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Film / Jury Duty

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Yeah, this doesn't go much better than when Ernest was on the jury.
Jury Duty is a 1995 courtroom comedy starring Pauly Shore, Tia Carrere, Stanley Tucci, Brian Doyle-Murray, Shelley Winters and Abe Vigoda.

After being rejected at tryouts at a strip club owned by his uncle along with his mother and her boyfriend go to Las Vegas to get married, Tommy Collins (Shore) gets himself enrolled as a jury member in a murder trial and pulls every trick to prolong the proceeding in order to exploit the remuneration paid to jury members.

This film is the last film to star veteran actress Billie Bird, who was in her late eighties at the time.

Not to be confused with Jury Duty.

This film provides examples of:

  • Axe-Crazy: Once it's been revealed he's the serial killer, complete with a Psychotic Smirk, Tucci goes for full-on ham.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: A man Tommy meets before going into jury duty is seen trying to get out of it, before meeting with Tucci's character. Later, that man was the real Frank, and Tucci's character was posing as him for the trial as a member of the jury.
  • Disguised in Drag: Tommy ends up dressing up Bishop's "girlfriend" to visit him in prison. Bishop doesn't take it well.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: When Tommy is collecting polystyrene cups with his stepfather Jed, he discovers that the killer wasn't a fast food employee, but an environmentalist, which ultimately reveals that the juror known as Frank is the killer.
  • Gunman with Three Names: The killer on trial is named, Carl Wayne Bishop.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": The phrase "penis envy" is uttered in a courtroom scene, and Tommy interrupts the proceedings simply to ask for that to be repeated.
  • In Name Only: The German release of this film advertised it as a sequel to Son in Law, even though both films are unrelated in any way, aside from starring Pauly Shore.
  • Kangaroo Court: Before Tommy is able to turn them all around, the jury was dead set on making Bishop fry on the electric chair.
  • Kill and Replace: Subverted. Billy, whom the jurors know as Frank, ends up taking the identity of the real Frank, who was trying to get out of jury duty. But, at the movie's end, Billy knocks out Frank and was planning on killing him before Tommy showed up.
  • Large-Ham Announcer: Tommy gets a hold of a microphone on the bus and adopts this persona just to break the ice with his fellow jurors.
  • Manchild: Tommy. He's crude, rude, and an idiot. (Come on, it's a Pauly Shore movie!) Although he gets better following actual Character Development after visiting Bishop in prison and studying law.
  • Miscarriage of Justice: The trial against Carl Wayne Bishop ends in a mistrial.
  • Serial Killer: Carl Wayne Bishop is being on trial for killing seven fast food managers, and it turns out the real killer is enacting as Gaia's Avenger.
  • Unsettling Gender-Reveal: An attractive woman who is willing to give Tommy a dollar, ultimately turns to be a cross-dressing man, judging by "her" deeper and masculine voice, causing Tommy to flee in disgust.
    Cross-dressing man: Let's go back to my place and cuddle.
    Tommy: Eww.
