immobile - definition of immobile in English from the Oxford dictionary

Definition of immobile in English:


Pronunciation: /ɪˈməʊbʌɪl/


1not moving; motionless: she sat immobile for a long time
More example sentences
  • My back ached every time the bandages shifted, forcing me to keep my back stiff and immobile.
  • Imagine dozens of wheezing, perplexed pugs romping, sneezing, and peeing on anything immobile.
  • The body is so mute, so immobile that one might think she is dead.
  • I keep staring at the buck as I go for cover, but the buck is immobile.
  • There was certainly no need to plan the route - we were going nowhere - or worry about the traffic, which was as immobile as school custard.
  • After four hours, breakfast is still sitting in my stomach like a lead balloon, sullen and immobile.
  • After the house lights came up, the audience remained immobile in their seats as if stricken: an apt reaction.
  • The three of us have formed an involuntary and immobile conga-line, like a trio of backpackers on a rush-hour commuter train.
  • Their faces were as immobile as those of potentates receiving tribute from conquered tribes.
  • Sleeping is probably the only time you ever see his face relaxed, relatively immobile and at peace.
  • A crowd will slowly build around you, faces immobile, sometimes catching your eye, nodding.
  • Photography must seize upon this moment and hold immobile the equilibrium of it.
  • It's all fun and games until your kid is lying immobile on the ice, isn't it?
  • At room temperature, the bright regions between the dark domains were relatively immobile.
  • Usually, the mass is relatively immobile, with a broad-based attachment.
  • Even otherwise healthy passengers are at some risk if they remain immobile during the flight.
  • They stood immobile with the flames racing around them in a fury of sparks.
  • Neil stood immobile, staring at the door Ella had just walked through.
  • They stood immobile, gazing after him until the forest hid him from their sight.
  • While awaiting the results she became almost immobile and didn't know how she could carry on.
motionless, unmoving, without moving, still, stock-still, static, stationary, at rest, at a standstill, dormant;
rooted to the spot, fixed to the spot, rigid, frozen, stiff, riveted, transfixed, like a statue, as if turned to stone, not moving a muscle, immobilized
1.1 incapable of moving or being moved: an immobile workforce
More example sentences
  • Abbie suffers from severe spinal muscular atrophy which renders her almost immobile.
  • The other had severe lung problems that rendered her practically immobile.
  • Several years ago, Ed had suffered a stroke that rendered him immobile.
  • Unless it was made completely immobile, it wasn't going to stop moving.
  • His left hand has become completely immobile because of illness.
  • Once stabilized, he went home but remained immobile for about three months.
  • Their exaggerated expressions emphasize their predicament of being alive but trapped within their utterly immobile forms.
  • What good is intellect if it leaves us immobile and frozen in indecision?
  • However, if he becomes immobile, a successor likely will have to be chosen quickly.
  • His right arm was badly swollen and totally immobile.
  • Desperately, she tried to reach for the ring, but it seemed as if her hands had frozen, forever immobile.
  • He also stressed that elderly and immobile parishioners relied heavily on lifts and that current public transport on Sundays was inadequate.
  • With the expected arrival of our second child, the first being one year old, I suffered a back injury, such as to make me immobile.
  • When her blood-sugar level drops she becomes completely immobile and if it is low for more than two hours, she could die or be seriously brain damaged.
  • Actually, despite being mostly immobile for the last two days, I awoke feeling pretty damn good.
  • Against the immobile champion, the result was devastation.
  • His left hand has become completely immobile because of illness.
  • When prey arrives they quickly seize its extremities, pulling on legs, arms and antennae until the hostage is rendered immobile.
  • By destroying one of these, the creature may become immobile, but there is no guarantee it will not feel pain at other points during the boiling.
  • Some are blind, some are immobile, some are still suffering from venereal diseases and nobody cares about them.
immovable, unbudgeable;
immobilized, fixed, secure, stable, rooted, riveted, moored, anchored, braced, fast, firm;
stuck, jammed, stiff
technical immotile, immotive


Middle English: from Old French, from Latin immobilis, from in- 'not' + mobilis (see mobile).

Words that rhyme with immobile


For editors and proofreaders

Line breaks: im|mo¦bile