Carman Lee Reveals Her Real Age (54!) And Why She Chooses To Remain Single - TODAY Skip to main content



Carman Lee Reveals Her Real Age (54!) And Why She Chooses To Remain Single

It’s definitely not for a lack of suitors.

It’s definitely not for a lack of suitors.

It’s definitely not for a lack of suitors.

Hongkong actress Carman Lee holds the enviable title of being the most gorgeous actress to play the role of Xiao Long Nu amongst the many screen adaptations of the classic wuxia novel, The Return of the Condor Heroes. And we can definitely see why. But her beauty isn't the only reason she's so attractive. She’s also super independent and cool, and has no problem telling off kaypoh netizens who continuously pressure her to tie the knot.

1 of 1 Carman Lee is single and fabulous

On August 16, Carman shared a series of photos to celebrate turning 54.

“Today, I’ve walked well through a large part of the road we call life, welcoming my 54th birthday,” she wrote. Her post surprised many as it was the first time the star has publicly acknowledged her age. So we suppose everyone can stop guesstimating now?

Carman then went on to share her views on body image, writing: “Everyone has different opinions on what being attractive is, but in truth, rather than being fat or skinny, what’s important is to be healthy. To me, our bodies need to have fat on it, but it must be muscle mass.”

​​​​​​​Carmen also addressed the number one question that netizens continue to ask her — why isn’t she married yet? This time, Carmen decided to share a little more about her decision.

“At the end of the day, I think that an ideal marriage, is when you meet the right person at the right time, not just ‘cos you’ve decided to reluctantly settle for a partner, she mused, going on to state : “Our lives should not be dictated by the rules of others, we all have to live well”.

Photos: PBE Media

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