, Kathy Lacasse, Margaret Reid, Amanda Martin, André Chabot, Mark Cachia. Missing: Suresh Daljeet


Our Annual General Meeting took place this week where we shared some highlights from the past fiscal year (December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023). These included:

  • A total of $1,115,808 raised through donations, grants and endowment interest
  • The Foundation Board approved the transfer of $873,774 to the Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) for the year’s conservation projects. These contributions included:
  • The second $500,000 instalment toward the first wetland at Salfleet Conservation Area, allowing HCA to re-direct budget and reserve funds to other projects;
  • Funding for the Outdoor Environmental Education Program, to ensure students continue to learn about nature;
  • $100,000 toward new trails and trail improvements at Westfield Heritage Village Conservation Area;
  • Funds for interpretive signage at various conservation areas;
  • Funding for plantings coordinated through HCA’s Stewardship Department; and
  • Funding for a consultant-led feasibility study to determine the Foundation’s fundraising capacity.

We continue to be grateful to our donors, for the continued belief in conservation and ensuring that programs and projects received the funding needed to continue.

Click here to review the Foundation’s full Audited Financial Statements.

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