Fashion and Textiles - Glasgow School of Art
Yimei Lu, MDes Fashion & Textiles , 2023.

Fashion and Textiles

MDes Fashion + Textiles
School of Design
Direct to the School

Programme overview

The Master of Design in Fashion and Textiles at The Glasgow School of Art is an advanced skills postgraduate programme designed to meet the ambitions of motivated fashion and/or textile graduates who wish to extend, develop and refine their design practice. The programme welcomes two broad types of fashion design student, each of which has a characteristically different approach. One can broadly be described as ‘Textile, or surface, led’ with a design approach considered to be from the ‘Textile-outwards’. The other can broadly be described as ‘Silhouette, or shape, led’ with a design approach considered to be from the ‘Silhouette-inwards’. Textile-led fashion designers are more concerned with the surface (print, embroidery, decoration) or structure (weave) of the fabric in a garment and tend to think more in two dimensions when designing. Silhouette led designers are more concerned with the shape, cut, outline and construction of a garment and tend to think more in three dimensions when designing. Knitwear is considered a hybrid activity as the structure of the knitted cloth and the shape of the knitted garment are considered simultaneously. The emphasis might be on knitted structures or fully fashioning. All GSA degree programmes are validated by the University of Glasgow.

Jiujiu Tian, MDes Fashion & Textiles, 2023.

How to apply

More on how to apply for all of our postgraduate programmes.

Ramona Lindsay, Painting and Printmaking, 2023.

Application Guidelines + Digital Portfolio

Shitao Tang, MDes Fashion & Textiles, 2023.

This guide contains important information including entry requirements, English language requirements, the application process and sample portfolios.

Postgraduate Showcase

Join us for Postgraduate Degree Show - immerse yourself in our digital showcase of graduating students' work and see final year projects from students of this programme.

Chuan Du, MLitt Fine Art Practice, 2023.

Graduate destinations

The digital portfolio is a very important part of your application to study at The Glasgow School of Art. It is a collection of images of your design work laid out clearly to demonstrate your ideas, skills, interests and suitability for the programme you are applying to. Uploading a digital portfolio is mandatory for all postgraduate taught degrees in the School of Design except MSc Product Design Engineering. Applicants to this programme have the option to upload if you have relevant project work from previous experience. Your digital portfolio should show recently completed and/or work-in-progress including research, development work, evidence of exploration, as well as resolved pieces. Admissions staff assess your application form, digital portfolio, and personal sta

Information to Support You In Planning Your Learning

Additional information to support you in planning your learning. Individual departments levy material fees as indicated on this page. You should budget for each year of your programme of study and should allow for costs over and above your fees and maintenance.

Xingjing Liu (MDes Fashion and Textiles 2023)

Current Programme Specification

Fashion + Textiles - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet agna vitae dolor egestas, quis pharetra dui feugiat. Morbi quis rutrum enim, at sodales ex. Morbi tempus diam ac quam mollis, eget lobortis est blandit. Etiam eu leo vel ligula volutpat placerat nec eu metus. Sed non neque dictum risus pretium facilisis. Fusce id lacus elementum, dictum felis vel, dignissim nisi. In sit amet nulla fringilla, luctus ipsum at, rhoncus velit. Proin sit amet nulla id magna blandit dignissim sit amet non tellus. Fusce fermentum velit posuere pretium pellentesque. Pellentesque vel euismod ex. Morbi dictum, erat vel iaculis condimentum, leo tellus placerat diam, ultrices vestibulum massa odio ac leo. Aenean tempor convallis turpis vel aliquet. Morbi vel volutpat eros. Nunc a orci at ante euismod euismod. Donec quis risus nunc. Quisque dignissim sapien metus, imperdiet laoreet sapien ornare non. Nunc elementum lacinia velit eget efficitur. Nulla porttitor dolor augue, at viverra sapien pulvinar in. Nam sit amet congue lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus in sem porttitor, accumsan lectus at, pharetra ante. Nunc luctus porta mauris, id egestas metus. Pellentesque tempor dignissim condimentum. Donec auctor semper blandit. Duis efficitur nunc vel felis porta, vel varius dolor sodales.

Reading Lists

Visit the library for the specialist reading lists for this programme. Key resources are expected to be read/viewed by all students enrolled on this course during study. You can also find wider and suggested reading on the subject, with many of the contents available to read online once students have enrolled on the programme.

Weronika Siuda, Textile Design, 2018.

International Students + VISAs

As one of the leading art schools in the UK, The Glasgow School of Art welcomes international students to all of its programmes. The School offers an environment in which difference is encouraged and diversity of background and approach is valued.

Ka Ki Wong, MDes Photography, 2017.

Exchange & Study Abroad

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This programme participates in the Associate Student Scheme

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This programme is subject to validation

We review the content of our programmes regularly, making changes where necessary to improve the student experience and our graduate prospects.  This programme is being reviewed and is subject validation. You can read more about what ‘Subject to Validation’ means here.

Kate Timney, MLitt Art Writing School of Fine Art, 2023.