Meet Elyse Myers: What to Know About the Comedian Who Shot to TikTok Fame for Viral 'Worst Date Ever' Video

Elyse Myers opens up to PEOPLE about building a following of millions, finding celebrity fans like Reese Witherspoon and spreading a message of positivity

Elyse Myers from Rep; Credit is Lauren Wade
Elyse Myers. Photo: Lauren Wade

"Let's feast!"

You might know it as the famous line from the viral — and hilarious — TikTok video which sees a woman recounting a bizarre first date in which a man she met on a dating app tricked her into buying him 100 tacos from a Taco Bell drive-thru.

That woman in question is 28-year-old comedian Elyse Myers, and while she didn't find true love in that moment, she did walk away from the date — and the grips of the man's potentially murderous father — with her boxes of tacos. It was also the basis of her building a community of more than 4 million followers.

"I remember thinking, 'No one's going to watch this.' Within the first hour, it just blew up," Myers tells PEOPLE of her unexpected fame. "I got really scared, and then it was cool. It was cool that people connected and thought it was so funny."

Since then, the Nebraska resident has seen her follower and like count grow rapidly thanks to her other similarly hilarious and relatable content, which covers everything from life's awkward moments to how to deal with ADHD.

"I've created this really cool community of people who see themselves in my stories," she says. "It's been a really unique situation that I did not expect, but I'm really thankful for it."

Here's everything to know about the Internet star, who will next be seen as a featured creator at VidCon in June.

She got her start in a different field.

Before downloading TikTok, Myers worked as a web developer. In 2018, she created her own web design firm, Myers Web Development, and she continued on in the job as she started posting consistently to the app in 2021.

"Since I was still working as a web developer, it wasn't something I was pouring into for money," she says. "It was just fun. As the account started growing really steadily, I started realizing, 'This could be something down the road.'"

Then, she says, her life flipped upside down when "the taco video happened."

"It happened so fast!" she says. "I did not expect all those eyeballs on my account."

Now Myers wakes up at 4 a.m. every morning to record her videos, which usually take her an hour to edit per minute of recording.

Elyse Myers
Elyse Myers.

She has celebrity fans.

Myers counts Leslie Jones and Reese Witherspoon, who even dueted her "Reese's Toast" TikTok recipe, among her millions of fans.

Of her famous following, Myers says, "It's so wild."

"I have not even had a moment to fangirl because they go from being people I really admire to friends, immediately," she says. "There's no awkward in-between of getting to know them or me being like, 'Oh my gosh, Reese Witherspoon, I love you so much.' It goes from us never even talking to her messaging me and being like, 'Yeah, we're best friends now.'"

"We're not really best friends," she quickly clarifies, "but it's super authentic and easy to interact with these celebrities."

With her videos, Myers says she's also gotten the attention of actors who want to co-write TV and film projects with her.

"We want to get those relatable messages across in a longer form, like YouTube," she says. "We also have a podcast coming, which is really cool because I hope to do longer-form content on different mediums, not just video."

One person's career trajectory Myers hopes she can emulate is Oprah's.

"I'm not trying to say I'm the next Oprah," she says with a laugh. "But she is powerful. She has something to say, and people know what she's about. She is the world's friend, and that's the hope I have for my career."

She's a family woman.

Beyond being a comedian and content creator, Myers is a wife to her husband Jonas — whom she married in 2018 — and mom to their baby boy August.

"I think I'm very lucky that I had a family before starting this," she says. "I have a husband, I have a son, and I'm not as easily persuaded to take feedback from people in the comments or to hear people's opinions of me, good or bad."

"Before all this happened, I had a lot of time to figure out who I was, and I'm very confident in that," she continues. "Moving forward, I want to stay this person that really believes in who she is, and I want to teach people how to love themselves exactly as they are. It takes me constantly checking in with myself, being open to feedback from people that really know me and love me in my life. The moment I stop receiving influence from my husband and my brothers and people who really know me, that's when I think I'm in danger of really losing who I am."

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Through it all, Myers says she's found it important to stay "realistic and humble" — but that doesn't mean Jonas won't take every opportunity to brag about his wife.

"We were at a Spurs basketball game recently, and we were sitting courtside, so the person next to me was like, 'How'd you get the tickets?'" Myers recalls. "I was like, 'It was a gift.' Then the moment they stopped talking, the commentators came up to us and were introducing themselves. A photographer came, then the dance squad for the Spurs. These people who we were just talking to were looking like, 'Who are these people?' Eventually they asked us what we do. Jonas showed them my TikTok, which embarrasses me every time, and the man was like, 'I would've never known that this was your life.'"

Jonas, Myers says, "is such a proud husband."

"He wants to show everybody," she says. "He's an extrovert, and I am so incredibly introverted that in public, I just want to hide. He's like, 'This is my wife, everybody!' It's really cute."

She hopes to help others by tackling difficult topics.

In her videos, Myers is open about dealing with mental health issues like ADHD, anxiety and depression, all of which she says she's "struggled with my whole life."

"I've had really high highs, and really low lows," she says. "I think that every time I've ever seen people talk about it, it's been really clinical, or it's like, 'This is something I used to struggle with, and now I'm healed from it.' There are some things that you just don't ever really heal from, and that's okay. It also doesn't have to be this weird clinical, cold thing. It can be a part of the human experience."

As a kid, Myers wishes it "wouldn't have been weird to talk about" what she was feeling.

"I would've gotten into therapy a lot sooner, and I wouldn't have felt like I had to hide it," she says. "It already is isolating to feel like you're the only one that feels that way, and most of the time, you're not. It's important to me to make it a really normal thing, to be able to be at coffee with somebody and be like, 'Yeah and then I was super depressed for a while.' To have that not be awkward is really important to me."

Along with sharing her own struggles, Myers also offers tips on her page for managing ADHD, like creating a whiteboard with a schedule for the week written out.

"I try and stay in my lane, and I don't give any medical advice obviously, but the things I can help with, like little ADHD hacks and stuff, I want to share all of it," she says. "I'm like, 'If it has helped me, I want it to help you.' I love sharing that kind of stuff."

In line with being open about mental health, Myers has called out the diet industry and the term "clean eating."

"I view all of those conversations through that lens of, 'How would I want my son to hear me talk about me?'" she says. "I grew up in a home that the way you looked and what you ate was really important and decided how successful you would be. It affected everything. I really want my son to know that is not important. Yes, I want you to feel good and be healthy, but healthy is a word that has been broken down and manipulated to mean so many things. I want my son to know that [how he looks has] no bearing on his worth or his value or how much I love him or how successful he will be."

With her content, Myers says she always wants to "add value to people's life."

"I want them to feel like they are at home in their bodies, in their minds, and they have a place where they belong," she says. "I don't ever like to create content and then dump it and walk away."

Even her famous "Worst Date Ever" video can be looked at as a public service announcement of sorts.

"I found out that the same thing happened to two or three other people at the same Taco Bell with the same person!" she says. "I've been able to prove that."

She's also a singer.

Along with creating her videos, Myers is also currently writing an album.

"I'm always writing music — that's just the way I process life," she says. "All the stuff I have on Apple Music and Spotify right now are things I wrote in college that I did not think anyone would hear. It was for my immediate family, which is why it's online, but people have been loving it and really connecting with it."

Now, she says. "I'm trying to create music that does that same thing as my videos, but just on an audio platform."

"Hopefully I'll get someone to partner with me and record it because I've recorded everything by myself and in a little closet with a USB mic," she says. "I hope to connect with somebody that actually knows what they're doing."

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