The Meaning Behind The Song: More Than This by Roxy Music - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: More Than This by Roxy Music

The Meaning Behind The Song: More Than This by Roxy Music

Roxy Music, a British rock band that was formed in 1970, was known for their innovative approach to music. Their fusion of rock, glam, and art rock made them stand out from other bands of their time. One of their best-known songs is “More Than This,” a track from their 1982 album, Avalon. The song’s meaning has been a topic of discussions among fans for many years, and this article aims to unravel the mystery behind it.

The Lyrics of More Than This

Before we dive into the meaning of the song, let’s take a closer look at the lyrics:

“I could feel at the time
There was no way of knowing
Fallen leaves in the night
Who can say where they’re blowing
As free as the wind
Hopefully learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning?”

The first verse sets the tone for the rest of the song. The narrator is reflecting on the past, acknowledging that it’s impossible to know what will happen in life. He likens life to “fallen leaves in the night,” something unpredictable and chaotic. He goes on to say that he’s trying to be “free as the wind,” and hopefully learn from his experiences. The last line is a metaphor for feeling like one’s life is out of their control – the tide does not turn back, just as certain things in life cannot be undone.

In the chorus, the narrator poses the question, “Do you remember the way it used to be?” and “Is there more than this?” The lyrics suggest that the narrator is dissatisfied with his current situation and feels like there must be more to life than what he is currently experiencing.

The second verse goes:

“All the boats I’ve missed
All the hell I’ve caused
All the lips I’ve kissed
All the love I’ve lost
I got kicked around
I’ve been black and blue
On my way to you”

The verses go deeper into the narrator’s past and the experiences that have brought him to where he is now. He acknowledges the mistakes he has made but suggests that they have all led him to where he is now – on his way to somebody he cares about.

The bridge goes:

“It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like a dream in the night
Who can say where we’re going?
No care in the world
Maybe I’m learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning?”

The bridge is another reflection on life’s unpredictability, likening it to a “dream in the night.” The narrator is hopeful and suggests that maybe he’s learning not to waste time worrying about things that are out of his control. He still looks to the tides as a metaphor for life’s unpredictability.

The Meaning of More Than This

As with most classic songs, the meaning of “More Than This” is subjective, and there’s no one right interpretation. However, some common themes emerge from the lyrics that fans and critics have identified over the years.

According to lead singer Bryan Ferry, the song was inspired by a breakup. When he wrote the lyrics, he was thinking about someone he had loved and lost. The song reflects on past relationships and the ups and downs of life, but ultimately, it’s about hope.

The lyrics suggest that no matter how much we mess up, we can still find our way back to someone we care about. The narrator has been through a lot of life experiences, and he acknowledges that he’s made mistakes but there’s still something more to life than the current situation. There’s a sense of optimism in the song despite acknowledging the difficulties of life.

The Music of More Than This

The meaning behind the lyrics is amplified by the music. The gentle beat combined with the dreamy synths creates a melancholic but hopeful mood. The melody, especially the chorus, is catchy and memorable.

The instrumental break towards the end of the song builds and intensifies the mood before it fades away, adding to the introspective nature of the song.

The Legacy of More Than This

“More Than This” is one of Roxy Music’s most beloved songs. In the years since its release, it has been covered by various artists, including 10,000 Maniacs, Norah Jones, and Charlie Hunter. The song has also been used in multiple movies and TV shows, including Lost in Translation and Gossip Girl.

The song came at the tail end of the New Romantic era and the beginning of the synth-pop era. It had a significant impact on the development of these genres and influenced artists such as Madonna, The Human League, and Depeche Mode.


What is the message of “More Than This”?

The message of “More Than This” is subjective and can vary depending on interpretation. However, the lyrics suggest that there is more to life than our current experiences. The narrator has been through difficult times but remains hopeful that there is something more.

Who wrote “More Than This?”

The song was written by Roxy Music’s frontman, Bryan Ferry.

What is the significance of the use of the tide in the lyrics?

The lyrics use the tide as a metaphor for life’s unpredictability and how some things are out of our control.

What inspired Bryan Ferry to write “More Than This”?

Ferry has stated that the song was inspired by a breakup and reflects on past relationships and experiences.

Why is “More Than This” considered a classic?

“More Than This” is considered a classic due to its catchy melody, introspective lyrics, and its influence on music genres such as synth-pop and New Romantic.

What movies and TV shows have used “More Than This” in their soundtrack?

“More Than This” has been used in various movies and TV shows, including Lost in Translation, Gossip Girl, and Fringe.

Who has covered “More Than This?”

Various artists have covered “More Than This,” including Norah Jones, Charlie Hunter, and 10,000 Maniacs.

What is the instrumental break towards the end of the song?

The instrumental break towards the end of the song builds and intensifies the mood before fading away, adding to the introspective nature of the song.

What is the legacy of “More Than This”?

“More Than This” is one of Roxy Music’s most beloved songs and has influenced various artists and genres since its release.

What makes “More Than This” different from other Roxy Music songs?

“More Than This” is different from other Roxy Music songs due to its gentleness and introspective nature compared to the band’s usually more intricate and complex sound.

What other Roxy Music songs should I listen to if I like “More Than This”?

If you enjoy “More Than This,” you should check out Roxy Music’s other hit songs like “Love Is The Drug,” “Virginia Plain,” and “Avalon.”

What genre is “More Than This” categorized under?

“More Than This” falls under the genre of New Wave or Synth-Pop.

What instruments are used in “More Than This”?

The song predominantly features electronic instruments such as synthesizers and drum machines, along with guitar and bass.

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