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Sarah Lennox

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Sarah Lennox is a human from the live-action film continuity family.
Movie Sarah Lennox.jpg

Sarah Lennox is the wife of William Lennox and the mother of his newly born daughter Annabelle.


Transformers film

Actor: Samantha Smith
Voice actor: Lola Oria (Castilian Spanish dub), Toni Rodríguez (Latin-American Spanish dub), Virginie Méry (European French dub)

After returning from a mission behind enemy lines, Captain Lennox talked to his wife via a VoIP program. He was able to look at his new born daughter, to which Sarah replied that she had Will's laugh. When he inquired if it wasn't just gas, Sarah replied that their daughter was a lady. Unfortunately, the call was interrupted due to mysterious interference. Lennox was just barely able to tell Sarah he loved her and that he would be home soon.

Later that evening, however, Sarah was watching television, where Defense Secretary John Keller said that SOCCENT Forward Operations Base was attacked by unknown hostiles, and that there were no confirmed survivors. Though fearing the worst, Sarah assured her daughter that her daddy was okay.

After the Battle of Mission City, Lennox was given a ride home by some truck, and reunited with Sarah and their daughter. Transformers

Revenge of the Fallen


In Egypt searching for the Matrix of Leadership and on the run from authorities around the world, Sam Witwicky needed to get a message to both Lennox and Raymond Epps, but knew that calling them directly would give himself away, so he decided to contact his friends at NEST indirectly.

Sarah was relaxing at home by the pool when Sam called up asking for help in contacting her husband and Epps. Sarah told Epps' wife Monique who in turn called her husband on an insecure line. While she made the call appear to be ordinary husband and wife chit-chat, Monique was able to get the true message through: Sam wanted NEST to deliver Optimus Prime to Egypt. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (novel) Revenge of the Fallen: The Junior Novel Revenge of the Fallen #3

This event did not occur in the movie itself, where Seymour Simmons made the call directly instead.