Netflix has added a great gangster thriller from the makers of Gomorrah
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Movies & TV

15th May 2024

Netflix has added a great gangster thriller from the makers of Gomorrah

Stephen Porzio

It comes from the director behind Sicario 2 and the TV shows Gomorrah and ZeroZeroZero.

Adagio, the new gangster thriller movie from director Stefano Sollima (Gomorrah, Sicario 2, ZeroZeroZero), has just been added to Netflix.

Set in a Rome plagued by blackouts and forest fires, the Italian film focuses on a teenage boy named Manuel (Gianmarco Franchini) who, after being busted by a trio of violent corrupt cops (led by Adriano Giannini), is blackmailed to take part in a dangerous scheme.

Panicking, Manuel flees from the cops and turns to two older men – Cammello (Pierfrancesco Favino) and Polniuman (Valerio Mastandrea) – for help in getting out of the situation.

It turns out Cammello and Polniuman were former members of a ruthless criminal gang with Manuel’s father, Daytona (Toni Servillo), who now has dementia.

Co-written by Sollima and Stefano Bises (also Gomorrah), Adagio explores big themes such as generational divides, loyalty amongst criminals and societal corruption – all through the lends of a pulse-racing chase thriller.

It also benefits from Sollima’s typically muscular direction, which not only makes every moment of violence hit like a ton of bricks but makes its Rome on the brink setting feel positively post-apocalyptic.

If you won’t take our word for it, you can read a sample of some other positive write-ups for Adagio right here:

Deadline: “Surprisingly, Sollima’s film went into production without a full script, but the finished film is confident, sleek and intricately organised.”

ScreenAnarchy: “A rousing combination of slick execution, dramatic grittiness, and grandiose morality that revels in the mythic archetypes of the genre and swings for the fences with its Shakespearean themes of honour, loyalty, destiny and death.”

Screen International: “It should… be embraced by global audiences with an appetite for classy Italian genre fare.”

Adagio is streaming on Netflix in Ireland, the UK and the US right now.

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